We are Getting GOATS!

I would also highly recommend getting a probiotic and getting that into their system asap. It can really help a goat that has just moved or is under other stress. You can get one for horses and that will work fine.
Welcome to the world of goats!!!! I just got my two little kids about 2 weeks ago....and boy have I learned a lot and need to know more...... I would also suggest to join The Goat Spot ......it is just like this forum, but for goats......it has been a life saver for me! I have read about goats for over 1yr and thought I was ready...wrong!...there is so much to know! I have read everything I can find on the internet and I went to Tractor Supply and bought a book......mine are pygmies....they are so entertaining and comical.....mine are 3 months old and they had still been with their mom....so when I got them home they cried for 2 days straight!!!!!! Broke my heart.....they are settling in now.....I did take mine to see our farm vet.....he gave them their yearly shot....CDT.....and I would recommend that if yours haven't already had them.....I know that you can buy them at Tractor supply and give them yourself.....I don't know the first thing about giving shots and since ours are little, we just loaded them up in our dog crate and took them to the vet. He also had me bring in fecal samples and both of my little guys were positive for Cocci....which can be deadly if left untreated.....so mine are being treated for that right now. I have fresh hay out for them at all times and I only give 1/4 cup of goat ration 2x's a day....mine are boys and will be casterated soon....I know males don't required as much grain as does. I also have free choice Purina Goat Minerals out for them and a salt lick. Probably the one thing I have been told over and over is to always make sure they have clean water....I guess they drink a lot and they won't drink dirty water.
Enjoy them....it hasn't taken my husband and I long to fall in love with ours.
Denise from Indiana
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They have a back yard cows sight...we should get a goat sight.

The lady I got my goat from had her buck way on the other side of the barn...Just walking past the boys pen was a little stinky. The section where the girls were was almost sweet smelling, I mainly smelled hay and grain.

I'm not sure that they are supposed to have milk if they have been bred. I had read that they are supposed to be "dried up" for at least 2 mos. before breeding...to give them a rest. Unless they have been accidently bred. (another reason for keeping bucks far away from the does)

I figure that with all the reading that I have done, the best way to learn more about them is to do it hands on...I found that everything i read sometimes doesn't go with the goat.

Correct me if I'm wrong?
My goat won't drink dirty...or Old water. old means it was put in the bucket this morning, and this evening it's old. also I read that goats love and will drink more water if it's warm. Try it, and see, because mine loves it. She gulps it down.
because they won't actually eat anything

Your grass is safe from goats, unless they're starving. They like broad-leaf plants (weeds) and shrubbery. They eat what horses and cows often won't.
our grass is safe from goats, unless they're starving.

Well, so much for my brilliant idea of getting a goat and never having to mow the grass again......
Well, so much for my brilliant idea of getting a goat and never having to mow the grass again......

Yep, you need....SHEEP. They love grass.
Yep, you need....SHEEP. They love grass.

Sheep, hmm? So what do you guys think - could I get a couple of sheep, give them poodle cuts and pass them off as some sort of exotic dog?

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