
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: Egg Color
Cons: Insonsistency in temperament
I have several, and it really seems to matter what breeds they came from. I have two that were bred from Pure Black Ameraucana hens and Black Marans Roosters...they are both total sweethearts and friendly and beautiful. They are olive eggers....1st generation....and to me they are more of a 'breed' than EE mutts. I will get more of these in the future.

I have hatchery EE's and they are wild acting, mean sometimes (one to the point of cannabilism). I also have pure Ameraucanas who are sweet. It really is a roll of the dice if you do not know the breeds that came into play to create your EE. I think if you get 1st generation Ameraucana crosses you have more control over how they turn out and may be happier with those. At least this is my experience so far. One of my hatchery EE's lays every day, rarely misses...and I was pretty happy with her. But she is pure white and has slate legs and meets all the Ameraucana standards physically so I think she has better breeding than some of the others I have had and seen.
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I have one easter egger who is very friendly. We get very large eggs, and they are green! I would highly recommend them to any people with pets or kids. They are always nice and people friendly!
Pros: Sweet, Entertaining, Easy, Consistent Layera
Cons: None!
I started out with Easter Eggers and quickly found out why they are a favorite for beginners and homes with children. I know the statistics say Silkies are the friendliest, but I think my Easter Eggers are exceptionally friendly. They are free roaming and still let us pet them pick them up, hand feed them and will even follow us in the house if we aren't careful. My silkies only let me pick them up if they are in the coop. Also my EEs eggs are a little larger than a medium egg and more than often have double yokes which is kinda neat. And then there is the colors... light greens, olive greens, light blues, pinks... so much fun! Love my EEs!

The front 3 (10.15 labeled ones) are all from my silkies, The front one was a double yoker :)
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Pros: friendly, coloured eggs
Cons: none
These are one of our favorite hens. In our current flock she is calm when picked up and quiet all around (bonus in an urban setting) Also it is fun to give our neighbors her blue/green eggs. We will get another one this year.
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Pros: Lay consistently, fun colored eggs, sweet temperment
Cons: Small size egg (not necessarily a con...)
I have two black, and one blue Easter Egger in my flock. I absolutely love them - as layers, and as far as personality goes. I have two that just want to be held all the time. They are my two sweetest chickens. One of my black ones is not nearly as friendly, though. She doesn't like humans at all, and hardly even tolerates the other chickens. I think she is the exception here, though, because I've only heard good things about this breed as far as temperment goes.

One of mine lays a blue egg, and the other two lay blue-ish/green-ish colored eggs. I'm not sure who lays which color, but I enjoy them all. They are smaller eggs than some breeds lay, but not too small. They fit perfect inside the medium egg cartons from the store. They lay consistently, I'd say each lays 6 eggs a week, sometimes even 7 days a week.

I highly recommend these to add to your flock. They're fun to watch and are truly pretty chickens in any of the available colors.
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Pros: highly curios in what i do and lve to eat out of my hand
right now i have 6 ee chicks from TSC they all give me curious looks when they see me and love to eat out of my hand. my chicks are too young to lay yet but hwen they start they hopefully will not only be roosters as some of them are getting long tail feathers *sigh* and they will have blue/greeen/pale brown eggs! i love this breed one of my cockerels is soo cute when he looks at me because his eyes are huge and he has black dots on his face! i love them!
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Pros: Good layers, confinment tolerant, winter hardy, cute fuzz face
Cons: variation , have to wash face
We have had several EE's and have enjoyed the variation in plumage, colorful eggs, and adorable fuzzy face. There seems to be a lot of variation in size and temperament. I had one hen whom I thought was going to be a roo, but she just ended up very big and meaty. Another hen was petite and light as a feather. Some have been very social, others borderline flighty. Overall They are funny, playful and animated birds. I have had at least one that was very vocal and talkative. My only real beef with this breed is that I did not find them to be as hardy. They seem delicate, and could be inconsistent layers, while my other birds never missed a beat. We found on occasion their facial plumage would get soiled and yucky, and we would have to bath their facial feathers.
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Pros: Freindly, quiet, great egg layer, colorful eggs, not flighty, ect..
Cons: Umm....
I LOVE my girl! She is very pretty- lavender grey with red leakadge. I did not raise her from a chick but she is definitally my favorite girl- a lap chicken, and comes running for treats! She's very pretty too! She lays a beautiful green/blue egg. Although I only got her a few days ago, apparentally she is a prolific layer. Easter Eggers are fantastic birds! She is freindlier than my red and black sex links!
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Pros: Friendly, healthy, hearty
Cons: Not ALL Easter Eggers lay colored eggs!
Of all the hens I have had over the years, my EE (named Cheeks) is the oldest, healthiest, and most predator savy. She is going on 7 years old now and my chickens always free range. We have a light predator load here, but we did have one fox attack, and numerous hawk attacks over the years. She was hatched on my farm from an egg, and she has never been sickly, or injured, ever! The only bad thing about her is that she lays BROWN eggs! Not all EEs lay colored eggs, unfortunately.

My bird went broody 2 summers ago, and I got a dozen fertile eggs for her to hatch. Only 7 hatched and she raised all the babies to maturity and she was an EXCELLENT mother. She taught them about the hawks and how to forage. She kept them out of the rain, and never let the other chickens get close to them. When she thought they were old enough to start roosting, she moved them from the floor to a hay bale, then after a couple weeks, up to the window sill, then after another week or so, up to the roost pole. Some hens just fly up on the roost and abandon the babies on the floor and hope they'll follow. She was the best mother.

I agree though that they must rarely get broody, because in her 7 years of age, that was the ONLY time she wanted to set on eggs.

Cheeks is a real hit at the vet's office. The girls in the office love to pet her because she is glossy smooth and has that wonderful beetle green sheen on her black feathers. I have never felt a chicken with feathers as silky and glossy as hers. She is the picture of health and vitality and does NOT look her age. This photo was taken at 6 years old.

She is friendly and not too flightly. At the vet's office, she will sit on the counter and preen her feathers while she waits. She has no fear of being picked up and held, although she doesn't come up to me and ask to be picked up. She has never pecked at me or bit me.

I am raising 4 little EE chicks right now, and I hope they are every bit as wonderful as my Cheeks has been. So far they are the most robust, friendliest, and happiest chicks in my group of 26. They were the standout favorites for me immediately! They were literally double the size of my other large fowl chicks, they were the first to grow their feathers in, and the only ones who voluntarily hop on my hand and ask for attention and treats.

I love this breed and will always have EEs in my flock! I get a little tired of people picking on EEs because they aren't really a breed, they're just mutts, mongrel birds, and so forth......it gets old. When you create a hybrid based on two distinct, recognized breeds, and then continue to reproduce that hybrid for many years and generations, it does become a breed. Doesn't matter if it's not recognized on paper by a show committee. EVERY breed of chicken that we have had to start somewhere. They were all crossed with various specimens to create a breed. The Easter Egg Layer is a breed in my opinion.

Pros: so far cute little week old fluff balls with great markings and an awesome hawk like apperance
Cons: I have 3 and 2 are a little skittish and one is overly aggressive and is kept in a seperate screened timeout box inside the brooder
I just recieved my first batch of chicks 4 days ago and we got 4 different breeds. I was most looking forward to the EE they have great markings and i knew id be able to tell them all apart cause the all look different i mostly cant wait for the colorful eggs im so excited to get my first green or blue egg. But now i have them and they still look amazing but the personalities werent what i hoped for. 2 are somewhat skiddish when i try to hold them and the other is just plain mean. All she does is walk around jabbing eyes pulling feathers and latching on to faces no particular taget just gunning for them all. We call her timeout cause she always ends up back in her "timeout box" I really hope she grows out of if cause she is beautiful.
Pros: dont know
Cons: dont know
i wish i had some
Pros: good steady layers/ hardy in heat
very easy to take care of and do very well in hotter climates. they also tend to be less agressive then other breeds
Pros: interesting egg colors
Cons: mediocre production
Ameracaunas (not rumpless) were added to our flock for the novelty and to evaluate production relative to the standard homestead breeds. The hens were docile, moderately vocal, and a bit jumpy. They laid medium to large eggs (mostly medium), with poor winter production and the lowest rate of lay in the flock. Hens would normally lay a couple of days, then skip a day.

These birds did a decent job rustling their own feed free range and showed no aggression (we had only females though). The hens were prone to hunting out their own nest sites, like brush piles and under the lawn mower, and they also would readily abandon the pen in favor of roosting in trees during the summer.

No trouble with thin eggshells. Molts were slow. No hens went broody in the 3 years we kept them.

Our flock is free-ranged, kept up at night, on a 15 hour light regimen, and allowed free choice layer pellets.
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Pros: Colored eggs, colored chickens
Cons: Not a Breed
I like my EE's. They are all colors and have been called the "grab bag" chickens for good reason. I have had an egg eating issue with one of mine but I can't blame it on her being an EE.I have hatchery EE's and the egg colors are not really brilliant, but still pretty!
EE's are fun, friendly and easy going from my experience. I think it's a great chicken to buy for kids and adults alike!
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Pros: very friendly
Cons: can be on the reserved side with more aggressive hens
Now to review Nugget, my favorite chicken. My Easter Egger hen has the most friendly personality. She will answer to her name (I spoiled her), come over to you and if you kneel, she will jump on your leg. She will jump to my other leg and move her way up my arm.

She calls out when she sees me and jumps to a higher ground to watch me in the kitchen. She will sit there and watch me.

In the evenings, I will pick her up and she will nuzzle up to me, burying her head into my hair near my neck. Sometimes, I bring her to my (indoor) office and sit her on my desk. She will chill there on the end of the desk. (No, she has never pooped on my desk.)

She lays about an egg a day and was the first to stop laying when it got cold and the light became less than 12 hours. Her eggs are a medium sized light blue and can be expected about every other day. She has a little comb over on the back of her head, where her feathers from each side of her face meet in the middle in the back of her head. Mine is a darker golden color scheme that is sort of laced looking.

Her personality is absolutely unbelievable and for that, she will never end up on the dinner table. I am very attached to this chicken.
Pros: Beautiful plumage
Cons: Reserved
I started with a dozen 4 week old mixed chicks from the feed store. 5 Easter Eggers were added about a month later. The previous owners fed them scratch and Timothy hay so they were not in healthy when they came to me. They were older, so they immediately took over as the lead hens, (the lone rooster was gorgeous but died within a week). When we added other hens a few months later, the Easter Eggers dropped in the pecking order and have become more reserved. Mine do not like to be handled and are reluctant to be hand fed. They hang out as a group and stay away from most of the other hens when they can. One started laying this week, beautiful blue eggs. The others are likely ready to start as well. YEAH!
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Pros: Quiet, pretty eggs, friendly, very inquisitive, assimilates well with other chickens.
Cons: No egg production from late November to early January in Pacific NW
Fun birds for backyards in suburban cities. Hens are fairly quiet and do not sing the egg song after laying. They 'roar' slightly, instead. They only sing when in danger or being bullied by other chickens. Egg production is very good for not being a dedicated layer. Here in Washington State, EE hens of all ages stop laying in late November and resume in January if additional lighting isn't provided. When temps get over 90 degrees F, they will pant and reduce laying.
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I had 8 of these in the past. Friendly and good foragers.
Pros: beautiful colors, hardy birds, big beautiful eggs, usually sweet personalities...eventually
Cons: tend to be slow to mature, sold as ameraucanas by hatcheries, incredible amount of variability in appearance, egg laying ability, and personality
In my experience, these birds are wonderful pets.....once they reach laying age. All of my EEs have been skittish and a bit standoffish as chicks and as juvies...but once they reach laying age, they become sweet as pie.

My first experience with this breed was a feedstore special. I picked her because of her adorably puffy cheeks. Because of her squiggly markings, she was given the name Waffle. She ended up being a beautiful, gold laced, black bearded HUGE bird. She was shy, and was always quick to run for cover. I guess that is what saved her when her flock mates got dispatched by a predator. Around that time, she also reached laying age. When I got her more flock mates, not only did she become flock matriarch, but also began laying eggs (big, beautiful sky blue eggs). This is when her personality really started to shine. She stole my heart, and she will always be a bird I will never forget.

She would sit with me while I read a book, and even occasionally bring me "treats" that she had found in the yard (bleh! nothing like a fat white grub shoved up your sleeve by an approving beak to enhance your reading experience).

My current EE Clover was also painfully shy until she started laying. Now, she is always underfoot, begging for treats, and begging to be picked up and loved on.

Since EEs are not a breed per se, they may have any breed trait be it personality or looks, but they tend to be a dual purpose looking bird that is slow to mature as far as egg laying goes. All of my EEs have been late bloomers, not laying until around 30 weeks of age.

As others have said, there is an amazing amount of variability in their egg laying, appearance, and personalities. This fact makes it a tad hard to give a blanket review for all EEs...but they seem to mellow with age. Give them time, and I don't think you will be disappointed.
Pros: Pretty,suppose to lay pretty colored eggs
Cons: Shy, doesn't like to be picked up, or touched.
My easter eggers are very pretty, but do not like to be picked up or touched. They don't like to be around me but sometimes will let me hold them on rare occasions or if I catch them. They're skittish but are beautiful and can come in many different colors. I raised them up as chicks and got a variety of pretty colors and I currently have 4 of them. Mine have not started laying yet but they're suppose to lay beautiful green/blue eggs. I also got them from Cackle hatchery.
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