
chicken coop, up to 5 chickens, Pets Station

very bad quality. it can't be out in the rain. can only hold 5 or less chooks (personally i...

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very bad quality. it can't be out in the rain. can only hold 5 or less chooks (personally i wouldn't put more than three). there's 2 nest boxes, 2 roosts
i just it for my broody chooks so it's good for that

Latest reviews

Pros: Easy to move & ideal broody/recovery coop and run.
Cons: Not as big as expected. Needs TLC and maintaining regular.
I bought this coop and run unseen from the Internet. Not as big as stated and no way would I let more than a couple of birds stay in there. I've used mine as a grow out coop for chicks and for a broody hen and her chicks. Also been used as a recovery coop for sick or injured birds which it has been great for. It needs painting regular and some maintaining as in the roof where it sprung a leak.

Not bad for what I have used it for but certainly not as stated in the advert.
Pros: cheap, handy, easy to clean, nice nesting boxes, safe mash
Cons: small, sleeping sticks too low, needs better roofing after two years
I have a similar chicken coop. After two years I made a new roof over the old one because it started to leak. The connexion with the nesting boxes (hinge) was leaking and i made something waterproof over it.
The covered run is quit open and gives little shelter when is windy and raining and you put it in an open field. The food gets easily wet. You need to keep the chickendoor open for ventilation or its getting easily too warm inside. The run is way to small to keep the chickens in 24x7. Therefore a second (open) run or free range is needed for happy chickens.

Last year I had 4 dutch bantams in it. And it was quit small for them. Now I have 6 dutch and I build an extension to this coop with perches at 50 cm from the ground. They started to use these to sleep on when the chicks grew older. I painted (all cracks in) the wood with diatomaceous earth to prevent an outburst of lice.

I hope the coop lasts a couple of years more with all the improvements.
Purchase Date
7 years laters (now this coop is over 10 years old) I still have it with even more alterations and adding a natural conservative.

This coop is in use for the handy nest boxes (now with an epdm cover against leaking and a piece of sunscreen against the heat in the summer). The little covered run is handy when it rains (I added a large window at the west side) and convenient to keep the chickens closed in before the light sensored pop door opens in the morning.
Sometimes when there is a lot a fuss, one or two chickens prefer to sleep in the coop (made the roosts a bit higher).
Pros: good for bantams
Cons: small, gets broken in to very easily
it is very easily broken in to, i lost half of the flock. it has a small pop hole, so it is not good for the big breeds. it is ok for growing birds if you pick it up off the ground, but they cant stay in it for long. it is not the best coop, but i like the run. i still wouldn't get it again.
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I made some reparations , an extension and improvements over the years. And after 10 years it’s still functioning.


I've got one for my 2 ducks
I bought it not knowing much about ducks - I couldn't find any 'duck coops'. Turns out it's not really suitable for ducks

First it's too small for Pekins (my ducks are only 7 weeks old and have outgrown it).
Second they can't use the upper section, because the ramp is too narrow and steep for ducks.

And yeah, it's not very good quality. It's fairly flimsy, timber is very soft (I've already knocked a few chunks out of it) and the hinged roof is already starting to bend from the flex it experiences when you lift it to access inside. Brooder roof also leaks when it rains - the hinged end doesn't seal.

It served it's purpose for a couple of months, but disappointed as I spent considerable time painting 4 layers of clear varnish over it (inside & out). Partly my fault as I didn't realise it wasn't suitable for the ducks I have, but the build quality is poor...
We have a coop similar to this and I agree that it is awful. Hard to keep clean, as well. Sorry you had a bad experience with it :/
I bought one of these at Costco last summer for a great price (about 1/2 of what I have seen them listed elsewhere for). I never expected it to be the main home for any number of chickens. It is clearly quite small. My main purpose in buying it was for use as a broody coop. It is the perfect size for a broody hen to get her chicks off to a safe start. I let her incubate in the nest boxes "upstairs" then moved them all down at hatch to the space under the sleeping quarters and removed the ramp. It is not sturdy enought to be predator proof on it's own so it was placed inside the chicken run near the main coop. The other birds are abel to become familiar with the chicks thru the wire so integration with the main flock is easier when they get a little older. It is definitley too small to keep even a couple of banties in long term unless they are allowed out to forage on a daily basis. I disassembled and stored it for the winter.
I have the same coop. I thought it would be good for my 3 girls. I found that they were just to crowded. I plan to use it for hen and chicks, a new hen pen or a transition pen prior to putting them together. It sits next to the one we are building now.
We just bought a used one sort of like this one. It has a run with it. Quite damaged, but will hold our 3 birds...think one will be a Roo!! Bit of a bummer there, but I can see how easy it can be invaded by a predator..light weight and any aggressive predator can lift and enter or short dig and well free dinner. Will put it on bricks to aid this, but I am just glad I have no ground predators except coyotes...they prefer a easy meal. But those of you with coon, fox, mink, or skunk may think away from this model.
I have a coop like this. The first two years I used it for 2 rabbits. Put it on mash to keep the rabbits in. There whas a fox in our garden a couple of times but left our rabbits safe. Other rabbits and chickens in our neighbourhood didnt survive. When the rabbits died of old age. We choose to keep dutch bantams. Max 4 tiny chickens fit in. The roof and the connexion to the nesting boxes started to leak after 2 1/2 year.

Now I made a new roof , an extension with outdoor but covered sleeping branches, an extra run connected, stones around the coop.? I keep 6 dutch bantams in this coop+.
We had one, big mistake! Had two chickens in it, every time the wind blew open the doors went! One fatal day a coyote cruzed thru right after the wind blew and bye bye Rooster!! His Copper Marin mate managed to fly to safety he kept her safe I believe. He was beautiful and would have won prizes!! Got rid of that coop, we are building our third coop for the garden area and using the pattern I got here..BYC. Never in 5 years have we had an invader in our coops. My daughter and I have built two each better than the other and now our third. Our solo Marin has yet to integrate into the other flock she quit laying so we are giving her time to adjust...such a trauma for a 7mo old girl! She is free ranging with the others but keeps a very safe distance...my lap mostly! My point? build your own, very much safer for sure, sturdy, and will last forever!!
Just a saying from my experience... just a commenting here I wouldnt count on it lasting unless its under say a topper up on a frame or under a carport or wheeled into a garage. we even added wheels to ours with handles too.Heck it looks like the two I bought from TSC.... I call them a joke... okay for temp small chicks I even bought two extensions too. kept them under the Shelter logic from TSC too Only reason I even bought cause I bought the 2 yr old 6 chickens from a flea mkt.... with nothing ready.. an impulse buy. LOL
I am not saying bad to you but to me To me it looks like chicken abuse... they are falling apart. Hubby had to reinforce them...
Even TSc ad says houses 4 or 6 adult chickens.. Yeah if they are microscopic sized...
Yeah I think its cheapo of the mfg. not putting in a venting window>>>>
I hope your works out
Mine fell apart after two months. I even tarped them (I bought two) and they continued to fall apart. As said above, they are good for chicks or a broody. Even a quarantine or sick bay. I'm sorry for the price I paid, but if they would have been $50, I wouldn't feel so annoyed.
BTW, Walmart charges $300 for them (GASP!)
I got one as a gift for my first attempt at chicken. If you don't keep to the rule of 4 sq. ft. per bird, inside the house you're looking for trouble. I hated it with a passion. It didn't take me long to build something the chickens & I could live with.
That is the same one I started with, I had 3 chickens and I thought it was too small, I bought a shed and converted it then got 2 more chickens.
I posted this on another thread so I'm repeating myself here, but I'm glad I did, I can walk in the new coop and clean it out, plus I put a roost in it too and obviously the chickens like it.

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Coops, Runs, & Housing
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