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  • I'm doing great.
    Gracie is actually doing a lot better, thankfully. She still can't walk because of her dislocated hock joint, but her comb is deep red and she is clucking happily each day. :)
    Hi and thank you for your reply. I have gone to your web page and read it all, I have checked the chicks feet and they look normal, as all the other chooks. I understand now about the Roo and Mother, so I now know that, eventually, her true nature will start to come through. Do you have any other ideas on the small chick please? Or do I just carry on hoping that she will walk properly some day. She is a sweet little thing and likes her cuddles.
    Hi BantamFan4Life, I have been given a Mother Bantam and six tiny chicks. The Mother is an Orange and Red Old English Game Bird, three of the chicks are Silver Duck Wing OEGB and three are Black. One Duck Wing and one Black died, one Duck Wing is a Roo in progress. I don't know what the Black ones will be yet. The third Duck Wing, which is a female, was attacked by the Mother. I am now caring for her, but she gets her feet all mixed up and falls over. She is very unsteady but eats and drinks. Can you throw any light on this for me please. This is the first time of having Bantams for me. I have Australorps, Buff Orpington and Naked Neck chooks. Mother Bantam Hen is very aggressive, so is the little Roo. Any help would be greatly appreciated please.
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