Recent content by thomaschickens

  1. thomaschickens

    Castle Delight Seramas - Post your photos and share your stories!

    I hatched out 2 beautiful, healthy CDS babies!!!! I'm getting 2 more dozen in a few days so I can add to them
  2. thomaschickens

    Help me sex my mixed hatch- PIC HEAVY

    My broody hatched 7 babies just over 4 weeks ago. The only roo is a BLRW. For moms we have GLW, BO, OE, EE, Blue Ameraucana and a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. Mom is incredibly protective, so I apologize that the pictures are not that great...I really would like to keep my fingers #1- I'm...
  3. thomaschickens

    Ugliest comb EVER!!!

    So I went to a chicken swap today and I found someone who raises "proper" BLRW...he said that what's wrong with his comb is that it's a double comb, insted of their normal single comb. So apparently, it's not a tumor (say in Arnold's voice LOL)
  4. thomaschickens

    Ugliest comb EVER!!!

    So this is Romeo, my BLRW Roo. He is only a year old and I swear his comb grows every day! I honestly don't even know how he sees a thing, but he manages just fine. Is this giant monstrosity normal because I've never seen anything like it??? It's actually kind of comical because it actually...
  5. thomaschickens

    What color will these mixed chicks lay?

    Thanks, I'm pretty tickled with my egg basket
  6. thomaschickens

    What color will these mixed chicks lay?

    I have a broody hen who is determined to sit. So I've decided to let her hatch out some chicks I am a, buy them alive, kind of person and have no experience with genetics, hatching etc. What I'm wondering is, my only rooster is a BLRW has been "doing his job" quite regularly with most of the...
  7. thomaschickens

    Feeding duck/goose eggs to chickens?

    Thanks y'all, those are great ideas!
  8. thomaschickens

    Feeding duck/goose eggs to chickens?

    My mother in law has A LOT of duck and goose eggs that she does not plan on eating. She was wondering if it would be ok to scramble them up for the chickens. I told her to just scramble them up for her ducks and geese, but for some reason she wants to know if it's ok to feed them to the...
  9. thomaschickens

    Latifa's demise: Eggbound or tumors/ cysts? WARNING: GRAPHIC PICTURES OF A CHICKEN

    I am so sorry what's happening with Big Girl ...thank you for sharing your findings and keep us all updated on her.
  10. thomaschickens

    8-week Easter Egger "pullet" - is it actually? *Updated 10-week pics pg 3 - Boy or girl?*

    Yeah!!! Sneaky's a girl! I am SO glad I was wrong about her!
  11. thomaschickens

    Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

    Chickens - $10 (Battle Ground) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2012-10-04, 12:15PM PDT Reply to this post [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]...
  12. thomaschickens

    Can a bird molt before she even starts laying?

    35 weeks old and still NO EGGS!!! Although I think she may FINALLY be getting close as her comb reddened recently...still no squatting and you can tell by the vent she's not laying yet. I really thought the RIR would have been one of the first layers, but she is the very last LOL.
  13. thomaschickens

    Can a bird molt before she even starts laying?

    Wasn't me. I didn't have time to go to any fairs this summer I'm actually going to my first poultry swap at the end of the month in Corvallis, Oregon and I am EXCITED!!!
  14. thomaschickens

    When to call it quit

    About how old are they? Maybe it's henopause
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