Recent content by TheBanditQueen

  1. TheBanditQueen

    Single orphan chick - how to raise? :(

    Thanks Quacksalot! I tried to see if that would work, but size and shape just weren't conducive. :( Little nugget did better when I put the mirror in, but still was feeling pretty low. I ended up putting one of my baby turkeys (3 weeks old) with him. No pecking, no fighting, now they are both...
  2. TheBanditQueen

    Single orphan chick - how to raise? :(

    The mirror helped, but baby isn't quite buying it. :/ Hopefully I can dig up a feather duster as well.
  3. TheBanditQueen

    Single orphan chick - how to raise? :(

    A mirror, I didn't think of that. I may have a hand mirror somewhere and can look for a plushie something. Good ideas in the link too. Thank you guys. ❤
  4. TheBanditQueen

    Single orphan chick - how to raise? :(

    What to do when you have a lone chick? Had a mama hen with 2 chicks. Something broke in last night (still not sure what, strange situation) and killed hen and 1 chick. 2nd chick escaped, lucky booger, and got in my other broody pen right next door. (And yet the predator didn't...go figure)...
  5. TheBanditQueen

    Barred Rock rooster x Buff Orpington hen cross - what do they look like?

    I never did get any pictures of mine, sadly. But they sure turned out beautiful. The roosters were pretty funky looking as babies, but grew up to be streaked gold and silver all over. GORGEOUS. The hens weren't quite as colorful, if I recall correctly.
  6. TheBanditQueen

    Pip on day 18?? Handled it before I :(

    Well shoot, as of a couple hours ago, it was still just pipped. I turned my back long enough to go tuck the other chickens in for the night, came back in, and fluffy little nugget is hatched and running around playing soccer with the other eggs. That :P
  7. TheBanditQueen

    Pip on day 18?? Handled it before I :(

    Thanks, all! Reassurance much appreciated. Early pipper is currently chirping loudly and rolling around! Whew!
  8. TheBanditQueen

    Pip on day 18?? Handled it before I :(

    Today is day 18 (counting up to 21). Just now I opened up the incubators, removed the eggs (gently), removed the egg turners, and started putting the eggs back in. So, one egg starts rolling across the counter. I snare it and put it back. And it went "CHIRP". And then it rolled again. And I...
  9. TheBanditQueen

    Troubleshooting low hatch rates - advice welcome

    Whew, that is most impressive to get such a good hatch when they were shipped such a ways! Now I'll have to go read up on dry hatching, you made me curious. :)
  10. TheBanditQueen

    Troubleshooting low hatch rates - advice welcome

    Oh my word the cuties! Congrats! 😍 Could I ask how far away they were shipped to you from?
  11. TheBanditQueen

    Troubleshooting low hatch rates - advice welcome

    Update on latest hatch! Hygrometer and candler didn't arrive in time, so I couldn't double check humidity or candle the eggs beforehand. 2 healthy nuggets hatched on Saturday. 😍 Then 1 hatched yesterday but was a runt and only lived a few hours. :( I did look inside the other 4 eggs. There...
  12. TheBanditQueen

    Troubleshooting low hatch rates - advice welcome

    I am amazed they are able to survive at all, I did not think chickens could go feral! 🤣
  13. TheBanditQueen

    Troubleshooting low hatch rates - advice welcome

    That is amazing and seriously made my day. Feral chickens!! Do they have predators? Thanks for the recommendation! I will go look that up!
  14. TheBanditQueen

    Troubleshooting low hatch rates - advice welcome

    Thanks Punky! Feed and protein is something I am still learning about. They were actually getting a little over 20% protein the last few months, though. (Can too high of % protein cause fertility issues as well?) I live hours from nowhere (fortunately or unfortunately depending how you look at...
  15. TheBanditQueen

    Troubleshooting low hatch rates - advice welcome

    Jmns, I am SO overthinking this whole thing. :P I incubated years ago with just a little cheap styrofoam Hovabator, and had chicks popping out by the dozens! Go figure!
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