Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

I have found coloured ones to be just as big, or maybe it's just the genetics i have/breed here my boys are HUGE, always shocking most people actually. They are actually documented for their fly eating abilities.

How big do your muscovy's get Going Quackers?
Yes, I believe they are more closely related to geese than they are to ducks. They are still my favorite whatever they are, and I'm sure I'll enjoy these. I used to have some light brown and white ones that I thought were pretty nice, but I think I'll like these white ones and do my best to keep the strain alive. I have seen pictures on BYC where it appears that some people have these mixed into their colored flock, but I will not have other colors and will keep them white and pure.

I am really surprised that there aren't huge farms of Muscovies that are raised for the meat trade. And that duck eggs aren't more popular here in the states. In many countries both duck meat and their eggs are normal fare and can be easily found in the markets.

How should I make up a mash for the little one. Take some starter food and mash it up to a paste with water? Feeding won't be easy either as it is a PITA just to get this little one a couple drops of water.

Call me weird, but I think one of the most relaxing things I do is sit in a chair in the chicken coop and watch the chickens or turkeys or in the yard and have my geese come up to me. Hopefully these Muscovies will interact some.


The more time you spend with them, the closer they will be to you. I can pick mine up and hold them and pet them without struggle. They will eat out of my hand and are super gentle! They are more like a puppy than a chicken in my opinion but again that is dependent on how much time you spend with them. They are going to quickly become your favorite I suspect ;)
Well, bottom line is that I have 10 healthy seemingly happy ducklings. The little one gave up the ghost last night
and now it is time to move on and give my attention to the living. Thank you to those who tried to help and to those with fingers crossed!

I have a small one serving blender (I forget the name as I sit here) but I added a couple of tablespoons of Dumor starter and some water, just enough to make a watery paste and attempted to feed the little one and the left over which was 99.99% of it was given in a little dish to the healthy magnificent ten. They ate it all like they were starved to death. So this morning I blended up a bit more.

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Well, bottom line is that I have 10 healthy seemingly happy ducklings. The little one gave up the ghost last night
and now it is time to move on and give my attention to the living. Thank you to those who tried to help and to those with fingers crossed!

I have a small one serving blender (I forget the name as I sit here) but I added a couple of tablespoons of Dumor starter and some water, just enough to make a watery paste and attempted to feed the little one and the left over which was 99.99% of it was given in a little dish to the healthy magnificent ten. They ate it all like they were starved to death. So this morning I blended up a bit more.

I'm sorry, but you gave it a fighting chance. now on to enjoying the 10. I make up a mash for my flock a day in advance using unpasteurized ACV and crumbles [flock raiser] they love it. I did make Fermented feed but when hot weather arrived I was getting more mold than I was comfortable with around the top of the bucket not on the feed, but anyway. Now I just mix the warm water and ACV together the day before and it sits over night. Mine like it moist not wet. Enjoy those babies they grow so fast.
Well, bottom line is that I have 10 healthy seemingly happy ducklings. The little one gave up the ghost last night
and now it is time to move on and give my attention to the living. Thank you to those who tried to help and to those with fingers crossed!

I have a small one serving blender (I forget the name as I sit here) but I added a couple of tablespoons of Dumor starter and some water, just enough to make a watery paste and attempted to feed the little one and the left over which was 99.99% of it was given in a little dish to the healthy magnificent ten. They ate it all like they were starved to death. So this morning I blended up a bit more.


sorry about the little guy... I am suspecting a cross between "failure to thrive" and infection.. at least you tried and still got a really good hatch rate for shipped muscovy eggs.. heck I have gotten some shipped chicken eggs that were so scrambled that I got a 0 hatch rate (would have made some nice pre-scrambled eggs though.. lol)

for grinding up the feed.. I use a coffee grinder (I always grind up gamebird feed for the first week for the baby quail when I hatch any out).. your wife would probably shoot you though.. but it's a good idea to have something similar on hand just for your birds so when you need it you have it and she can't pitch too much of a fit!

so you started with 14... had 1 or 2 clears?...
sorry about the little guy... I am suspecting a cross between "failure to thrive" and infection.. at least you tried and still got a really good hatch rate for shipped muscovy eggs.. heck I have gotten some shipped chicken eggs that were so scrambled that I got a 0 hatch rate (would have made some nice pre-scrambled eggs though.. lol)

for grinding up the feed.. I use a coffee grinder (I always grind up gamebird feed for the first week for the baby quail when I hatch any out).. your wife would probably shoot you though.. but it's a good idea to have something similar on hand just for your birds so when you need it you have it and she can't pitch too much of a fit!

so you started with 14... had 1 or 2 clears?...
I started with 14 shipped eggs from WOWSAFARM which is in NC and were shipped to FL. I was shipped 14 and ALL 14 were fertile viable eggs. Sometime between the 3rd and 4th week I lost one, it appeared a scrambled mess, but was developing ok until then, and I lost three more due to my intervention or so I believe. I had no clears at all. BUT, in my defense of my participation in the three that were "my fault", if I hadn't intervened I might have lost several more. I will never know that answer though. The only thing I can say for sure is Jon at WOWSAFARM sent all good eggs and were well wrapped. I would definitely buy from them again.

I've been thinking of a grain grinder but I don't have one. I have in the past put some feed on a cutting board and rolled a heavy glass, like a rolling pin over it several times making the feed bits even smaller. A little time consuming, but if you only have a few birds, not bad.

What I used to grind up and make a watery paste is the machine below, sort of a personal blender for one. I added a couple of tablespoons of the Dumor starter I got from TSC and some water and in 15 seconds got a result the ducks seem to really go for. They get the benefit of water & food at the same time. Of course they still have a water bowl. Messy little

I got ten healthy ducklings out of 14, so I'm thinking this was a successful hatch. I'm elated with 10.

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I started with 14 shipped eggs from WOWSAFARM which is in NC and were shipped to FL. I was shipped 14 and ALL 14 were fertile viable eggs. Sometime between the 3rd and 4th week I lost one, it appeared a scrambled mess, but was developing ok until then, and I lost three more due to my intervention or so I believe. I had no clears at all. BUT, in my defense of my participation in the three that were "my fault", if I hadn't intervened I might have lost several more. I will never know that answer though. The only thing I can say for sure is Jon at WOWSAFARM sent all good eggs and were well wrapped. I would definitely buy from them again.

I've been thinking of a grain grinder but I don't have one. I have in the past put some feed on a cutting board and rolled a heavy glass, like a rolling pin over it several times making the feed bits even smaller. A little time consuming, but if you only have a few birds, not bad.

What I used to grind up and make a watery paste is the machine below, sort of a personal blender for one. I added a couple of tablespoons of the Dumor starter I got from TSC and some water and in 15 seconds got a result the ducks seem to really go for. They get the benefit of water & food at the same time. Of course they still have a water bowl. Messy little

I got ten healthy ducklings out of 14, so I'm thinking this was a successful hatch. I'm elated with 10.

You did a great job hatching charlindabob! I try to always send a couple extras when shipping an order of a Dozen eggs because with shipped eggs it is very hard to hatch 100%(although I have multiple customers who did this year!). The two extra eggs were intended to replace the one that didn't develop all the way right. I prefer to look at final results and your results speak for themselves

You ordered 12 shipped muscovy eggs and successfully hatched 10! To me that is about as good as it gets on shipped eggs because we can't expect perfection even though we hope for it;)

As for the food for your babies I would re-state the importance of having 1%lysine in the feed. Without it you will most likely have weak leg problems so I wouldn't chance it. I mix grit in until they are out foraging with the 20%protein non-medicated crumble that I buy from day one without crushing it up more or wetting it down and they have no problems eating it. If you have pelletized food of course you will have to crush it. With these birds I leave them food and water day and night until they are at least 8-9weeks old. They will eat a ton but they grow fast and need it.

Awesome thread though! I think we can all learn from each others experience through sharing and I am glad to have been a part of this journey for you!
You did a great job hatching charlindabob! I try to always send a couple extras when shipping an order of a Dozen eggs because with shipped eggs it is very hard to hatch 100%(although I have multiple customers who did this year!). The two extra eggs were intended to replace the one that didn't develop all the way right. I prefer to look at final results and your results speak for themselves

You ordered 12 shipped muscovy eggs and successfully hatched 10! To me that is about as good as it gets on shipped eggs because we can't expect perfection even though we hope for it;)

As for the food for your babies I would re-state the importance of having 1%lysine in the feed. Without it you will most likely have weak leg problems so I wouldn't chance it. I mix grit in until they are out foraging with the 20%protein non-medicated crumble that I buy from day one without crushing it up more or wetting it down and they have no problems eating it. If you have pelletized food of course you will have to crush it. With these birds I leave them food and water day and night until they are at least 8-9weeks old. They will eat a ton but they grow fast and need it.

Awesome thread though! I think we can all learn from each others experience through sharing and I am glad to have been a part of this journey for you!
This is the Dumor Starter/Grower I got at TSC
Crude Protein ................20.00% min.
Lysine..............................1.00% min.
Methionine.......................0.50% min.
Crude Fat.........................2.50% min.
Calcium............................0.70% - 1.20%
Crude Fiber......................4.50% max.
Phosphorus......................0.65% min.
Salt...................................0.25% - 0.75%
Phytase (A.Oryzae)..........840 FYT/LB

That is the list of Guaranteed Analysis of the feed they get. Yes, this thread has about run its course. Maybe I'll start another one and document their progress.

that's why I recommend Dumor for ducklings and goslings.. our regular "chick and duck starter" we get locally is lacking in B vitamins in general.. which isn't too bad for the chicks.. but plays hell with ducklings, goslings and turkeys

Wowsafarm.. I may have to order hatching eggs from you next spring (bators are full at the moment)... I am always looking to add in new bloodlines!
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that's why I recommend Dumor for ducklings and goslings.. our regular "chick and duck starter" we get locally is lacking in B vitamins in general.. which isn't too bad for the chicks.. but plays hell with ducklings, goslings and turkeys

Wowsafarm.. I may have to order hatching eggs from you next spring (bators are full at the moment)... I am always looking to add in new bloodlines!

That looks like a great feed for them! I think you are all set charlindabob! Yinepu I should be able to accomodate you next spring:) Feel free to stay in touch. You can email me through my website: WWW.WOWSAFARM.COM


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