
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: friendly, good layers, social, colored eggs
I have 3 beautiful Easter eggers and they are very sweet. They allow my small children to pet them and eat out of their hands. They are pretty quiet for the most part of the day but my hen, Winnie, can get a little noisy after she lays an egg. They aren't every flighty and are smart & always curious . They love to follow me around when I'm gardening. They lay very pretty pale greenish blue eggs. They are very easy to care for and I would definitely recommend them to anyone.
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Pros: Blue eggs and pretty birds
Cons: Flighty, nervous, and one of my hens is very noisy !
Pros: Hens lay big beautiful eggs almost every day, are easy to sex (when old enough), and can come in many different plumages.
Cons: A bit flighty and cannot be shown (aren't APA recognized).
I have 10 Easter Eggers. Yes, 10! I'm that obsessed!

There is no standard for Easter Eggers. I love how they can look like anything. I have and have had Easter Eggers with clean faces, single-combs, white earlobes, etc! They are not a breed; just mainly Ameraucana/Araucana crosses. Hens can lay blue, green, green-ish blue, and (rarely) cream, white, or brown eggs. When old enough Easter Eggers (anywhere from the age of when they start to feather out and up) can be feather-sexed, meaning cockerels and roosters have a splotchier color pattern while hens have more of a heather-ier plumage. The only drawback I see is most of my birds are flighty.

I love my Easter Egger chickens. Hens lay big beautiful eggs almost every day, are easy to sex (when old enough), and can come in many different plumages. Great birds; I give them 4 stars!
Pros: Colored egg layers, funny looking
Cons: Not an apa recognized breed
I currently have 5 and they are amazing.
Pros: friendly. lay colorful eggs. nice. funny. great family chickens.
Cons: flighty. hard to determine gender. a little dumb
I love EE's. I always suggest them to people looking for chickens.
Pros: Gorgeous feathers, very inquisitive, and lays great blue-green eggs!
Cons: Not a real breed, loves heights.
I love Easter Eggers! They are great and come in light brown or a golden brown. I love their markings as chicks, and sometimes they keep a mark or two. I enjoy my EE's company and their puffy cheeks remind me of Babushkas
I love their eggs and today we got our first egg from one of the two EE's I have. It was a surprise to find a green egg next to a brown egg in my coop, and it gives color to an otherwise dull nest. I love the shade of their eggs, and the hens lay them quickly in my coop. EE's are a great add to your flock, and I highly recommend them!

I was told they're not a real breed, but I am unsure of this. Also, they can cause trouble when it comes to heights.
Pros: Friendly, Have their own personalities, Beautiful colors, Cool Eggs.
Cons: Get mistaken for Ameraucanas.

I have 5 Easter Eggers and they are the best girls in my flock. They really bring out the color in it. I love the fact that no two are really the same. And if you breed them your self, you will always have different colored babies; because they don't breed true.
Pros: My egg buyers love the different colors. Until last summer that's all I had.
Cons: One roo is meaner than a snake.
Years ago when I had chickens all I had were EE's. I loved the color of the eggs opposed to an old white egg. I moved and finally got them going again in 2010. Until last summer that's all I had. Now I have added some RIR, RIW (which aren't pure. Pure ones have a rose comb. Mine do not and they have some brown feathers that break through the white ones, doms, and my other favorite is buff opringtons. Those birds are by far the sweetest after my EE's. I've just ordered me some lavs so I'm very excited. This year I've added marans and hopefully the welsummers will hatch.
I have two EE's Roos and they are beautiful but one is meaner than a snake. He will sneak up on you if you don't watch him. I've even had him try to chase me to the house. He is black is a very few green feathers in his saddle feathers and the ends of them have gold tips. His name is gold tips. He usually doesn't bother me anymore but anyone else is fair game. The other roo is also solid black with a tint of green in his saddle feathers but he is the sweetest roo I have ever had. I did have one that was white with browns all in him but he was to plain looking so I gave him away. Gold tips may have to find a new home too very soon if he doesn't start being nicer. Just today he snuck up and jumped me. I think I will always have my EE's and my buyers love the colors. Hopefully next summer I can add maran and welsummer eggs to the cases. :) :)
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Pros: Sweet,friendly,variety of color patterns,cute.
Cons: Easily bullied.Fly over six foot fence too easily.Not the greatest winter layers.
Must be pretty good for the most part because I always want to have them around.
Like the variety of egg color,personalities,and how cute they are.
I have not found them to be the best winter layers but do well in the hotter weather where the others slack off a bit.
They really love to fly over the 6 ft.fences though and get into trouble.
Pros: Unique color, funny personalities, beautiful large eggs and people friendly
Cons: Can be flock aggressive and broody
I have 5 Easter Eggers and they are becoming a passion of mine! Not only are their colors unique but so are their personalities! Each one is different and I love the large colorful eggs! Most of my EEs are friendly to humans and enjoy being pampered but when it comes to introducing new chickens to the flock they are the first to tell them whose boss. After a few little squabbles they are usually quick to calm down and my EEs tend to stick together rather then mingling with the rest of the flock. I also have a few hens that hate it when it's time to collect the eggs but I guess I would be broody to with such pretty eggs! Overall great birds and I would highly recommend them!
Pros: Friendly chatterbox that looked exotic when she was a chick. At two, she is laying jumbo/extra-large blue-green eggs almost every day.
Cons: None
Of all my hens, she is the friendliest, and loves it when I rub her back and neck, even in the nest box. Not easily excited. Highly recommend this breed to anyone.
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Pros: inquisitive, friendly, tame easily
Cons: none so far!
This is Goldilocks. Don't laugh. I have a three year old little girl. Every other chicken on the place is named 'Princess' including the roosters, except Fred and Ted which are girls. Now you can laugh.

I bought the EE's on an impulse buy at Orcheln's. They use Estes hatchery out of MO. Estes' website makes no claims of purity, it says that this is their own strain. All I can say is thank goodness my brooder filled up or I would have a lot more than 4 of these birds. They have been incredibly friendly since the day I brough them home. Their colors are coming out nicely and all are turning into beautiful birds. Would highly recommend them to others wanting a backyard chicken.
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Pros: Awesome personalities, lay pretty eggs, entergetic, sweet, gentle
Cons: Can't be shown
EEs are awesome chickens. They are full of personality, sweet, gentle, loving, and entergetic birds. Also they lay beautiful eggs. All of my EEs are very sweet and kind. The only bad thing about them is they can't be shown, but isn't a big deal especially if you just want them for yout backyard flock.
Pros: Very energetic, full of personality
Cons: None!
I have to Easter Egger chicks that are one month now. They are AWESOME! I LOVE watching them mature! My one EE (Hazel) has a peach breast, black penciled back, and a black splotch on the top of her head with a white face. Pippy has bright orange hackle feathers, and the rest of her body is a chocolate with black penciling here and there. I love my EE's so much, and can't wait for them to lay!
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Pros: Hardy
Cons: Can't tell what color they will lay until mature
Have 3 of these hens. One over 3 years old and still a very good layer. They tolerate desert heat and dryness. Very friendly toward other breeds.
Pros: Beautiful, pretty eggs, friendly
Cons: Very timid with other birds
I have two Easter Eggers that are beautiful six month old pullets. They lay very pretty blue/green eggs almost everyday. Even though they are different looking, they lay almost identical colored eggs.

They are very gentle and never cause trouble or pick on the other birds which unfortunately puts them at the bottom of the pecking order. They are very people friendly and are a lot of fun to watch. When they free range they stay close to us and are always ready for a handout. From the experience I have had with my EEs I would recommend them to anyone.

I want to add two things. Peanut Butter, the one in the bottom picture went broody, which I have heard is unusual for EEs. If I had hatching eggs I would have let her hatch them because she was very determined to stay on the nest. The other thing is after going broody she moved up in the pecking order and does not let the other girls pick on her. She is not mean to the other girls, but does not like the little cockerel we recently added to the flock. When she stands up to him and flares the feathers on her neck she looks like she means business.
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Pros: Pretty feathers; good temperments; pretty eggs
Cons: Take way longer than any other chickens to lay eggs
These birds are very sweet and beautiful. Our two hens, Sammy and Queen, have very good temperments and get alogn with everyone in the coop. However, at the age of about seven months, they still have yet to lay an eggs while our other two layed for the first time about a month ago. I would recommend these, but not unless the person asking about them already has a steady supply of eggs and is not, like we were, getting hens to replace a flock that was lost to predators. Other than that, though, they are beautiful girls!
Pros: Great layer's, very sweet, hardy, very colorful and they make it well as free range birds
Cons: a little flighty and are very hard to breed
They are great friendly bird's and are one of my fave breeds. Every one love's the colorful egg's and not one looks the same they make for a very pretty flock! Great for people who just want pets or egg layer's!
Pros: Sweet, smart, full of personality, a great lap chicken, unpredictable, fun!
Cons: Stubborn, has issues, unpredictable, sometimes skittish.
My EE's/Ameraucanas were/are great! We had three, two died.We ordered two of them as Ameraucanas but we don't think they were true Ameracaunas.:( And two of them loved to be held! The one that's left will come when you call her name (or at least acknowledge you) she loved to be snuggled and loves to fallow people around. (I named her Marshmallow!) My EE went crazy a couple years ago when she was two, it all started when we got new chicks and I wasn't spending as much time with her 'cause I was busy with the chicks. Now her soul desire is to make they little chicken miserable. She pulls out the their feathers, pulls on their wings, and just tortures them. When she was a chick I taught her to do a few tricks. I can honestly say she is the best and the most interesting chicken we've ever had, and she's a great layer of beautiful blue eggs! It's really a surprise with these chickens, you never know how they will turn out! Call me crazy but sometimes I think this chicken can actually understand me!


Misty ^
Pros: Friendly, full of personality, beautiful
Our three Easter Eggers have more personality individually than the entire flock combined. Sandy is always the first one to greet us, running from wherever she's working before the others even look up. Chip chatters, tells you about her entire day and makes sure you are listening. Honey believes she's perpetually broody but continues to go about her chicken business, crabby all the way. If you sell eggs, they're invaluable in my opinion. You can't get green and blue eggs at the grocery store. That alone makes local eggs worth the extra money. They're beautiful when combined with the brown eggs. I love to see the customers' faces when they find several colored eggs scattered in their cartons. Their pea combs are a plus in the northern climates as well. No frostbite! Hands down, they're the favorite birds in my flock and I hope to always have a couple of Easter Eggers, not only for their beautiful eggs but for their great character.


Chip with her saddle, she's the rooster's favorite

Honey (as a pullet)

Easter Egger eggs and brown eggs. Sandy lays the large, speckled
olive eggs AND the sage green eggs. Honey lays the blue and
Chip lays a brown egg that is always darker on one end and looks
almost airbrushed (not pictured).
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