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  • Hi ! congrats on the baby polish , what color ? Hope you are doing well. I read your story about Miracle and so odd the same thing just happened to me yesterday ! Big hugs
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    Reactions: Tacampbell1973
    GRANNY! Sooo glad to hear from you! I think of you very often. Sorry about not getti g back to you sooner, my password was stored automatically on my computer and when BYC updated all the new website or whatever I couldn't log on and the password I usually use wasn't wlrking. Had to open a new account just to talk to administrators! What a mess. Anyway my polies as I call them are all white like dad and mom,
    Sorry could only fit 420 characters. Anyway my polish and Cochin are making beautiful black babies with fluffy boots, and top knots! I deemed them Cochish. How are your kids? Still 200? I was whomped at 60! Down to 35 but now have 30 chicks....so again 60. Take care and cannot wait to hear back! Hugs
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