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  • My peacock is 8 yrs old and developed a syst like knot under his eye. Probably in sinus. What meds or advise do you advise? Ty in advance
    Good evening! As you saw, I was told you could help me out with what strength meds to get for my girl? Where can I order them?
    Thanks, cas, in regards to my little call duckling. Kiks is a far more avid researcher than I. I appreciate the insight. She's had nutritional yeast in her food from day one, and rooster booster in her water since this morning. I will add the vitamin E to her food tomorrow. Thank you again, guru.
    HI, I just posted a thread about my injured duckling and how it’s air sack got punctured by a fox and someone referred you to me and they said you know stuff about air sacks, so I was wondering if you could let me know what I should do to help my duckling out, she has bubbles pretty much under her skin in her head and on back of her body
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