Recent content by WOWSAFARM


    Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

    That looks like a great feed for them! I think you are all set charlindabob! Yinepu I should be able to accomodate you next spring:) Feel free to stay in touch. You can email me through my website: WWW.WOWSAFARM.COM Thanks!

    Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

    You did a great job hatching charlindabob! I try to always send a couple extras when shipping an order of a Dozen eggs because with shipped eggs it is very hard to hatch 100%(although I have multiple customers who did this year!). The two extra eggs were intended to replace the one that didn't...

    Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

    The more time you spend with them, the closer they will be to you. I can pick mine up and hold them and pet them without struggle. They will eat out of my hand and are super gentle! They are more like a puppy than a chicken in my opinion but again that is dependent on how much time you spend...

    Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

    How big do your muscovy's get Going Quackers?

    Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

    My thoughts exactly charlindabob! The French White Muscovy are the perfect duck! (Even though technically they aren't really a duck but rather a south american goose) The only thing you missed are that their eggs are JUMBO and delicious and that they are absolute SWEETHEARTS! :) CONGRATULATIONS!

    Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

    Thanks for the complements charlindabob! Your babies are absolutely adorable! Out of all the birds I have raised, the French White Muscovy are my favorite and in my opinion the cutest! I am glad you had a good hatch and following along with you reminded me very much of my first hatch. I think I...
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