Recent content by Themehmeh

  1. Themehmeh

    Gender help

    It's a boy!
  2. Themehmeh

    McMurrary Hatchery

    I should have contacted them.. I was very unhappy with my white crested black polish order. Three out of 15 died right away, one was blind when I got her and couldn't figure out how to eat, so she died. The rest were somewhat sickly and just not good looking birds. They all had pasty butt...
  3. Themehmeh

    Need Breeds

    In the bottom picture: that little guy on the bottom right looks like a male barred rock. and the floofy footed bottom left is a male cochin. The two above him are also males, and the one above and directly closest to him is also a cochin I think.
  4. Themehmeh

    Newbie here; stoked her hubby is going to let her have some chickens.

    I wouldn't use chicken wire anywhere if you have many predators. I live in a suburb with few to no predators, we have a few hawks, maybe an owl. I put chicken wire on the top half of my coop because it was cheap and I am very dissatisfied with it. I'll probably replace with hardware cloth next...
  5. Themehmeh

    Newbie here; stoked her hubby is going to let her have some chickens.

    With as many predators as you have, I would suggest a stationary coop so you can bury some of it and you'll be more thoroughly protected. Don't use chicken wire at all. Go straight for Hardware cloth. You will also want to close the coop door every night even if they're in an enclosed run to...
  6. Themehmeh

    Gender help

    Still too iffy. Is that a hint of pink I see on the comb? are the gold one's legs bigger/longer than the silver's? In another week or so you should start seeing some male indicators.
  7. Themehmeh


    My feed store is very good and take great care of their chicks. They're knowledgeable when it comes to livestock, especially poultry, and have a few pet chickens on premises. They're not a chain and the whole town loves them because of how friendly and knowledgeable they are. They buy their...
  8. Themehmeh


    They usually have a success rate advertised somewhere when you are buying all pullets. Usually it's 90-99% success rate. That said. Last year I went to my local feedstore and grabbed a silver laced wyandotte out of a bin of 100 pullets and I grabbed a male. This year I grabed a male partridge...
  9. Themehmeh

    Rooster or hen ?

    Big indicators are the pink comb, and bigger meatier legs. Attitude can be an indicator, but not useful by itself. You could show us some pictures, your potential rooster compared to your likely hens.
  10. Themehmeh

    Squawking Hens

    You could try a third bird if you think the second one gets lonely but chances are the third one won't bond with the other two as well and the squawking will continue. Our first flock was kept in two brooders in the same room and met eachother at 5 and 7 weeks old when they were put in the coop...
  11. Themehmeh

    Hello from The Texas Hill Country

    Hi! I'm in New Braunfels!
  12. Themehmeh

    Mineral Oil For Eggs

    Look in the pharmacy department. Mineral oil is used to lubricate the bowels and moisten skin.
  13. Themehmeh


    You probably want to create a new thread in the Injuries category. The bird might be hurt internally, it could be some kind of infection. She might just heal on her own and her next egg might be fine.
  14. Themehmeh


    Either way, your best bet is to go in assuming they will not get along. Build the silkies a temporary tractor and they can stay in that while they acclimate to eachother. Start with supervised freerange time and then when everybody seems to be getting along you can slip the silkies in when...
  15. Themehmeh


    That depends on the Standards and how aggressive they are. Have you ever introduced new birds to the flock before?
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