Reviews by DoesItQuack

Pros: Large, meaty, good layers, heritage breed
Cons: Hard to find local breeders
I'd love to have some of these... working on trading to get some hatching eggs soon. :)


Super Admin
Pros: She's friendly...
Cons: Too friendly ;-)
She's adopted my ducks, comes over to their run every day, and sticks her head in to drink their water and swipe feed if the bowl is close enough to the edge of the run ;-) She's snuck in with me a couple of times, and I have to shoo her out (mild chicken allergy, and I'd like to keep it that way! lol) Otherwise, she is keeping them company during the day... hehe
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Blue Swedish

Super Admin
Pros: Mellow, mostly "muttering" ducks
Cons: Mine are skittish/afraid of people
Got mine second hand, the drakes look like they're a Swedish/Mallard mix (dark body, white bib, green head) and the ducks are tan/white, sometimes popping up into a runner stance. Wish they weren't so skittish (run from me, can't look them in the eye or they hide), but they're fairly quiet just a quiet muttering chatter until they squabble a little then it's "quack quack" for a minute or two, then all settles down again. At least they've made friends with one of my neighbor's chickens, who free ranges in our yard ;-) maybe they'll warm up to me, they are seeming to get the idea that I bring the water and food, so they wait until I turn towards the door to the run, and then make a beeline to the water and feed.
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