Reviews by chickenteacher2

Pros: friendliest birds I have
My 3 are from My Pet chicken....they hatched from eggs. The 2 pullets are the friendliest girls, love to perch on me when I'm in the yard. My cockerel is gorgeous and I'm hoping he turns into a nice rooster.
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Pros: Independent
Cons: cranky brooder
Buffy is our only Orpington. She is independent, lower on the pecking order, but big, fluffy and likes to cluck. She lays frequently when not broody. She's my only brooder so far that I have to watch my fingers; she's a cranky girl!
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Pros: friendly, good egg layers
Cons: ?
The girls I just got are wonderful. They integrated well, started laying quickly. Haven't had any complaints. One of them is a real character - she "talks" to me. I love how cuddly they are.
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Bought my first chicks today, will see how I like them.
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Pros: fairly quiet and good, colored eggs
We have 2 store-bought Easter Eggers. They both came to us, very friendly girls, wanting to be held a lot as chicks. That has changed, since they free range with the others. One is skittish and tends to hop the fence, to peruse neighbor's yards. The other one is sweet and lays green eggs for me. I will definitley be getting more around spring time. Both girls, since starting to lay, have become very docile, following me around the yard. They both like to be held and are the friendliest birds I have. The second EE lays beautiful blue eggs.


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These 2 babies are my first hatch ever.....they are now a week old. I love how curious they are.

Now, that I've had my cochins for 8 months, I can review them. Out of 3 I hatched myself....2 are very quiet. One screams like a banshee. The two that are laying, lay every other day.
Pros: they are good layers, scare off other animals
Cons: aggression
I got these Reds for free (at 2-4 years old) and although they are friendly with me (the food lady), they pick on other hens, peck eggs (both theirs and others).
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