

Also called Cream Legbar...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Legbar breed was the second autosexing chicken breed created in the early twentieth century by Reginald Crundall Punnett and Michael Pease at the Genetical Institute ofCambridge University (the other being the Cambar, which was created in 1929). The Legbar was created by crossing Barred Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Cambars, and in the case of the Cream Legbar, Araucanas. The Araucana blood in the Cream Legbar is reflected in its crest and blue to blue-green eggs.

The aim of the breeding project was to create an autosexing utility breed with the focus on egg laying, where male and female day old chicks could easily be sexed by their down colour. To achieve this Punnet and Pease used a crossing programme with excellent egg layers, the Leghorn and the Barred Plymouth Rock. The Barred Plymouth Rock was used to introduce the sex-linked barring gene ('barring' (B)) into the Leghorn. By crossing Brown Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock the Gold Legbar was created and standardised in 1945. The Silver Legbar followed in 1951. It had been created by crossing the Gold Legbar, White Leghorn and Silver Cambar. The Cream Legbar were standardised in 1958 but nearly died out in the 1970's as blue eggs were not in demand any more. They were created by crossing Gold Legbar with White Leghorn and creme-coloured Araucanas. The Araucanas introduced the dilute creme gene ('inhibitor of gold' (ig)), as well as the crest and the blue eggs into this variety.

Legbar egg

Legbar chicks

Legbar juveniles

Legbar hen

Legbar rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1163832/chicken-breed-focus-legbar/0_30

Latest reviews

Pros: Gentle, beautiful eggs
Cons: Later to mature than other hens
To begin with, I hand raise all my chicks so they're typically all very tame and friendly. However, Belle, my legbar, is relatively timid, but is still gentle and overall pleasant. She was my slowest to lay, even though my other chicks were two weeks (or more) behind her. She started laying recently, around 7 months. She's also not nearly as productive as my Olive Eggers, which was a little surprising to me, but she lays a gorgeous blue egg, and I'll also cut her some slack due to the weather. :p
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Pros: Pretty
Blue eggs
Cons: N/a
Got a pair of these as my starter flock, and am actively working to expand it. The Legbar is just the sweetest little bird! They stay nearby when foraging, lay blue eggs (which was my selling point), and are auto-sexing. I personally think they have the best-tasting eggs of all the eggs I have tried.
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Pros: Friendly, Free Range Well.
Cons: Don’t lay in the winter.
I really like this breed. I got mine from a breeder. They are the silver color not the brown.

They lay very pretty blue and blue green eggs. There are the friendliest birds I have. Very sweet little personalities. Cute little crest. The rooster is a great watcher of the flock but very friendly to people.
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Broodys - I remove them once a day for excerise , check the eggs daily gently roll them a bit .so I know they are turned & intact .
Feed the broody a wet mash with sunflower seeds twice a day for nutrition. ( the seeds get them out of their broody coma & they eat ) Some wont eat at all . While she is setting I leave her where she is ...once they hatch I move her to a do cage so they are all by themselfs
Thanks for the advice! So far so good. I put the CL eggs right under her pulling out the eggs she had been laying on and she used her beak tucked them under her a little better and went back to sitting. I've had to pull her off once a day like your were saying Gramma Chick as she has no desire to get off by herself. But once she is off she'll wander around eating, drinking, and dusting herself for about an hour when she squawks and runs back into the coop like she just remember she was suppose to be doing something. lol silly bird.
The more times she get off the nest, it will take much longer to hatch the egg and reduce hatching rate. I would let her out the run 2-3 days to increase your chance of hatching rate.
I have just one pullet of this breed that started laying this week. She hatched from the most beautiful true-blue egg...but her eggs are green. I noticed you mentioned that some lines may have a greenish-blue egg. This pullet looks just like all the photos I see of the crested cream legbars, but her eggs are the color of my Isbar eggs. If she weren't in a different pen I would think it was an Isbar egg (and my Isbars lay minty green to light sage green with speckles, none of those tannish or brown/olive ones). Any thoughts?
I live in north east Alabama and have been trying ti fing someone who sold these. Do you?
I just hatched out 3 hens and 3 roos. They are beautiful and the girls already have their crests. I have 2 roos that are mostly dark grey and white and 1 that is brown and white tips. I am going to keep 1 roo, but does anyone know what coloring is better in the males? And if anyone is looking for a roo I have 2 available.
They are beautiful! I have an Olive Egger that is from Marans and Cream Legbar and she had the little ruffle on top of her head. She is very friendly too.
PluckyClucker99 7/16/14 at 2:44pmI thought they laid pinkish cream eggs? Hence the name?

Cream in the name Cream Legbar is referencing feather color. Both genders have Cream(light butter color) hackles and males have cream saddles. The hens lay light blue eggs (sometimes with a slight greenish tint) and the males carry the blue egg gene.
I've never heard of these but I have some hens that would set on them right now and hope I can get some one day. They are beautiful-do they produce well? I am pleased with my buffs and our bard rock, they don't miss a day. Thanks for the showy chicken pictures.
They produce very well, there is rarely a day when she doesn't give a sky blue egg. I can always tell it is hers because like I said their eggs are very round, but the contents of the egg itself are the same amount of a large egg. I very happy you have interest in this breed, it's amazing every comercial hatchery doesn't carry them.
Let that be a lesson. I'm sorry you got hurt...both financially and emotionally I expect. These 'Breeders' will sell you a bill of goods as fast as any other scam artist. They should have been culled instead of foisted upon an unwary fancier. You should at least let your friends know where they came from before you give them the AX!!!

PS...I am not advocating giving the 'breeder' the ax....That's for the chickens. They will not stop eating and no use pouring good money down the rat hole!!! You could make the 'breeder' squirm...they might have a bout of conscience.
Makes no sense to replace the cock when he's two and getting huffy around the hens. You will not gain anything because the chicks you got from him will still have his genetic make-up and getting another one might put you out of the pan and into the fire.

Don't be short sighted...that's expensive...lolol
I'm told the breeder has gone out of business and sold off all his birds. Lucky me...I got some of them, hahaha. They are still my living, breathing birds, so I will have to take care of them just like the others until I figure out what else to do with them. Not much meat on them but maybe they will make good stew.
Might be the best soup you ever had. Likely too scrany for stew...LOLOLOLOL

I do feel for you but try to make the best of a bad situation. You did your good deed...helping the guy 'go out of business'.

Really not funny......I realize it.

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