
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: Quiet, beautiful
Cons: Inconsistant
I have two and their personalities couldn't be more different. Since they are only 20 weeks old, they haven't started laying so I don't have any idea about their eggs. One of mine is super sweet and social. The other one, while named Hazel, is often called the Skiddish One as she bolts over the smallest things. She runs from car noises, the dogs, people walking up. The other four chickens won't fallow her, so then she will go running back when she feels it is safe again. The other one, I call Mable, would craw up my arm as a chick and will run up to me when I come out.

They are both absolutely beautiful birds with very unique markings and fluffy cheeks.
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Pros: great layers year round. friendly good kid chicken
they are great years round layers. they are very friendly
Pros: Egged like production, calm and docile
Cons: did poorly in heat, OD green eggs were frowned upon by some
I had originally bought these birds as fence testers (a necessity of life on the open range) from a backyard seller I'll never be able to locate again. A shame really, because these birds were not only surprisingly sweet for started pullets but were egging at 6/week. At the time, we were not set up to handle that level of production and it got to the point that friends and family would hide when they saw you coming with an egg carton in your hands.
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Pros: friendly, curious, great layer, can be held, beautiful large eggs.
Cons: none
My EE is the sweetest little hen. She runs up to you like a little beagle, and she never bites or runs away. She lays beautiful, large, blue-green eggs daily, and is by far the favorite of my hens.
Pros: gentle, cold hardy, beautiful eggs
Cons: little flighty, susceptible to heat
The eggs make for a beautiful basketful. We had three hens, one died from heat (we think, it got up to 100 that day), and the two two were retired for dinner after they quit producing for a period of 4 months. They were some of our most personable birds, and were very gentle. They were more easily frightened than our other birds, but they would run or cower in fear, never attack. No drop in temperature seemed to slow them down like the other birds. They laid consistently 3 to 4 eggs a week from 22 weeks until nearly 2 years. We enjoyed them, but plan to get birds that will go broody more often next time.
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Pros: friendly, good foragers, pretty good layers, non-broody
Cons: flighty, sometimes hide nests though they don't sit on them
I have 3 EEs I got at Tractor Supply last spring. 2 are silver duckwing in color, the 3rd is the orange partridgey color you often see in EEs, 2 have green legs, 1 has slate. 2 have "cushion?" combs, the other has a straight crossed with something else comb. The one with the straight cross comb lays beautiful blue medium sized eggs sometimes with white spots. The other 2 lay large green eggs. They didn't lay much over the winter, but now that the days are getting slightly longer again (it is the last week of Jan) we are getting 3 eggs a day from the three of them. They are a family favorite. Friendly and fun to watch. The only issues we have had is problems with them getting into our neighbor's yard no matter how we tried to keep them out. They are decent foragers. Not as flighty as my Penedesencas, but worse than most of my other breeds (Sussex, sexlinks, leghorns.) Not a problem for me, I like having my hens forage, and we have 40 acres. I think if you have an escape proof pen, they would be happy enclosed as well. They're pretty calm.
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Pros: Good sized light green eggs, Cold Hearty, Most are Friendly
Cons: Flight Risk, Some really dig the eggs and some hate them. Honesty there just normal eggs after you crack them.
I would be prepared to trim there wings if you get them. It's super easy to just cut one sides primary feathers.

You never know what color your going to get when you order them.

I've had 3 of these. 2 were lap chickens and 1 didn't want anything to do with you.

The are quiet and the hens have almost no combs which makes them a good winter bird.

They tend to get the neck feathers dirty, and some times those feathers can get into their eyes.
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Pros: Beautiful eggs, cuddly, fun...
Cons: haha i dont see any!
I LOVE my EE's!! They love to jump on my shoulder and groom my hair! It can be irritating sometimes but I love them for it!! :) I get about 5 egg a week from each of them! VERY nice birds!!
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Pros: Green and blues eggs
Cons: skittish or shy, doesn't like to be handled
I really like their color eggs, but other than that, I don't care for the breed that much. I have never met a super friendly Easter Egger. Most of them have been pretty shy or stand offish. I have had 3, and my neighbor has had 7. Most of them never liked to be handled very much. If I could only have 2 or 3 chickens in a small space, this would not be one of the breeds on my must have list. If someone has room for 5 or more chicken breeds, then the green eggs worth it for the novelty.

They usually take 3 to 4 months off laying in the winter months.
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Pros: friendly, inquisitive, non-aggressive, not broody, big eggs, pretty and come in a wide variety of colors, small combs good for cold weather
Cons: none that I can think of
Easter eggers are great backyard pets and egg birds. They're easy going, friendly, and not flighty. Medium sized birds, easter eggers come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Because they're mixed birds I find their personalities can vary as much as their appearances. Some of mine are very outgoing and some are more reserved.

Most lay green or blue eggs, but occassionally one will lay brown or pinkish eggs. From my experience, easter egger roos can be friendly and non-aggressive towards hens and humans. My easter eggers are the first to hop up in my lap or on my shoulder when I bring out the treats. Every backyard should have a couple EE.
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Pros: Nice if shy birds, beautiful eggs
Cons: Didn't work well in a mixed flock
I loved my EEs but will not have them again. The other chickens loved to peck at their cheek fluffs, to the point where one of my EEs went blind. Because of the bullying, they often didn't want to come into the henhouse at night.
Pros: quiet, motherly
Cons: quiet
Venus, although just a chick right now, is very motherly and patient. I bought her with another chick and Venus literally took it under her wing for the first night. I never seen that happen. I thought Venus would be startled or not engaging, but they both bonded fairly well. She's one cool bird.
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Pros: Sweet and docile, easy to train, colorful eggs, winter hardy
Cons: average 3 eggs a week
We love easter eggers for their colorful eggs and sweet disposition. They are a medium size bird and easy for my kids to carry around. My last flock was all Easter Eggers, while my current flock has one. (we ordered two but one ended up being a rooster which is not allowed in our town). I request the chipmunk colored chicks because I adore the beautiful orange coloring and the orange ones I've had lay pretty blue eggs. The white easter eggers tended to lay olive colored eggs. This picture shows Bunny, our EE.
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Pros: Sweet, curious, friendly, gorgeous eggs
Cons: Flighty
I have five. Three are a bit flighty, but two are the friendliest and sweetest chickens around. They come up to you in the pen and want you to hold them, cuddle them, and pet them. They're very talkative and just fun to be around in general.

One of the five has just started laying again after a couple of months off. The eggs are about the same size as a medium sized brown egg.

My husband has a few in our other flock, and they're the friendliest of the whole bunch (Leghorns, Black and Red Stars, EEs).

I will always have some in every flock of mine from now on; that's how much I enjoy them.
Pros: Pretty Birds, pretty eggs, strong birds
Cons: Flighty
I have 7 EE they are all gorgeous different colors and very nice to look at but try and catch them for anything, impossible but that is ok since I have lots of others that will tolerate my touches.
Pros: beautiful birds, colorful eggs, cold weather hardy
Cons: seem to hatch more males than females, slower to gain good carcass size
I have EEs in my mixed flock and they are THE most beautiful birds. I love their muffs and colorful plumage. Although I prefer brown eggs, they worth keeping for a little bit of color in the egg basket. I really like keeping a gorgeous EE rooster around, they seem to be really aware of their surroundings and make good flock protectors. I have noticed however, that more than 50% of the EE chicks I've hatched have been male. This seems to be a trait of EEs from what I've gathered on the EE gender thread. I also want to note that because these birds have pea combs and no wattles (generally), they do great in a cold climate and have a lot lower chance of getting frostbit than single combed breeds. I give them a 4 instead of a 5 solely because of the high percentage of male offspring. I raise meat chickens also, so the smaller carcass size on cockerals isn't that big of a deal; they didn't gain as fast as my Rhodie's or Aussie's. I didn't like EEs when I first got them, but now I'm breeding them! I've come to the conclusion that they are a great all-around bird.
Pros: colored eggs!!!
Cons: unreliable layer
the only reason to buy an Easter Eggers is for the novelty of blue or green eggs if you get them for any other reason prepare to be disappointed their not that great. BUT i only bought them for the novelty so ill give them a five out of five
Pros: Cute, Docile, Friendly and Sweet!
Cons: None!
Wonderful personalities, beautiful plumage, beards and striking blue-green eggs, what more could you ask for?! My EE hens are the sweetest, most well-behaved of my entire flock of 50+ chickens. They are mellow and kind to their other chicken friends. My roosters have personality plus, confident, proud and always have something to crow about! Egg production has been great. Winter is here and they are keeping up with my Golden Comet hens pretty well. I am really impressed with the color and nice medium size of the eggs. A definite must-have for any chicken fancier!

Pros: Very protective of flock, very friendly, BEAUTIFUL color, nice to his ladies
Cons: None yet, he doesnt even crow yet
I have an EE roo, both his parents are pure Ameraucana, but diff colors, so for some reason that makes him an EE since he isnt quite a standard color. He is amazing though, very nice, protects his ladies and the yard, I am working him into being used to being held and stuff, he is making very good progress since I try to hold him everyday for atleast a little bit. he doesnt go after the dog, me, my wife, or my 2 daughters, but god help you if you are another bird/squirrel/rabbit/cat, etc. . . . :) My EE roo just recently started mating with my hens, so soon I will be able to hatch out some more EE's, They will be EE roo mixed with red stars
Oh btw, when I got him, he was supposed to be a she lol I was not wanting a rooster AT ALL yet, but now after getting to know him and see how is he acts I cant get rid of him.
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Pros: Nice looking bird, blue/green eggs
Cons: inconsitent in temperment and egg laying
We own 2 easter eggers (EE). They are lovely birds. That is really what we love about them most. The muffs look so cute and makes those hens fun to pet. One is very friendly and likes to cuddle and the other is just the opposite. The skittish one does calm down if you can catch her and enjoys petting. Our EE hens are moderate layers and ours have not produced any eggs since the winter moult. They will pick up again eventually when it gets warmer but they're not our best layers. If you want consistency in laying this is not the breed for you. One produces large eggs and the other medium. Both lay mint green eggs for us which look great along side our other eggs in the carton. One is a much better layer then the other also. Like I said EE, being a mutt breed, have real consistency issues beyond the normal variation you'd expect in a variety of chickens. We have more than enough eggs for my small family with a mixed flock, so the modest egg production is not a big deal. When they are laying their green eggs get a big reaction with our friends. We would definitely get more.
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