Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

hopefully he perks up by morning... time will tell..

Well, we are still in the ball park. Little one is looking a bit better, but still a long ways to go. I did put a couple of drops of water in its mouth and this afternoon I will do the brown sugar water, a warm running water bath, a gentle hair dryer fluff and some more iodine. Not all of the yolk has been absorbed. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be for this little one, but I haven't gave up yet.

Well, we are still in the ball park. Little one is looking a bit better, but still a long ways to go. I did put a couple of drops of water in its mouth and this afternoon I will do the brown sugar water, a warm running water bath, a gentle hair dryer fluff and some more iodine. Not all of the yolk has been absorbed. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be for this little one, but I haven't gave up yet.

as long as their breathe.
How are the rest doing?
X2.. there is always hope unless you have tried everything under the sun and can see they are suffering... I wouldn't give up on this one yet
do you have any electrolytes you can add to the sugar water?..
I was wondering, if giving sugar water isn't there a risk of too low blood sugar especially when they aren't eating?
we give it to animals that are weak / not eating only for a day .. if they start to respond then we try to introduce some food.. the sugar tends to perk them up a bit and also increase their appetite.. this one still had the yolk out.. so in essence he was "eating" (gaining food from the yolk).. I wanted to see if the sugar water would perk him up a bit so charlindabob could get a better idea if he was going to be a fighter or not.. which is why I then suggested the electrolyte water.. if by this evening the little guy was still kicking I was going to suggest stopping with the sugar.. but continuing with the electrolyte water and then see how he was doing tomorrow before suggesting anything else..
we give it to animals that are weak / not eating only for a day .. if they start to respond then we try to introduce some food.. the sugar tends to perk them up a bit and also increase their appetite.. this one still had the yolk out.. so in essence he was "eating" (gaining food from the yolk).. I wanted to see if the sugar water would perk him up a bit so charlindabob could get a better idea if he was going to be a fighter or not.. which is why I then suggested the electrolyte water.. if by this evening the little guy was still kicking I was going to suggest stopping with the sugar.. but continuing with the electrolyte water and then see how he was doing tomorrow before suggesting anything else..
Thanks, I know when hatcheries ship they rec. sugar water right off but I think some folks use it when they shouldn't, [not saying you do] but inexperienced folk. I have seen it suggested on here when I didn't think it should have been, but hey what do I know. LOL
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Thanks for the complements charlindabob! Your babies are absolutely adorable! Out of all the birds I have raised, the French White Muscovy are my favorite and in my opinion the cutest! I am glad you had a good hatch and following along with you reminded me very much of my first hatch. I think I over thought it a little and like you I stayed up several night in a row "assisting" the hatch only to realize later a little more time is what they needed in my situation but after 5weeks of anticipation it is hard to just wait and not do anything to help ;) To answer your question about feed, I use a high protein crumble from day 1 up until 12 weeks. For the muscovy it is especially important that it is 20% protein (or close) and 1%lysine as well as non-medicated. The lysine helps them have strong legs to support the quick weight gain of this breed. I also provide as much natural forage as possible, as early as possible as natural is best in my opinion. After they are completely out on their own if they have plenty of bugs, worms and greenery I just supplement their natural diet with a 17%protein layer pellet and sometimes mix some of the high protein crumple in with it depending on their available forage at the time. I hope this helps and congratulations on your gorgeous babies!
X2.. there is always hope unless you have tried everything under the sun and can see they are suffering... I wouldn't give up on this one yet
do you have any electrolytes you can add to the sugar water?..
I haven't any electrolytes, but I have Coconut Milk and I have heard it is high in them. Don't know for sure though. My better half (just ask her, lol) is off to work shortly and I will bring the little one inside and use the kitchen area to work on him. Hey, if she is off to work, she can't complain about me using the kitchen sink or the counter or her

All joking aside, I will work on this duckling as I'd hate to lose him. We have bonded, sort of.

And JON, thank you for your post, you have great ducks'

More later this evening............

It seemed a bit more lively and I think it swallowed a few drops of water. I ran warm water over the little guy for a couple of minutes being careful not to drown him, dried him off with a hair dryer gently, fluffed him up using my fingers and a Q-tip and used the iodine. Little guy can barely stand, rolls over after a second or two, but appears somewhat better. I'm afraid I'll drown him if I try too to give him too much water.

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It seemed a bit more lively and I think it swallowed a few drops of water. I ran warm water over the little guy for a couple of minutes being careful not to drown him, dried him off with a hair dryer gently, fluffed him up using my fingers and a Q-tip and used the iodine. Little guy can barely stand, rolls over after a second or two, but appears somewhat better. I'm afraid I'll drown him if I try too to give him too much water.

Does it look like the yolk sac is being absorbed.. sure is a cutie.

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