Recent content by slmwatts

  1. slmwatts

    Help, Hot feet and panting!

    Thank you. It is not hot enough here right now for heat issues. (80s in day, 50s at night). She is free range so maybe something got to her but I saw no signs of wounds etc. We did dip her in cool water and she perked up a bit but went back to panting soon after. Will offering PoultryCell...
  2. slmwatts

    Help, Hot feet and panting!

    Help please! I have a 6 months pullet who my kids just found laying on her side. She’s breathing heavy panting and her legs and feet are burning up. Fever? Cause? Remedy?! All other birds seem fine.
  3. slmwatts

    Aggressive Hens?!

    I hatched a batch of 28 back in March they are 19wk5days old. About 1.5 months ago I culled out 10 roosters. The ones I wasn’t sure about I kept in a separate pen. Sure enough another 7 are roosters. They are all in a pen together , next door to the coop. A couple of them don’t crow but look...
  4. slmwatts

    Cull or keep

    Trying to decide if I’m in denial. I hatched 28 eggs on March 27 and now I’ve got to cull out the roosters. I’ve already culled 7 that I was sure about. I’ve got 8 more, but I’m thinking 2 might possibly be pullets. In the photos, the questionables are the mostly white one with brown, and the...
  5. slmwatts

    When can you tell feather pattern and sex?

    Hi all! I hatched 29 chicks 10 days ago. I got the eggs from a friend who has EE, prairie bluebells, starlights greens, OE, & WTB, with EE and WTB Roos. I realize these breeds mean pretty random coloring. Any way to predict what the mature bird will look like based on 10 day old feathers? Also...
  6. slmwatts

    Shrink wrap follow-up?

    I assisted a shrinkwrapped chick but she’s got a hardened coating on her. Should I clean her up or leave her be? Also, I’m on day 22 and 13/16 hatched in one incubator and 12/41 in the other. Any hope that second hatch rate will go up? When should I peek? Assist?
  7. slmwatts

    Assist hatch?

    Thanks everyone. The egg did not develop as I’d thought and I think the crack was merely a lead-up to explosion. I took it out before that happened.
  8. slmwatts

    Assist hatch?

    I did read it. I guess I just wanted some hand-holding! I’m about to try candling and manually pipping it more.
  9. slmwatts

    Assist hatch?

    Chicken. Went by size, did not candle before yesterday. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  10. slmwatts

    Assist hatch?

    Against all advice I put a double yolker in my incubator. I candled and it looked possibly viable yesterday (hatch day). Today there’s a long crack and I think I see feathers. It’s looked like this for 5 hours? What should I do?
  11. slmwatts

    Official coloration names

    I think the first is penciled? (And I think she’s an EE).
  12. slmwatts

    Official coloration names

    Can someone help me know what colors to call these birds? I see all the official names like Partridge and Wheaten but don’t know how they apply to my own birds, as there seems to be some gradient to every official coloration. A learning link would be appreciated along with labels for these...
  13. slmwatts

    Menagerie pre-guessing

    A friend gave me 50+ eggs to try for my first incubator hatching (in 2 bators). I’m on a mission for the rainbow egg basket. She said her hens are WTB, EE, OE, Prarie Bluebell, Starlight Green. But I saw a speckled Sussex when I picked up the eggs!🙂 Her Roos are WTB and EE. I probably won’t...
  14. slmwatts

    Chicks dying!

    It’s an open air cage 4x4feet with a 1.5x1.5’ box inside for shelter and a heat lamp on during night because temps get down to 70F. Day temps are 95+ so no heat lamp then, and they have the ability to get away from it too. The bottom of the cage is dirt and sand with some very fine gravel. Big...
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