Recent content by Small Town Girl

  1. Small Town Girl

    fluffy feathered eating machines

    I've been feeling bad for mine since it's been so cold lately and I've been making them hot oatmeal in the morning. I'm lucky if I get to eat an untoasted Pop Tart in the car on the way to work....
  2. Small Town Girl

    Dog Attack, Advice Needed

    My pet chicken was attacked by the neighbors' dog this summer. She had some really nasty tears/puncture wounds and I figured that she would die from shock. I just put her in a box with a blankie in the kitchen and waited for nature to take its course. She came out of it (mostly because she...
  3. Small Town Girl

    ALL GONE! --- VEGGIE SEEDS! ----ALL GONE! No More Seeds Left----

    That would be awesome!!!! I will send you a few photos of necklaces tomorrow and you can take your pick! Purple carrots - how cool is THAT????
  4. Small Town Girl

    ALL GONE! --- VEGGIE SEEDS! ----ALL GONE! No More Seeds Left----

    Hi there! I would love to try some new veggies. If they are still available, I'd like to have some dwarf grey sugar peas and some scarlet runner beans. I just moved this year, so I just started a garden. I will try to round up a few seeds for you. Do you wear jewelry? I am a jewelry...
  5. Small Town Girl

    What do you DO with all the chicks?

    I've seen quite a few ads on Craig's List for chicks. You could post an ad there and sell off your extras. I'm in central Ohio and most chicks seem to go for between $2 - $5, depending on the breed. You're not going to get rich, but you and the girls will have the fun of hatching some chicklets!
  6. Small Town Girl

    We are Getting GOATS!

    Yep, you need....SHEEP. They love grass. Sheep, hmm? So what do you guys think - could I get a couple of sheep, give them poodle cuts and pass them off as some sort of exotic dog?
  7. Small Town Girl

    We are Getting GOATS!

    our grass is safe from goats, unless they're starving. Well, so much for my brilliant idea of getting a goat and never having to mow the grass again......
  8. Small Town Girl

    We are Getting GOATS!

    How come animals that are notorious for eating ANYTHING are so fussy about their water???? Just wondering.....
  9. Small Town Girl

    We are Getting GOATS!

    That is awesome!!!! Are you planning on raising goats for meat/milk or are they just going to be pets? My BF really wants to get some goats. We've talked about it and thought we'd like to try making goats milk soap. If you don't mind me asking, where did you find your goats? I still owe him...
  10. Small Town Girl

    Names? Any suggestions?

    WHAT were we thinking?????
  11. Small Town Girl

    help get me started making simple cheeses?

    My BF inherited a farm and eventually wants to get some goats. I am trying to talk him into making goat cheese or goats milk soap. Looks like I am going to send him some of these links!!! BTW - there is a show on Discovery called "Dirty Jobs" and they just showed an episode at a cheese...
  12. Small Town Girl

    Names? Any suggestions?

    I was going to name my girls after silent movie stars - Mabel, ZaSu, Clara, etc. However, when they arrived, I ended up naming the frizzle cochin banty after my neighbors' daughter who is also tiny, blond and curly! So, I had a FiFi (the daughter's nickname) and I sort of got on a French...
  13. Small Town Girl

    Scaredy Rooster?

    My four nuggets still live in the house.....
  14. Small Town Girl

    Eggs in Bator- Ethical question? Decisions to make.. HELP!

    Linda - If you decide to hatch & ship, I'll take 4 or 5! It looks like you could have all the babies spoken for before they hatch. I don't think shipping should be that difficult. I paid MPC an extra $15 to ship only 4 chicks. They arrived in a tiny box with straw and one of those instant...
  15. Small Town Girl

    Mystery animal???

    Sounds like a cougar to me. Even if they aren't native to your area, it could have been introduced by a human. There was a case in Springfield, IL a few years ago where two fishermen found a baby cougar crying on the shore of a lake. They fed it hot dogs and called Animal Control. Turns out...
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