Show us your nest boxes! Ingenous design post it here!

My father is a mechanic, and very good with his hands, so he often builds our nesting boxes and coops by scratch.

We have five very good nesting boxes made of simple boards to form a box shape.

He also built our Silkies' coop / nesting box.

It has a decently sized ramp with some roofing shingles for traction. Inside is a large area with a small indented box for nesting. The top opens, with a pole to keep it standing. For someone of my stature (5 foot 3!), it's inexplicably heavy. I'm looking into the door right now, just a frame of chicken wire. (ignore the curious cat. XD)

Underneath is an area where the chickens can go for sunlight, and a spot for shade under the box itself.

More angles. As you can see, the chicken wire goes all the way around the bottom and top half of the coop. Unfortunately, it needs to be on flat ground, or the chicks will wriggle through the holes on the bottom, as seen covered up by a pole in photo two. Whoops, haha.
Mine are 15" tall. Here's a link that might help.

I have three boxes that are 30cm (app 12") wide x 30cm (app 12") deep x 25cm high (app 10"). My question is, will this be too high for my Brown Leghorns (who are apparently a cross between a normal size and Bantam
)? We were thinking of cutting the front a little lower for it to get in.

Also, how deep do you fill the container? I was thinking about 3/4 or should it be half?


Knowing that nesting boxes were going to be nessesary I incorporated them into the coop build. They open from the outside for gathering eggs. The bottoms swing down for easy cleaning.
The platform is just an oversized shipping pallet with some scrap wood attached! We have somewhere between 60 and 70. We have had several disappear over the last week. We started with 80. :(
My nesting box is made out of TV armiore which was divided into 4 boxes and the bottom cabinets are on the floor for more storage. The doors shut and latch but are always open from inside the coop. I might hang curtains depending on if they are being used correctly.


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