
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: beautiful birds,kind,clam,lays good,great egg taste an color
Cons: as chicks my EE was VERY afrid of me
for EE's
Pros: Egg color
Cons: not a true breed
My EEs are my favorite chickens. All 3 of my hens lay a colored egg- olive, blue/green, mint. They are the friendliest of all my birds, and even the EE rooster I have is more like a cat than a chicken- following me around always wanting to be petted. Each of them lay nearly every day, eggs ranging from jumbo to normal. I love that easter eggers come in so many colors so I can tell them all apart. My EEs are standard size chickens but they are on the smaller side so I think they have a good feed to lay ratio. This is the first breed I recommend to anyone looking to start a layer flock.
Pros: cute,very friendly, seeks affection from family members
Cons: they want someone to hold them all day
Just bought some adorable chics from the feed store because we wanted some color in our egg basket.Of course the feed store had them labeled as an araucana but I'm pretty sure they are just easter eggers.The chicks are very friendly seeking out attention from myself and my kids all day long.They love to be held and cuddled and want nothing more than a warm lap or comfy shoulder to rest on.The only drawback to all this cuddliness is that no one can hold them all day,and they protest LOUDLY when they don't get their way, lol!!
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Pros: Beautiful. Hardy. My girl lays at least 5 eggs a week, and only took two weeks off over the winter. Each EE is different.
Cons: None that I can think of.
My Bonnie gets most of the compliments when people want to see my small flock. She loves to "pose" for pictures. She isn't shy, but she doesn't like to be picked up. Everyone wants her light blue-green eggs! When I have more room, I'll definitely be adding more EEs to my flock.
Pros: cute, colourful, small, friendly, quite
Cons: flyers, not good meat birds
they are so cute I have two and they look so different from my other chickens especially there faces and the shape of there body. They have faces like a hawk or falcon (which is what I named them) and nice slender bodies with beautiful tail feathers. They give blue eggs which look wonderful mixed with my brown and cream coloured eggs in a carton. I have people ask me if they can have a carton mostly of blue eggs because their kids love to help make eggs for breakfast and see all the different coloured shells.
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Pros: fun colors great egg layers
Cons: can't show if thats what you want
I have 12 of these lil guys....they were my start in chicken raising and egg hatching...just love'em and will probably get more...they don't swim well though, one of them fell in the trough and my male duck held her head up till my daughter came home from school. I have no idea how long he did that, but my birds are amazing!
Pros: Good egg layers, chatty, sweet disposition
Cons: Were sold as Araucanas
Pros: They are the sweetest birds in my flock. They are pretty chatty (that could be a con to some) but I love the way they "laugh" and I love their egg song, loud yet pleasant. I have 2; one lays an olive egg, and the other lays a blue egg. Their egg productions is pretty good, they out lay my buff orp!

Cons: They were sold to me as Araucanas
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Pros: Confident
Cons: They fly
They're only one month in a brooder box, but they're very distinguishable. When everyone else is pecking at me or wildly running away, they like to investigate.
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Pros: Very pretty, good layers
Cons: can be broody
I have 2 EE's, who where supposed to be ameracaunas. It doesn't matter much though, I wasn't planning on showing them. The 2 I have couldn't be more different!!!! One is tall and on the skinny side of the scale, lays long blue eggs, and is very broody!!!! My other one, though, is short and stoutish, lays small green eggs, and hasn't gone broody once! She IS the patroller of the nesting boxes, pulling her broody sister out when need be. :) It is very funny. Overall, great birds! 4/5 stars because of the broodiness. :)
Pros: lay every day
Cons: can be a little flighty
i have two easter eggers that lay every day, even in winter....and sometimes 2 a day? i didnt think that was possible but one night i went down there and got 2 blue eggs. i went down the next night and got 3???? idk maybe they layed after i left.... but they were roosting... who knows!
Pros: pretty eggs, gorgeous chickens, curious and personable
Cons: some tend to get bullied by other breeds
I liked the colored eggs and when I first saw the EE's I fell in love with them. I think they're beautiful and most of them are sweet and personable. One jumps up on my shoulder and another on my lap and lets me pet her. Mine have laid very well... about 5 eggs a week from each one.

Lady Lucinda EE hen

They melt my heart when they look at me and tilt their heads. I think it's the muffs & beard. They have been a pleasure to have around. Never want to be without these!
Pros: pretty eggs, beautiful and varied feather color, cute muffs
Cons: Sometimes the muffs need to be trimmed
These are the best chickens in my book. They are cold hardy and lay pretty blue, green, or pink eggs. Their muffs and beards are adorable and I love their many colors. Their greyish green eggs are very cool too.They are also not too flighty and can go broody which is a plus in my coop.
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Pros: fairly quiet and good, colored eggs
We have 2 store-bought Easter Eggers. They both came to us, very friendly girls, wanting to be held a lot as chicks. That has changed, since they free range with the others. One is skittish and tends to hop the fence, to peruse neighbor's yards. The other one is sweet and lays green eggs for me. I will definitley be getting more around spring time. Both girls, since starting to lay, have become very docile, following me around the yard. They both like to be held and are the friendliest birds I have. The second EE lays beautiful blue eggs.
Pros: calm, sweet
Cons: flighty, eat a lot
I have 1 EE hen. She is so calm and very sweet! She will follow me around and is not aggresive to the other birds at all! She lays me 1 green egg every day :)
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Pros: great personality, curious, friendly, smart, pretty eggs
Good layer, great personality. Seemed smarter than the other chickens. Was very very greedy about food.
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Pros: Very Gentle, Kind, Non-Aggresive, Calm, Hardy, Great with Kids or People Scared of Chickens
Cons: Trouble to Sex, Slow to Mature
I bought two little chicks, supposedly pullets, when I was restarting my flock. They were kept together since they came home. They were handled every day. One of them did turn out to be a rooster (Peep, named after the marshmallow easter candy) , but he is the sweetest and most beautiful bird I have ever had. He has a weird bend in his spine, but I think that may have been due to my older rooster. My pullet looks just like a red-tailed hawk. She looked like an owl as a chick, so we named her Soren. Peep and Soren live with my baby Polish and treat her as if she is their own chick. They never harm her lovely poof, and she follows them around like their own possy. Peep and Soren are role model chickens for my flock. They are amazing.
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Pros: colored eggs, small size, very docile, quiet
Cons: Flighty!
EEs come is such a pretty variety of colors and make the sweetest cooing noises. I added them to my flock because I've been wanting to add color to my eggs...but I have the hardest time keeping EEs.

They're smallish, slow to mature hens- so I had a problem with the larger hens picking on them. Every EE I've had has been at the bottom of the flock heirarchy, so they get picked on. Then due to the small size I had a problem with them being the only ones picked off my even small predators.

But, for me, the most frustrating part of trying to keep these nice little hens is they are SO FLIGHTY. They're small and light, so they can and will fly- into the garden, over our 5' chain link fences, into the trees. I've also found mine tend to prefer roosting in trees, making it tricky to get them to go into the hen house at night where they would be safe.

Slow to mature
Pros: Good layers, hardy, friendly
This spring I ordered 25 EEs from Ideal Hatchery in Texas and they are one of my favorite breeds. They were the first to start laying and have continued to lay beautiful green eggs right into fall and so far the beginnings of winter. They are curious and friendly, not overly aggressive or mellow, right in between. The roosters are great with the rest of the flock and make sure all the hens are protected and have enough to eat.

A great breed!
Pros: Sweet
Cons: none
Hatched them from eggs and these are the cutest chickens I've had
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Pros: Very friendly, hardy, smart
Cons: 3-4 eggs per week
I love these guys, I will always have a few in my flock, if you are looking for production they are not great, but their personalities and fun colored eggs make up for the low egg production.
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