Recent content by whittychick

  1. whittychick

    Still laying over here!

    Anyone else have chickens who are 8-9 years old still laying?! I have 5 girls (leghorn and 4 bantams) from my original flock that are still healthy and very active! Yesterday there were 3 eggs!
  2. whittychick

    How long to leave chicks in coop before opening to run.

    Oh Nevermind, I read your post wrong! Opps sorry. I had to keep bringing them for about a week until they learned to do it independently
  3. whittychick

    How long to leave chicks in coop before opening to run.

    I’d give it a few days so they can get used to each other before let them be together. Are they able to see each other?
  4. whittychick

    Help! My chicken is being a jerk!

    It's almost like she thinks I'm going to disturb everyone while they're trying to settle in?? I'm going to try and handle her more and show her who's boss
  5. whittychick

    Help! My chicken is being a jerk!

    I know me either! She's a sweetie by day but little brat by dusk
  6. whittychick

    Help! My chicken is being a jerk!

    So almost every night my Buff O can be a little aggressive and moody when I try and lock the coop up. She'll try and peck at my hand when I'm locking the inside door. Tonight she actually flew at me when I tried to lock the coop up! What is her problem! She's not like that any other time but...
  7. whittychick

    Eye shut closed!

    Thank you for your advice and info!
  8. whittychick

    Eye shut closed!

    Hey everyone! Went out to the coop this morning and noticed one of my Australorps eye was closed?? She seems totally fine, except she does have a messy/poopy bum right now? Otherwise she's active, eating and drinking. Think she's ok, or should I take her in? Id appreciate any feedback! Thank you!
  9. whittychick

    Adult chickens with "pasty butt"??

    My Rhode Island Red has been less active today and not moving too much. Checked her out and noticed she had serve poop on the back of her. Her vent looked clear tho, wondering what's going on? What can I do to help her?
  10. whittychick

    Missing feather's from back at base of tail! Bareback chickens?!?!?!

    I've been having the same problem with some of my chickens! They look they're molting but I know they aren't. Egg production is up and normal and everyone seems healthy. No signs of mites or lice. It has been hot and humid and also I did change their food, thinking their protein may be down...
  11. whittychick

    Litter Training for my Bunny

    Hi y'all, hoping someone can give me some tips on how to litter train my rabbit! He's an indoor bunny for the winter months. Then he's an outside bunny the remainder of the time. Please please any tips or tricks I can do to get him trained would be awesome! Thanks:-)
  12. whittychick

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    My Buffs aren't either! Only my bantams! So weird
  13. whittychick

    wood ash, is that safe?

    Yea defiantly needs to be dry...I use mine probably a few times a week. Thanks tho:-)
  14. whittychick

    For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

    No more peck works great! I've been increasing their protein as well. Molting time is horrible! Feathers everywhere, bald chickens and hardly any eggs! Some of mine are getting pecked too! Grrrrr
  15. whittychick


    A lot of mine are molting as well. Bare bottoms, barely any neck feathers, wings and sides. I see some growing new feathers but others aren't yet. Some that are molting are being picked on too been free ranging more, increasing protein and putting on "no more peck" to help. Ugh I hate when this...
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