
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: hen seems friendly
Cons: rooster aggressive
I originally got two Easter eggers, two buffs orpingtons, and two welsummers as my first batch of chickens. With elimination of a few roosters, and addition of some more hens, it is now one easter egger, two buffs and three welsummers. Of all those, my easter is the friendliest, second is one of my buffs. My cheeps are now 10 weeks old, and originally my easter was NOT the friendliest. She ran from me and wanted nothing to do with me. Now that she is older and out in the large coop, with more room to roam, she runs to me and LOVES to be held. I originally reviewed the easter bad, but I guess I should have given her some time. I do not know anything about their egg production yet, since they are still too young.
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Pros: Inquisitive
Cons: None
Our EE is by far the friendliest and most personable of the 3 chickens we currently have (the other 2 are RIR's). She's very curious and the first to notice things but also cautious whenever anything new is introduced into the coop or outside enclosure. She's not fond of being handled but always comes right up to us and "chats" while our RIR's couldn't seem to care less if we are around or not. She's such a beautiful girl (dark strawberry blond with black markings) that it's a pleasure just watching her.
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Pros: Colored eggs, cute faces, feather variety, friendly, love trees
Cons: noisy, kinda dumb, loud
So far i have owned 4 EE's. One was a hatchery and the others are mix breed farm hens.
The hatchery one was HUGE and died at 2 years old of internal laying.

Egg production is OK about 5 a week on average.

when my pullets started laying they started headlong thru the winter with 5-6 avg. eggs per week for each bird.

The Hatchery hen was timid and did not like being handled.
The hatched farm chicks are 2/3 are super friendly and jump up on you. the other is more cautious but not as timid as my 1st hen.

None have been the brightest birds. One is even kinda a bit on the slow side but as sweet as can be.

They are all a good size bird.
Mine love to fly up into the trees and go higher and higher up the branches.

I just love their cute floofy faces!!!!!
Pros: sweet tempered, BEAUTIFUL!!! eggs, pretty
Cons: not so bright
I love my Easter Egger. I got her at an Orchalen's as a americana. Amelia layes very pretty blue-green eggs. My favorite chicken. Period

Pros: Can fly at 1 week sweet docile etc!
Cons: N/A
I love my EE so far. She is only 2 weeks and she can fly like no chickens business! This is my first one and i have yet to see how she will turn out!
Pros: EE means something with a base of amerecauna/aracauna.... they are what you breed them to.
Cons: none that come to mind.
we started with a silver amerecauna roo, we bred him to production red and tetra link hens and got some beautiful roosters and hens. (see my profile pic) the hens are daily layers of green/blue eggs and the boys I kept are friendly and love their job.
Pros: great layers, great variety of feather colors, colorful eggs
Cons: flighty
I have three easter eggers and while they aren't very friendly, I really do love having them. All three are completely different colors, one has a blue/wheaten coloring, second is a smokey white with brownish/orange chin, and the third is the more traditional gold/brown penciled color. All three have their own shade of egg color, a turquoise, olive, and a green. Not the most friendly birds but I can always expect at least two green colored eggs a day.
Pros: Colorful eggs, beards, color of the chicken itself, friendly
Cons: Not the best layers, can be flighty
I love my EE's! They are so friendly and cute with their beards! They are my favorite type of chicken and I love their blue eggs. They aren't the best layers but it's good enough for me.
This is one of my EE's I have and is my favorite one
Pros: Attractive, Tall, Good Layers
Cons: Don't hold their own very well, Not too friendly
I really like my Easter Eggers. I think they're so pretty and I love their eggs. Those eggs have very thick shells. I wonder how chicks ever hatch from them. These were the prettiest chicks at the store. They grew into the prettiest birds. We have a red, a buff and a chocolate hen. They're nice enough, but they are the lowest on our totem pole in the flock. They are always missing a bit of feathers. Since being the closest to me, means the closest to treats and food, the other birds try to keep them away. I think this makes them the least friendly bird, so it is not their fault. I really like them. They are sweet girls.
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Pros: Colorful Egg's, Colorful Chickens, Easy To Hatch, Easy To Raise
Cons: Wont Stay Out Of Anything, Easy Catch For Vermits
For the beginner you can not ask for a better bird to work with ....
Go to the roost well or will cuddle as a group on the ground ......
Good layers of multi color egg's, Blue, Green, Brown, Pink, or an off white as they age .......
Easley kept in a coop for long periods of time ......
Will go broody from time to time .......
Very friendly and some times way to friendly as to be waiting by my car door when I get home and following me to the front door or to the feed shed .....
Roosters do tend to mature fast and need to be thinned out before DE-feathering all the hens or hurting them ......
The Roosters can be aggressive towards one another to the point of exhaustion or loss .......

They do play well with others
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Pros: Early to mature, first to start laying eggs, curious, friendly and good free-rangers
Cons: Roosters seem like rapists since they mature so quickly compared to other breeds
If I could start my flock all over again, it would be with EE's only! I adore these little birds! They are super smart, friendly and sociable. They matured VERY quickly and all looked so different! I started my flock in the beginning of August so I was not expecting any eggs until spring. My little EE's started popping out eggs in -40 degree weather!!!! They lay constantly, rarely miss a day! One of my bantam hens lays a GIANT size egg that is usually double yolked! We are breeding that one for sure!

Really, get a few of these birds for your flock. You will not be disappointed! They are wonderful! We now have mostly EE's in both sizes. They are such happy little birds! Mine come and say hello every morning and let me pet them and pick them up. I didn't handle them much, but they seem very comfortable with me touching and handling them now as adults. They are also great hens, happy to let the rooster do his job. (None of my other birds are too happy when the rooster comes to call, but the EE's squat right down and allow MULTIPLE roosters to mate with them)

I will always have EE's around. The green/blue eggs are wonderful! Really, I rank this as one of the all time best chickens. I have had many different kinds and the EE's continue to delight me. I cannot say enough wonderful things about them!
Pros: Quiet, calm, cuddly, keeps everyone in line, beautiful consistent eggs, stunning photo bomber
Cons: i can't think of any
My EE is so fantastic. She is the quietest of my flock of 6, but has a heavy hand in keeping everyone in line and safe. She took well to my 2 chicks when i got them and always makes sure everyone is safe. She is beautiful and cuddly - she loves to be held and during the summer sunshine, she'll sunbathe on top of my feet. She has laid an egg every day until she molted this past fall and they are the best eggs of my group.
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Pros: Fairly steady layer (egg every 1 or 2 days), winter hardy, good free ranging
Cons: Prefers remote and hidden nests, can be standoffish
Mine have been standoffish from the start. But I don't interact with my chickens as much as some chicken owners seem to. They do eat from my hand gently and if I catch one, they quiet down and seem to enjoy being petted. I have two so I have at least one or two eggs every day, even this winter. They have small combs and have done very well when we had -7 degree days. I did have a problem when they first started laying. They laid in the coop nest boxes for two weeks but soon I did not have a single blue/green egg. They both had a stash under a yard barn. They were laying in the coop again after locking them in for three days and blocking off the hidden nest.
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Pros: lays quite a few eggs, pretty, good personality
Cons: started laying later than my other birds
I love my Easter egger! She is my favorite out of my chickens. She has beautiful feathers and is so cute. She has a sweet temperament, loves to be held, always comes running up to me, and isn't very hard to catch. I think she is smarter than my other chickens as she catches on to how to do stuff quickly. She lays very beautiful blue eggs and they are pretty big. I will be happy to get more in the future. Great birds! :D
Pros: Lays Rainbow Eggs, are Sweetly temperd(when Hand Raised) vary rairly go broodie & make Grate moms when thay do & come in an asortment of colors.
Cons: Can be flighty, & somtimes overly protecktive mothers
Lays Cool Colored Eggs varying in color & the birds feathering Oh my goodness Always so awesomely pretty; They are So Sweetly tempered & Quiet birds.
would recommend them to any one who's interested in Selling eggs
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Pros: Sweet, curious, good layer
Cons: None in my experience
Our EE Harley is probably the sweetest chicken we have. Before she matured she ran away and wasn't at all how she is now, but she was the sweetest thing as a chick. She started laying about 2 weeks ago and gives us blue/green eggs almost every day!(it's hard to out lay 5 leghorns.) She's really curious and mischievous. I think this is only Harley, but she does not sing the egg song when her or someone else is laying an egg! I was glad she laid at around 23 weeks of age seeing how she's not a pure breed.
Pros: Smart, Good forager, Peaceful with other hens
Cons: Mine is extremely shy of people
I bought One of these for my little sister, who at first named her 'Blue Girl', but somehow, now her name is Cupcake. Her feathering is so beautiful, it looks like an extremely talented artist did a paint job on her.
Unfortunately and unexpectedly, Cupcake turned out to be very shy of people. She is calm and docile to the chickens, but there is no jumping on our laps begging for treats, no following us around the yard, and she won't tolerate us picking her up, which makes catching her very difficult, she'll run for cover when we show up to do the chicken and yard chores. At least I don't have to worry about predators to much with Cupcake.
I'm still waiting for the first egg, and I hope I get a pretty color, but I cant rate on that.
Overall think she's beautiful, active, and her shyness makes a good predator guard of her.
Pros: They cool looking,mine lay blue eggs,they are cute,when they start to lay they lay almost every day.
Cons: Can be a little flighty, that is it!
I bought 4 EE's.They are super cool! I have one that just doesn't like me but she is getting better! I have one that I really like she is just so cute and she does like to be picked up! They did lay late but EE's are known to but when they start to lay they lay almost every day!I love their blue eggs.One of them lays really blue eggs almost like a robin eggs! They are amazing chickens!

Pros: Colorful, pretty, good layers, personality
Cons: Stop laying in the winter mostly, slower to mature
Our EE's are one of our favorites. We've bred from our EE's back to get more blue eggs. Their colors are great, always interesting. The background of their breeding matters. Some can be more flighty than others. It is one of the best producers, until the winter when they drop off. Otherwise, large eggs are the result almost every day. I have two 2 yr. old hens and their daughter hen. The daughter was 30 weeks before laying a single egg. Her siblings laid at 24 weeks. So the variation makes them somewhat uneconomical as fa as production. They last long, are hardy, and have a decent feed to egg conversion. We will always have a couple on the farm, without a doubt!
Pros: Proficient layers, good foragers, intelligent, good fliers
Cons: A little batty, don't lay well in the winter, good fliers
Every one of my EEs have dramatically different personalities from one another, which is annoying because when you go to buy one of these birds you have no idea what you're going to get... but I suppose that makes it a little fun too! I have some that are flighty and nervous and others that are calm and sweet. These birds mean business and are always moving around. They're very curious and lay well, but not in the winter. Mine are excellent fliers and are always exploring on top of walls and every once in a while try to roost on top of the coop.
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