

The White Chantecler was created in the early 1900s by a monk from Quebec. It was recognized by the APA in 1921. The Partridge, originally called the Albertan, was created by Dr. Wilkinson a short time afterwards and admitted to the APA in 1935.

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light Brown
Breed Temperament
Friendly and Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
White, Buff, and Partridge
Breed Size
Large Fowl and Bantam
Buy URL (Look for Breeders Directory)
The Chantecler is a dual purpose Canadian breed that is hardy, productive, and well suited to harsh winters. They are decent winter layers of large brown eggs, yet fairly broody and good mothers. Their meat qualities are also good, as they dress out at about five pounds most times. They are notable for having a very small cushion comb and almost no wattles, making them very resistant to frostbite. Their temperament is generally calm and quiet, though young birds can be flighty. They are often very good foragers. The name Chantecler was created from the combination of the French ‘chanter,’ “to sing,” and ‘clair,’ “bright”.

The White variety was created by Brother Wilfrid, a Trappist monk, at the Oka Agricultural Institute in the Province of Quebec. It was first presented to the public in 1918 after 10 years of effort and refinement, but it was not admitted to the Standard until 1921. Four crosses were used in the production of this variety: a Dark Cornish male over a White Leghorn female and a Rhode Island Red male over a White Wyandotte female. The next season, the pullets from the first class were mated with a cockerel from the second class. Select pullets from their offspring were bred to a White Plymouth Rock male and the subsequent breedings produced the fowl as it is today. Commercial breeds replaced the Chantecler over time, and by 1979 the Chantecler was no longer found in the university or commercial hatcheries and was in danger of extinction. A number of small flocks persisted, however. It has regained popularity in the last ten years or so, and can again be found available in a number of commercial hatcheries.

The Partridge variety originated in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Four breeds were used in the production of this variety: Partridge Wyandotte, Partridge Cochin, Dark Cornish, and Rose Comb Brown Leghorn. Some claim Dr. Wilkinson also used Orloffs to create this new bird. It was originally named the Albertan, but upon presentation to the APA in 1935 for recognition they deemed it so close in character to the existing White Chantecler that they classified it as another variety.

The Buff variety is a commonly bred and quite spectacular bird that unfortunately has not been recognized as of yet. There are many dedicated people working on it, however, so I expect we will see it in some future edition of the Standard of Perfection. Edit 3-12-18: the Buff Chantecler has now been recognized by the ABA. There are not enough qualifying breeders to mount a bid for APA acceptance, though, so if you are a member of the APA and breed LF Buff Chanteclers, please consider helping out!


Chantecler eggs


Partridge Chantecler chicks


Partridge Chantecler juvenile


White Chantecler pullet


Buff Chantecler bantam rooster with hens

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here:

Latest reviews

I have owned over thirty breeds and varieties over the years, but Chanteclers (Buff and Partridge) are easily the best of all of them. They are very cold hardy and have small combs and wattles, so I don't have to deal with winter trimming every year. They have nice large frames that make processing old hens and extra cockerels worthwhile, and those same large frames give extra room for egg production. They're docile, yet range wary and certainly not dumb. If you live up north, please give these birds a shot.


Pros: Good layers, Have Great temperments, Roosters are super frendily, Can handle the worst bilzzard no problem!
Cons: Roosters can get a little agressive with each other, Can't think of anything else
Got some white ones, and I was love at first sight, Great brids, I have 2 that raised 3 white ones together!

They are good, I just got myself some of the buff, and I'm not dissipointed!

Just fantastic brids, double thumbs up! :thumbsup
Pros: friendly and calm, beautiful, cold hardy
Cons: none so far
I see a lot of people are saying that Chanteclers are flightily. That has not been my experience at all! They are the most friendly and curious of all my breeds. When I'm in the run there is usually at least one tapping at my leg wanting treats or picked up. Yes they like to be picked up and just being near you. They are also good foragers and are brave. Very smart. They do have a bit of an attitude like they just know they are special. They make unique noises, not loud just chatting. They are not bullies but will stand up for themselves. My rooster is very much the gentleman and sweet natured he has never shown any aggression at all, a bit shy in fact. He doesn't crow much and when he does its a bit different than your average, less obnoxious. The

hens are quite a bit heavier than my other heritage breeds. They would be a very good dual purpose bird if thats what you are looking for. When I chose to get them my reasons were primarily that they would do well in a cold climate and I also have to say that they have done just as good or better on hot days compared to my others. If I could have only one breed they would be it. In the pic my roo is 4 1/2 months old.


The birds pictured are are Partridge Chanteclers not Chanteclers. They were developed in different parts of Canada. The Chantecler is a white bird. I'm part of a growing movement to reestablish Chanteclers as a back yard flock and wish to let people know that there's a difference.
Sorry, but is has been determined by the APA that Partridge Chanteclers are a variety of the Chantecler and have the same claim to the name that the white variety does. I have edited the description to make the information pertain to both varieties.
And by the way, @Aluckyshot .....Where are you getting the notion that Chanteclers are small??????????????????????????

Just curious, what color are your birds, please.

I have at least 2 4 month cockerels that I'm considering culling/eating because they are simply too large and gangly. They will wind up being enormous if allowed to live. I might just keep one of these big cockerels and post his pic on the Thread when he's about a year old.

Good luck my friend.
don't do it they are awsome birds they may be big but in my expience they have a very nice dispsiton.
And by the way, @Aluckyshot .....Where are you getting the notion that Chanteclers are small??????????????????????????

Just curious, what color are your birds, please.

I have at least 2 4 month cockerels that I'm considering culling/eating because they are simply too large and gangly. They will wind up being enormous if allowed to live. I might just keep one of these big cockerels and post his pic on the Thread when he's about a year old.

Good luck my friend.
Hellbender has passed away, so I'll reply instead; hope you don't mind. Many of us are breeding to the SOP or just for production, both of which requires culling birds. Nasty part of the fancy but it becomes hard on wallets and on hens. If there was no selection towards the healthiest and best producers, their genetics would backslide partly to their original Junglefowl roots and partly to a modern sickly bird due to the fact domestic chickens don't have to struggle to survive.
And by the way, @Aluckyshot .....Where are you getting the notion that Chanteclers are small??????????????????????????

Just curious, what color are your birds, please.

I have at least 2 4 month cockerels that I'm considering culling/eating because they are simply too large and gangly. They will wind up being enormous if allowed to live. I might just keep one of these big cockerels and post his pic on the Thread when he's about a year old.

Good luck my friend.
your right but hellbender was saying he was going to cull just because of size.....i do understand that you do have to cull i keep sheep and know all about it
I live in northern BC and read about these in Small Farm Canada. Where can you get hatching eggs or chicks?
I live in northern BC and read about these in Small Farm Canada. Where can you get hatching eggs or chicks?
Check the breeders' directory at Chantecler Fanciers International; link in breed description. There are many Canadian breeders that will either ship eggs/chicks or deliver to shows.
Hi.. I have been trying to find some information on what a "show quality" partridge Chantecler should look like. I hatched some in the summer and of the two hens i have left they look totally different. One is really robust and has the single lacing on her feathers. The other one is not a robust and has double lacing on her feathers (the only one of all the hatched chicks to have this quality) .
Hi.. I have been trying to find some information on what a "show quality" partridge Chantecler should look like. I hatched some in the summer and of the two hens i have left they look totally different. One is really robust and has the single lacing on her feathers. The other one is not a robust and has double lacing on her feathers (the only one of all the hatched chicks to have this quality) .
I'll PM you some examples. I can't attach pictures to a comment.
Hi.. I have been trying to find some information on what a "show quality" partridge Chantecler should look like. I hatched some in the summer and of the two hens i have left they look totally different. One is really robust and has the single lacing on her feathers. The other one is not a robust and has double lacing on her feathers (the only one of all the hatched chicks to have this quality) .
Thank-you so much!
So we found lady selling Partridge Chanteclers, 1 rooster and 4 hens all one year old. Chicken Run road trip day 1, 1100 kilometres. Day 2, got my 5 Partridge Chanteclers, 1100 km and home by 10 pm! Settled the new members of our flock and our only Chanteclers. Next day 2 eggs ... these chickens travel well! We also got 3 Black Copper Marans chicks and a 3 month old Cuckcoo Silkie cockerel. Let my Partridge Chantecler adventure begin.
Our new rooster is Albert (the original creator of this hardy chicken wanted them call Albertans)

Update: well our Partridge Chanteclers are doing well, we hatched 6 of 7 eggs in our first group and all 7 had live embryos right up to lockdown. Batch 2 was 17 eggs and at day 12 only 9 had live embryos this time. I would seem since the 8 infertile eggs were likely from the same hen (1 dud from each day of collection), Albert is neglecting one of his girls. Hoping for the last 9 to all hatch.
So we found lady selling Partridge Chanteclers, 1 rooster and 4 hens all one year old. Chicken Run road trip day 1, 1100 kilometres. Day 2, got my 5 Partridge Chanteclers, 1100 km and home by 10 pm! Settled the new members of our flock and our only Chanteclers. Next day 2 eggs ... these chickens travel well! We also got 3 Black Copper Marans chicks and a 3 month old Cuckcoo Silkie cockerel. Let my Partridge Chantecler adventure begin.
Our new rooster is Albert (the original creator of this hardy chicken wanted them call Albertans)

Update: well our Partridge Chanteclers are doing well, we hatched 6 of 7 eggs in our first group and all 7 had live embryos right up to lockdown. Batch 2 was 17 eggs and at day 12 only 9 had live embryos this time. I would seem since the 8 infertile eggs were likely from the same hen (1 dud from each day of collection), Albert is neglecting one of his girls. Hoping for the last 9 to all hatch.
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy them.

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