

The Ameraucana was developed in the 70's by a few people who were trying to standardize the...
Pros: Lay beautiful eggs, and are fun to watch. They're cheeks are so fluffy!
Cons: None that I can think of
i have two- 1,Rose. She has feathers that look like leopard print! Second, Roxy. She has a blue tailtip and lays green eggs. I love americaunas:lol:
Pros: Sweet,pretty,good layers,cold hardy and blue green eggs.
Cons: Skiddish at young age,can be very dominant.
My 5 Americanas, Snickers,Bell,Anna,Sprinkles, and Pochohantis are lovly birds.Sprinkles is very dominant doing anything to get stuff first.Anna is sweet and loves getting handled.Snickers is friends with everyone.Pochahantis gets bullyed often so shes very skiddish.All 5 are wonderful though and Americanas are cold hardy so perfect for snowy cold climate.they give me 5 blue green eggs each day.Americanas are definetley a 5 star breed.

Pros: these beautiful birds lay tons of huge green or blue eggs!
Cons: none
My americas lay beautiful green or blue eggs and lay almost every day. They are very cold hardy and heat tolerant and sweet birds. They are ornamental and excellent egg layer! I love them! I have even got some eggs that weighed in at 6.oz! Definitely would recommend to anyone who wants a good layer and a gorgeous new edition to their flock.:yiipchick
Pros: Sweet, Friendly, Eye Catching.
Cons: Slightly Skittish.
Pros: Nice blue eggs, beautiful feathers, friendly.
Cons: Skittish
I bought two last fall to replace a couple of BO's I'd lost. The first thing I noticed about them is that they had a strong odor about them including their droppings. As they grew and stopped eating grow crumble and eating what my BO's were eating the smell went away. They started laying last week and are not as skittish as they were at first in fact the older of the two now does the submissive squat when I come out and feed them and allows me to pick her up. The Buffs being older still rule and I find them to be more aggressive but the younger ones are now mingling more and more as they feed with little trouble.
Pros: Produces good eggs, beautiful colors, have unique personalities
Cons: Loses blue/green egg coloration quickly
I've found that the color of their eggs eventually turns into a tan color, rather than the normal blue or green. My Americana's stopped producing colorful eggs a few months after first starting to lay, which was very disappointing since that was the main reason I got them. One of my hens is also aggressive towards roosters and fights with them as if she's a rooster. I don't consider this a bad trait though. I don't want her to be a breeder and if I get a rooster who's aggressive, all I need to do is put them in with her for a couple weeks and she straightens them out quickly. My Americana's also have distinctive personalities once you get to know them, meanwhile most of my other chicken's personalities are typical for a chicken.
Pros: Pretty eggs, usually friendly towards people.
Cons: Flighty, roosters aggressive, low egg production.
My Americana's have been aggressive towards other chickens and typically avoid capture. Their egg production has not been great, and both of my roosters have been aggressive towards the hens as well as people. The upside to this breed is the wide range of color varieties available as well as the attractive color of their eggs (My hens lay pale blue eggs).
Pros: sweet,good layer's
Cons: i have none
Pros: Strong personalities, beautiful plumage, and adorable cheeks.
Cons: None.
I had two Ameraucaunas, both wheaten. Sahara was at the top of the pecking order, but not mean. She was very smart and would give you this very wise look when you were frustrated or you fell, or anytime you were looking a fool. Jua was very sweet and curious. She was not as smart as Sahara, but she caught on fast and liked people, which I thought was odd considering the rest of the flock just tolerated you. They both were stolen by a person right out of the yard when I was at school before they started to lay eggs. I miss them very much.
They are great for free ranging because they are quick, bright, and fly fairly well. They are just adorable, and quiet. I wish I had more.
Pros: Gentle, cold hardy, quiet
Cons: Shy!
I got these two Ameraucanas thinking that blue eggs would look great in the egg basket. I got them at 4 weeks old from a breeder who had nearly 100 in one pen. However, they were so shell-shocked when they came home, it took a week before they would act normally (I had them in their own pen in the quiet, warm garage). They are very shy around other chickens, so much so that they get picked on by smaller chickens, and tend to huddle under the woodpile all day. They are my only chickens who have ever had any injuries. I will not keep these again, they do not fit in with my Dominiques (and the Doms are not "mean" chickens!).
Pros: Sweet temperament, friendly (with regular handling), lays well, beautiful blue eggs, beautiful bird, gets along well with other birds, gentle
Cons: Eggs are small-ish, goes broody easily
I only have one Ameraucana, and only have had her for a while...I got her as an adult from another BYCer, and she had not been handled very much at all, as her prior owner had a lot of birds and didn't tend to hold them much.

Since I have only 4 birds total, mine get handled regularly. She, along with the two BLRW hens I got at the same time, was VERY skittish when I first got her. However, after only a few weeks of daily handling, she has progressed to the point where she meets me at the front of the pen eagerly every time I go out, gets excited to see me, allows me to pet her, pick her up and carry her around without protest, accepts food from my hand, and follows me around and comes when I call when she is outside of her pen. She is a very gentle hand-feeder--the gentlest out of all of them, and delicately plucks pieces of food from my hand without stabbing me with her beak as the others do. She likes 'talking' to me, too, and generally has a sweet voice. She is by far the tamest of my birds--it has taken two months to get the BLRW girls the same age as her, which I got at the same time as her, to allow me to approach them and pick them up without throwing a literal screaming fit. Compared with them, Blondie has been an absolute dream.

She has laid consistently every day a beautiful pale blue egg up until she went into moult...and then resumed laying less than two weeks after moult, every other day or so. No complaints on productivity.

Overall, she's my favorite bird, and I will definitely be getting more Ameraucanas. The beard is adorable!!
Pros: Beautiful, great blue-green eggs, friendly, great layers
Cons: Flighty when babies and teenagers
I love this breed. Started with a white and brownish colored. They were not as friendly. They can fly quite a distance!

Recently got lavender, black and lavender cross/split. I have too many roosters but my favorite is my little hen who runs up whenever I go outside, follows me all around and prefers to eat out of my hand.

When sitting on my chair in the yard, she jumps up on my lap. She goes down in a squat and tolerates me picking her up and rubbing her neck. Then when I put her down, she comes back for more.

Not all of my hens are that way, but they seem to be tamed pretty well, since I fed them mealworms at a few weeks old. They now follow me all around, in fact, my little lavender is now my personal trainer since I have to have great balance to not step on her or run into her. I'm ready for soccer or basketball!

The trick is to handle them a lot from the chick stage. Hand feed them so they get used to food coming from you. Even the roosters are friendly.
Pros: Friendly, sweet, the flock 'protector,' beautiful coloring
Cons: none that I can think of...
I recently bought a batch of chicks, which included one Ameraucana. She was hand raised and one of the friendliest chickens I have! I go outside and sit in the grass and instantly she is running over to hop all over my legs and arms! She even has started to learn her name. :) With most of her feathers in, I can already see that she will grow up to be a GORGOUS chicken, the best of my flock. :) Also, even though she is one of the smallest chicks, she is certainly the bravest; even "fighting off" my miniature puppy when he tried to sniff them through the fence.
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Pros: amazing colored eggs,awsome feather coloring.
Cons: very adventurous,skiddish,flighty.
i have 2 of them and they are THE MOST adventurous birds in my flock (along with the wandotts )one is a dirty brown and the other one is white and dark gray she likes to sit on the fake eggs at night .we put it in there because of her.
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Pros: beautiful feathering, big boned chicken, really nice temperament
Cons: skittish
We have an Ameraucana rooster who is the sweetest guy. He's a gentle giant, and he likes attention. He's a little skittish and doesn't like being caught; he'll run from us regularly. However, he relaxes right away when we do catch him. He keeps order in the coop really well. We have two other roosters who live in the same flock (12 chickens total), and he gets along with them really well. He goes out to the run to herd his girls in when it gets dark, and he'll break up hen fights and rooster scuffles. I had heard that Ameraucana roosters can be mean, but ours is a teddy bear.
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Pros: sweet birds. they are cold harty and lay in winter. lay nice large light brown eggs. not that broody and are eaisy to break
Cons: MIne have loud egg songs and are very mood when they are broody
i love my birds very sweet and follow me around. they are cold hardy which is great with the winters we get. they are the only breed of bird i have owned. I haven't had a rooster but i hear they are good birds.

Pros: Adults will come right up to you,
Cons: Young ones are very skittish.
Some backround:

I got into chickens from my local 4-H livestock club. The chickens (and other animals, goats, sheep,cows,pigs,ducks,turkeys,etc) are kept at a local park/farm. The have a large flock, 20-30 birds of various ages and breeds. Nugget is the only one that is mine. They do not keep roosters. This year, all of the chicks were Ameraucanas.


I was very excited t meet my chick for the first time. Around 2 weeks old, they were in a fenced off area inside the coop with a window so the public could see them. All the chicks were very skittish and would run to the corner of the pen. After a few moments some would settle down a little, though would still run if I moved suddenly. Fast forward a few months, they have just been released with the older birds. While Nugget, and most of them (they're 8-10 weeks around now) would still run from me, and they are fast, some wouldn't run right away. Still fairly skittish at this age.

While Nugget is always a pain to catch the adult Ameraucanas (and some other breeds) will come right up to me and let me pet them, though it's a rule that we can't pick up chickens that aren't ours without the owner there. The adult Ameraucanas seem to leave the young ones alone, though the other breeds don't nessasarily. We get 5-20 eggs a day, from a flock of about 20-30, with about 8 young ones, so I don't know how much they actually lay, but I've been told they lay very well. Similarly, I can't tell you how loud they are because, aside from the other breeds mixed into the flock, the ducks nearby are way too noisy for you to ever hear any of the chickens.

The last thing I'd like to mention, and maybe this isn't specific to the breed, I'm still fairly new at this as my two chicks at home are only 4 weeks, is how interesting and different their personalities are. One will go up high every chance it gets, while another seems to be afraid of hights. It's extremely funny to watch them run around.
Pros: look awesome, awesome eggs, goofy, silly
Cons: skittish at times
I changed my mind! they have totally grown on me, 1. they lay a TON of eggs. 2. they are warming up to people, 3. they are so silly and goofy its great.
Pros: Calm when grown, mousers. Even the roosters can be extremely nice
Cons: Sometimes they lose all of their beard feathers, they can be skittish at birth
I love my lavendar Ameraucana's and Luna. They are our best egg layers, and when they aren't broody, lay eggs almost every day. At one time, we were getting 12 eggs a day from our hens !
We have 5 Lav. Hens, Luna, and Silver, our Prince Rooster. They can be skittish when they are young, but I found that even the roosters could be as sweet as dogs. I hand raised what I thought were two hens from hatch and they loved each other, but they also loved me. They would sleep in my lap and they still did when they matured. I was so happy they got a forever home and that they were adopted together.
Pros: Blue Eggs, Very friendly, Respect coop boundaries, Does not wander off, Does not bully others, Forages for most of food
Cons: Not the best egg layer, Not a great meat bird
My Ameraucana is a very great bird. I originally bought her because I was buying a package deal and having a chicken with a beard was pretty awesome. Her laying blue eggs just adds to the excitement. An adult bird for $2, I am not out much. She is a very pretty lawn ornament and respects the "coop boundaries" (in their night time facilities when I call for them, does not wander into the woods, does not travel into the corn field, does not go anywhere near the road, etc.) and does not bully the other animals. Overall, she is a very nice hen to have around. She is an interesting find and a lot of people love the blue eggs that she lays (she lays one every other day to once every few days).
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