Recent content by StaatsFarms

  1. StaatsFarms

    Switching 8 week olds to layer feed... yes, no???

    Thanks for the input all. I guess I will keep them seperated from the rest of the flock and on grower for another 6 weeks or so. My last batched I switched over around 14 weeks and they seem to be doing just fine, so I will do the same with this batch. Once again, thanks for all the...
  2. StaatsFarms

    Switching 8 week olds to layer feed... yes, no???

    I have fifteen 8 weeks olds that I would like to put out with the rest of the flock. Has anyone switched theirs off of grower and on to layer feed this early? any suggestions/ comments would be great!!!
  3. StaatsFarms

    Introducing new birds to older ones

    wow!!! 16 weeks!?!?!? I was hoping a little sooner
  4. StaatsFarms

    Can someone tell me what is causing this

    yeah, i have noticed the feathers look like they are starting to grow back in and in a few days they are gone
  5. StaatsFarms

    Pictures of my coop. My girls moved into it a 2 weeks ago!

    nice coop!!! one suggestion that i learned, put the roost higher that the nest boxes if possible. otherwise they will be roosting in or on top of the nest boxes
  6. StaatsFarms

    Introducing new birds to older ones

    i have 12 9 week old chicks, some standards and a few bantams. at what point can i put them with the older hens(which are all standards)? and when can i switch them over from starter feed to the layer that the older girls are getting
  7. StaatsFarms

    Can someone tell me what is causing this

    can someone tell me what is causing this. 4 out of my 10 hens have this on their backs. i initially thought it was from the roosters but, they have been gone for a couple months now and it doesn't seem to be growing back in any help would be appreciated
  8. StaatsFarms

    Introducing new birds to an older flock... need a little advise

    thanks for the advise. I just got the chicks today and have them in a brooder in the basement. I think around 4 weeks I will section off a part of the coop and let them stay out there for a few weeks, so they get to know each other. then give it a shot
  9. StaatsFarms

    Introducing new birds to an older flock... need a little advise

    We are getting 10 more chicks next week and I will be keeping them in a brooder seperate from my other 12 hens (almost a year old). My question is when I put them all together (around 5-6 weeks) how should I feed them? the older ones are eating Layer feed, but I will have to give the younger...
  10. StaatsFarms

    At what age do Hens start to go broody?

    My wife wants to leave a couple eggs in the coop to see if one of the hens will sit on them and hatch them. They are almost a year old. I don't think they are old enough yet and none of them are showing any interest in sitting on the eggs. Should we just leave them in there and see what happens...
  11. StaatsFarms

    Egg eating chickens! Help!

    I had this same problem!!! So, I got an inexpensive security camera, placed it in the coop, and watched. Within 45 minutes I knew the culprit. She would kick the hen that just laid the egg out of the nest and destroy it within 1 minute of being laid. I went from getting 8-10 eggs a day to...
  12. StaatsFarms

    First time butchering... question

    this may be a dumb question, but if we want skinless meat for soup do I still need to pluck???
  13. StaatsFarms

    Off The Ground?

    Quote: I am interested in what you mean by insulating the floor? Do you just have joists running underneath with batts of insulation between? it is an 8X8 frame with joist in it... it is framed out with 2X6's, isulation batts in between, 1/2" plywood on the bottom, and 3/4" plywood on the...
  14. StaatsFarms

    Off The Ground?

    Mine is up off the ground 18"... I did this so I could fully insulate the floor and seal it (top & bottom)... this also provides a shaded area for the birds during the summer... If you want I can post a picture so it gives you a better idea of what I'm attempting to explain
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