
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: Docile, beautiful, hardy
Cons: Maybe a little too timid
My son wanted to have a hen who laid green/blue eggs so I caved in at the local farm store and bought him two. It was a pleasant suprise as his two birds are stunningly beautiful and sweet as can be. We enjoy them so much we went and bought some more later. They have done well with the rest of our flock. As sweet as they are they really shy away from people, but don't have an agressive bone in their body. We are so thankful our son chose them.
I think my two are Easter Eggers. They have the willow green legs. Both are white with black and brown feathering. I have a roo and a pullet. Combs look like pea combs.
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Pros: Eager to be loved
Cons: None as of yet
I have only had my two pullets a short while, they are just over five weeks, but so far they have been a blast! They tend to be jealous of my affection, each thinking they should be to sole recepient. They get along with eachother, and are great with my kids! I would love to get some more of these special girls!
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Very nice birds
Pros: Beautiful, curious, green eggs
Cons: Sometimes skittish, not very good layers
I got my first EE in 2009, and they quickly became my favorite standard breed. At the moment, I have 1 adult rooster (my top roo, Ugly Burd) two pullets, and 4 little babies. I will definitely always have EEs in my flock!
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Pros: Sweet tempered
Cons: Can fly high if allowed
We began our chicken journey May 2011... with 2 of these "Easter Eggers"... one tan w/black markings (PennyLane), and one with dark chocolate/blue markings (Prudence). Gorgeous colors! Along with our Easter Eggers, we got a Light Brahma, a Buff Orfington and two Barred Rocks. We LOVE our "Layin ladies" and will forever be owners of at least one Easter Egger... Prudence lays a slate blue egg and PennyLane lays a Seafoam Green colored egg.. they are always bright and so colorful when we find them in the box. They get along great with all the flock, and average 4 eggs a week, even thru the cold months (we did keep light on them). the girls roam well with the flock, and if they get too far "behind" while coming back to roost, they do actually fly, and fly very well. Also while building our coop fenced in area, before we put the netted top over it, they learned with in an hour how to fly out of it... which was no easy task as its 15 feet tall ! They would hop up on the roost that we have outside, and jump with all their might and take off.. it was quite cool to watch, but I would for sure have a "lid" on your area... we needed to protect our girls from Bald Eagles that roam our house for prey ...

Enjoy them! This is a wonderful breed
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Pros: GIANT eggs, nice, egg color
Cons: Big, eats/poops a lot, flighty
I've had my Ameraucana/RIR hen, Big Red, for a little over a week. She lays blue eggs that are bigger than an x-large store egg daily. She's really sweet to my other hens, even my silkie bantam. The only problem is well... she's HUGE! It's OK though, her personality and eggs make up for it.
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Pros: very pretty distinct coloration
Cons: flighty,scared
I thought i had Americaunas but find i probably have EE's.Ttheir colors are beautiful like pheasant but whatever they are crossed with all 3 are flighty and scared of being petted
.I try and pet them a few times a day since day one .My Light Brahmas and my Barred Rocks are tame now .,but these girls ...no way!!!
You'd think i was coming for chicken dinner.
They are 4 1/2 weeks old now.
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iwant it
Pros: Smart,Sweet,Good Forager, colorful
Easter Eggers are great! My favorite breed. They are very sweet and curious. Great Foragers and insect control.
Pros: Gentile, affectionate, sweet
Cons: A little shy
But as she gets older, I realize that she's probably an Easter Egger.

VERY sweet, but also shy. She loves my lap.

The cutest thing is that every time the group sits down, she runs under my Black Star's wings. I think she feels safer underneath places.
Pros: Fun, friendly, large personality
We have 1 Easter Egger and I would love to get some more. My daughter picked this breed when I placed my order with Meyer hatchery. From the very beginging Chilly ( the EE) wanted our attention. She was the first to grow feathers, the first to find the roost, the first to jump out of the brooder, and the first to want to be around us. Chilly has a great personality. She comes runing as soon as we walk out the door. She likes to perch on the back of my chair when we sit outside or sits in my lap. She lets the kids pick her up and looks proud as can be when she sits on someones shoulder. This is absolutly a wonderful breed. I can't wait to get eggs from her.

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Pros: they are so friendly, always want to be with you, very affectionate, beutiful colors, extremly unique, just flat out wonderful!
Cons: nothing bad to say! Georges breed!
Whoa! These Americanas are my very first chickens, and I would def. buy them again! I only have 5 girls, who just celebrated their 1st b-day.

When ever I whistle "their tune" they come running! so friendly! I literally have nothing bad about his breed! Not to big, not too small, and make the most beautifulst eggs!!!!! XD
I just purchased some chicks from my local feed store. they told me they were bantys (bantams). i got them home and was CLOSELY inspecting them and question #1 is.... are silkies the only breed that has 5 toes? #2... are the easter eggers considered as a bantam?
Pros: very good foragers
Cons: flighty
The ees take forever to start laying but are pretty reliable when they do
Pros: very hardy to cold climates, friendly
Cons: noisy, can fly
My Ameraucana/EE chicks grew up into delightful, friendly puffy-cheeked & bearded green & blue egg layers- and they started laying in February this year! It was still cold out, but I still get at least 4 colored eggs per day. A real sparkle in the dozen for sale... add an Ameraucana!
On a note, my birds are free range while the sun is up. When the girls are hungry for scraps & stuff (my laying hens are more like pets- good producers get to stay around awhile) they get so loud standing at the bottom of the deck steps *I have a baby gate up so they stay off the porch and don't torture my 5 German Shepherds!* and they'll get to skwaking and chirruping as loud as they can- the EE girls make more noise than my rooster when it comes to getting their meals! LOL It does seem that my Ameraucana birds make different and unique noises to their breed, as I have most of a dozen different breeds here, and none can talk just quite like "Killer"- whose photo graces my profile. She was a hard peep to start (only wanted bugs- no mash for her) but is so friendly and placid she will ride in the car around the farm with me! And with a dog in the car too...
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Pros: Very curious, very much individuals.
Cons: Flighty/ very much indivisuals.
Well I picked these little boogers up from the local feed store they were selling them as amerucuanos. But after a little research I realized they were eggers. Two of them are super sweet love being held and love taking a nap in my lap when I read at night. Of the other three one likes being talked too(but not held or touched in anyway). I call her sweetie because she will come sit on my foot and look at me with the most endearing facial expressions until I talk to her then she will go about her business for awhile and then sit on my foot an hour later and chirp at me until I talk to her again. Precocious to say the least. The other two could care less as long as I dont handle them. When I do handle them they become for lack of better terms offended and they will let you know in no uncertain terms(vocalization) that this is not cool. They dont make an alarmed sound. They sound offended.
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Pros: Blue and green eggs
I love the different shades of blue and green eggs that mine lay ! I have 3 laying and 2 that should lay by July.
Pros: egg laying
Cons: none
Friendly and good layers. Love getting colored eggs each morning!
Pros: excellent layer of large colorful eggs quiet friendly
Cons: tends to be skittish very territorial
Comes in a rainbow of plumage and lays an equally wide variety of colorful eggs that tend to be large. Reliable layer, but a shy/skittish bird from chickhood forward.
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