

The Crevecoeur is a old French breed. They were originally bred as a dual purpose egg and table...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Black, although blue is also available in other countries.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Crevecoeur is a rare chicken breed originating in France, where it was kept as a dual purpose chicken, raised both for its white eggs and for meat. It is named after the town of Creèvecoeur in Normandy and is one of the oldest French chicken breeds. It may be the progenitor of the La Flèche, Houdan, and Faverolles breeds.
The Crèvecœur has uniformly black plumage, a V-shaped comb and a large crest. In the United States and the United Kingdom, where consumers prefer table birds with light colored legs, it is primarily bred for ornamental purposes and exhibition.

The Crèvecœur was added to the APA's Standard of Perfection in 1874.

Crèvecœur eggs

Crèvecœur chicks

Crèvecœur juvenile

Crèvecœur hen

Crèvecœur rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/crevecoeur-thread.371947/

Latest reviews

Pros: Very pretty feathering (iridescent). Endearing. Friendly. Curious. Fair layers. Easily trained. Mellow, quiet, gentle rooster. Excellent fliers.
Cons: Crests may require maintenance and get dirty when free-ranged. May get bullied when placed with other breeds. Slow maturation rate (usually does not begin lay until 7-10 months). Escape artists.
I got some Crevecoeurs at a feed store. They where not kept in the greatest environment (overcrowded, quite a few sick chicks and all the chicks where really young). However, I fell in love at first sight... I ended up with one rooster, who was really sweet and gentle but also had good flock-keeping instincts. The females did not begin lay until ~9 months. However, all are really friendly and where easily trained (they come at my call). They lay white eggs that begin rather small but increase in size quite a bit (medium to large by the time the birds are 1 yr old). This breed (like the polish) is particularly good at acrobatic maneuvering. Combined with their natural curiosity, they are prone to roosting in trees and escaping. They bear confinement well (as long as they are not being bullied by other chickens). However, they are often energetic, fun to watch and love to explore/play free-range. I absolutely am taken by their crests and love watching them. They are a joy to own. To read more about the Crevecoeur breed and my experience with them, please visit my website, The Way of the Chicken: http://thewayofthechicken.com/index.php/2017/05/30/crevecoeur-chicken-breed/



The pullet above, named Elly, has cross beak (which you can read more about here: http://thewayofthechicken.com/index.php/2017/11/09/crossed-beak-chickens/). A crossed beak (also known as lateral beak deviation or scissor beak) is not highly common... but not rare. It is primarily noted in crested breeds, Easter Eggers and Amaraucanas.



Don't worry... the cat was gentle. She never even chased peeps.





Purchase Price
Purchase Date
March, 2017
Pros: Good layers, amazing meat producers (short muscle fibers mean tender meat), cold-hardy, good foragers, easy to keep in smaller spaces.
Cons: Hard to find other breeders because they are rare.
For about 20 years, now, Crevecoeurs have been my favorite chickens.

I have had other chickens, including Ameraucanas, Delawares, Rocks, Nankins, Sultans, Houdans, Polish, Belgian d'Uccles, Booted Bantams, and Dominiques, to name a few of them.

The Crevecoeurs are the most easy-going of all. One year we had to lock all of them up together in a small shed because our barn was flooded. Twenty-eight of them, hens and roosters together, coexisted peacefully in a tight 6x6 foot space for almost three weeks until we got the roof fixed and the floor drained and dry. Their main complaint, voiced as the sun went down, was that the roosts weren't high enough. I have to say, in my experience they want to roost higher than most other chickens I have raised.

The roosters seem to still have all their courting instincts intact even as cockerels, unlike the Ameraucanas. I have put other chickens in with them, mostly Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers, and the roosters maintain order and prevent fighting among the hens, and call everyone for food and fresh straw in the nest boxes. You don't ever hear much squabbling in the Crevecoeur pens.

Crevecoeurs are non-setters, so I have used a combination of broodies (mostly Nankins) and incubators to maintain my flock over the years. My original Crevecoeurs were from Murray McMurray. More recently I have picked up a flock, which I am maintaining separately, of Crevecoeurs from Jeannette Beranger of the Livestock Conservancy. (I always try to maintain two separate flocks of the same breed, for breeding purposes.) Jeannette's Crevecoeurs are better layers than my original Murray McMurray flock. Over the years I selected my original flock for size and for meeting the APA standard, and I continue to show them in local fairs for the judge's opinions. Crevecoeurs stay good-looking and healthy longer than most of my other chicken breeds. At the Missouri State Poultry Association Show in 2015, I showed a Crevecoeur hen who took first place, Best of Breed, and best Continental, despite being 10 years old. Usually, I stop showing most of my chickens around 4-5 years old.

The Crevecoeur hens continue laying longer than most breeds and at a decent rate into their seventh and eighth year, then they age gracefully from egg producers into backyard pets.

(Addition in October 2018: The oldest Crevecoeur rooster I have right now is 14-1/2 years old, and the oldest hen will be 16 in February. And both sexes continue to eat bugs and weeds into their old age, giving you that chicken manure which, when composted, is the gold standard of compost for gardening.
I know I said they only come in black, but that's in the APA standard. France and England both accept white and blue in their standards. The white Crevecoeur was derived from a white sport, which has some smoky or sooty feathers. Jeannette Beranger gave me a white Crevecoeur sport, which you can see on her Facebook page for her Crevecoeur project. I have included photos of her foraging, and with her rooster, who is all black. I have hatched a lot of her eggs, and so far they were all blacks. Now, hatching some of the grandchildren, hoping to find another white sport, preferably a boy, but I will take what I get!)

Crevecoeurs are not heavy eaters, and they don't get fat even if they have more food available to them, unlike my Rocks and Delawares. They like to forage and I think their crests allow them to focus on the food search on the ground. Like most good foragers, they can be quite destructive in the garden; they are best used for plowing rather than for insect control. If they have nearby cover they are quite good at keeping out of the way of the flying predators, but I have lost a few to foxes and raccoons, the same as my other flock birds.

I keep the Crevecoeurs in outdoor cages, all year round. They have cover from the rain and snow, shade in the summer, and some wind protection in the winter. I make sure they have water to drink twice a day. The Crevecoeurs are hardy, and it's not unusual to see them out in the snow or rain, digging around. In subfreezing weather they occasionally develop icicles on their beards from dipping into their water; I do thaw out their beards sometimes, more for my comfort than theirs. I have now included a photo in my gallery, so you can see what this icing looks like. You will usually notice this because the Crevecoeur keeps flipping his/her head to see past the icicles!

Overall, if you are looking for a backyard laying hen or for eating, Crevecoeurs are great birds. Because they are rare, Crevecoeurs show well for kids in 4-H and junior shows. Crevecoeurs are hard-feathered birds, and can be easily washed and groomed for shows. Crevecoeurs in this country mostly come in the one color, black, but they always manage to make it look good!


  • Best Continental Hen - 2015.jpg
    Best Continental Hen - 2015.jpg
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    Crevecoeur Roo BV BB April 2017.jpg
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    Dad & Mom have us covered IMG_20170502_200055788.jpg
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    Crevecoeurs on the free range 150_5035.JPG
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    Crevecoeur young pair, guinea in background 143_4399.JPG
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  • Crevecoeur Hen Best of Breed April 2016.jpg
    Crevecoeur Hen Best of Breed April 2016.jpg
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  • Sport Crevecoeur foraging IMG_20180611_160311618.jpg
    Sport Crevecoeur foraging IMG_20180611_160311618.jpg
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  • Crevecoeur roo with sport hen IMG_20180611_161907179.jpg
    Crevecoeur roo with sport hen IMG_20180611_161907179.jpg
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  • Crevecoeur hen iced beard and crest Winter 2019.jpg
    Crevecoeur hen iced beard and crest Winter 2019.jpg
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Pros: Great foreger, great personality, sweet, great with hens, loyal to his girls, great fighter! Docile, handome, sleek, doesn't eat much.
Cons: Doesn't like to be held, looks like a greasy teenager in need of a shower when wet. that's all I got. I love my male, named him Bob Marley
Hi guys, I'm looking for a female for my boy. I want this breed to populate again, and so I'm trying to find him a lady. if you have crevecour hatching eggs please hit me up.

Bob is amazing to his girls. He gets along great with my other rooster and they work in great harmony against predetors. Bob is quite the scraper when his girls are in trouble, while my Araucana leads the girls away from danger.
Bob's got spurs that could kill a cougar. His afro impairs his vision a little so he runs sideways most of the time. He's an amazing bird, but I wish he'd let me pick him up sometimes.
when I first got him years ago (photo included) he was malnourished, infested with mites and had anemia very badly and had lost his tale due to feather eating, his feet were turning inward due to a lack of vitamins. He recovered beautifully after several months. I'll try to find a new photo for an updated picture.


Rare, I was given several crevecoeurs last summer and I had not intended to keep them. Once I saw their personalities and comical appearance, sociability, I could not part with them and am planning to keep the breed. From what little I have read, as you say, they are rare and endangered. I plan to preserve the genetics and maintain the standard as best I can.
They are 6 months of age now and the hen is laying an egg almost every day. I wish there was more literature about them. The hard part will be in culling out the undesirable cockerels. I have had to do it with Orpingtons, to preserve the integrity of that breed and standard, as well.
The French way would be CREVV CURR, no middle syllable.
I have heard it all over the map though, for example CREVV a COOR, CREVV a CURE, CREEV CORE, et cetera. Someone will know what you're talking about. I think CREVV a COOR is a safe bet in the U.S.
Best - exop
My cockerel has to discuss his day, what the other chickens are doing and what I'm doing. Talkative if I'm willing to stop and listen. Both he and the crevecoeur pullets are extremely curious but also extremely reactive to movement. Mine prefer if I move a bit slower than the other chickens tolerate. Fast, fast, fast! Beep, beep.
yeah there very flighty it took a month for my crevecoeurs to stop hiding in the coop from the other birds
I hope you get the opportunity to own one of these wonderful birds. They really are worth it and will make a great companion if you handle them young. :)
To JessLynn - good detailed review for people who can't find much info on Crevies. I tried to order a Crev for Spring 2015 and couldn't find a breeder and I can't use minimum orders of 15-25 chicks from a hatchery. We're zoned for 5 hens and was looking forward to a Crev for white eggs that was a non-combative breed to mix with 2 Silkies and a kooky gentle Ameraucana (my avatar). Well, couldn't find a Crev breeder so went with a gentle temperament Breda and another APA Ameraucana since we enjoy our current Amer so much. It is interesting that the one thing that sticks out in my reviews of Crevs is not only are they gentle and sweet but also that they are excellent flyers. In a backyard setting I was concerned about flying "over the fence" since we free-range but you obviously don't have that problem with Edith in your backyard. That is encouraging news. We were told Leghorns were flighty birds (they are), however when we had Legs they understood their boundary and we never had one fly out of the yard. Are you kidding? There is so much to do with dust-bathing, scratching, catching bugs, greenery, and occasional treats we give them, the hens don't want to miss a thing in our yard! If our birds spook, rather than flying out of the yard, they make a beeline to one of their setup shelters or doghouses or coop. Our Blue Wheaten Ameraucana has a jittery kooky spooky personality as most Amers and also EEs have and they are excellent flyers. Yet, once they know not to fly onto the coop roof or over the raised garden fence, they don't do it again. We gently usher them out of the "forbidden" zones and they remember we don't want them there. Our gentle Amer is so good with the gentle Silkies. It's funny to see her get assertive and chase out the stray cats that enter our yard. I had a Leghorn that used to do that so it was nostalgic to see the Amer taking over that duty since our little 2-lb Silkies wouldn't be an equal match against a feral cat attack. Thank you for sharing in detail about a little known Crev!
Sylvester017- It's a shame you weren't able to get crevs for your flock. /: I'd say the Ameraucana was a good choice though, I have one of those as well and we love her. She's very sweet and lets me hold her like a baby, she's no cat chaser though. Our old Delaware chases out the cats and we're hoping the younger one will take up the duty once the older one passes. And you're right we've never had issue with Edith flying over the fence even though she is certainly capable of it. Our back gate even got left open once and all of the chickens just stayed in the yard. Thanks for commenting and I hope you get the chance to keep crevs in the future. :)
JessLynn - we do love our Amer and hope the one we ordered for Spring 2015 along with the Breda will be equally as gentle and non-combative. Although Crevies can be flighty I still consider them a gentle non-combative breed along with Ameraucana, Araucana, Breda, Cochin, Dominique, EE, Faverolles, Houdan, Polish, Silkie, Sultan as well as gentle giants like Bielefelder, Brahma, Jersey Giant, and Sussex although I hesitate to put these larger giants with smaller gentles. I'm sure I may have missed noting other non-combative breeds but these are all the ones that caught my fancy. Thank you for sharing!
Excellent review! I didn't know much about this breed before, but the way you describe them helps me understand them better. Love to see some photos!
Best. Review. Ever. I loved reading about her, made me actually laugh out loud. :) Now I'm researching...
wherever did you find him??? I have been looking for years. Only one I knew that had 2 of them got them from a Conservancy. Are they also being called Le Fleche now? I don't see a difference n them but my vision is not very good. Can anyone tell me please?
My comment didn't post. I wondered where you found a crevecouer because I have looked for years. I have asked on here but no one seems to raise them. I only know of 2 that a guy got from a Conservancy. He sold the pair for more than I have :) If you find anymore, please let me know. And can anyone tell me the difference between a crevecouer and a Le Fleche..they look alike to me. Thanks, j
Thanks J,
We got our boy from a local show group here. The woman retired and couldn't keep up with casing for them, so we paid $5 for him.
At the time, he was in pretty sad shape. He's long since recovered and has lots of females, but no Crevecours. He fell into chicken love with one of our olive egg hens and the two were inseparable for the last couple years now. For the first year neither of them would even mate with another chicken lol.
When I seperate the flock by breed, we plan to keep the two together and then just add in some other girls.
As I understand it the Le Fleche is the father of the crevecour, and is mixed with a breed that no longer exists. The closest that I've found is a polish hen.
crevecour have a very distinct crow. I'll post my video of him crossing if I can find it.
I hope you find him some pretty girls. I do know that Ideal Poultry has them and I was on a wait list there for over a year when they finally called me. I had to turn it down because I didn't get paid for another 10 days.( You must buy 25 chicks + shipping) They said they would be ready the middle of February till first part of March. I called February 14 and they are sold out and wait listed into 2018. I am 66 years old. My health isn't great but I refuse to die till I get my flock of crevecoeurs!!! Can't wait to hear yours..I have a pig that barks like my dogs..lol
Well don't you go anywhere just yet, I have a lead on one and I'll send you some hatching eggs when I come up with them.
well, can't hardly turn that down. Hope you find him a flock-mate. Terrific, grats. If they have more than you need..let me know :)

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