Assist hatch?


7 Years
Sep 16, 2015
Against all advice I put a double yolker in my incubator. I candled and it looked possibly viable yesterday (hatch day). Today there’s a long crack and I think I see feathers. It’s looked like this for 5 hours? What should I do?


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Against all advice I put a double yolker in my incubator. I candled and it looked possibly viable yesterday (hatch day). Today there’s a long crack and I think I see feathers. It’s looked like this for 5 hours? What should I do?
Are you certain it is a double yolker, chicken egg I assume?
A lot of times twins have trouble getting out because they can't get the leverage, or have the space, to turn in the egg. I'd start by opening the egg over the air cell so you can try to see what's going on in there.
Against all advice I put a double yolker in my incubator. I candled and it looked possibly viable yesterday (hatch day). Today there’s a long crack and I think I see feathers. It’s looked like this for 5 hours? What should I do?
Have you read the article about assisted hatching?

It talks about how to assist, when to assist, and when to NOT assist.

I know it does not address twins, and I have no personal experience with them, but I think some things will be applicable anyway.

For example, if you see big blood vessels, or if it begins to bleed, you should give it more time for the chicks to absorb their yolks.

If you can see feathers but no veins, I might start picking small bits off the eggshell near the crack, to make it easier to see, but definitely stop if any bleeding happens.

Two chicks are likely to have more trouble than one, because they will get in each other's way. But two chicks also means two yolks that need absorbing. So it will probably be tricky to figure out how much to do at what time.

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