
Partridge Plymouth Rock

This is one of the best varieties for the exhibitor as it is quite rare and makes an outstanding...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
Rich Brown, Rusts
Breed Size
Large Fowl

This is one of the best varieties for the exhibitor as it is quite rare and makes an outstanding show bird. The highly colored male has black hackle and saddle feathers with an edging of rich brilliant red, a lustrous greenish black breast and body touched with reddish bay on the wings. The females are completely different with their brown plumage and distinct pencilings of black following the outline of each feather. Due to inbreeding depression, show lines of these birds that have not been crossed since their origin are dying off in Canada. When bred to the proper standards, these are really good sized birds weighing as much as 13 pounds for a mature cock and 8 pounds for mature hens. The types sold at the hatcheries are about half this weight. The yellow skin and plump body make a nice eating fowl, and the hens lay brown eggs, and are considered one of the best setters and broody hens. The chicks are a rick dark brown resembling the color of an expensive fur coat.

Partridge Plymouth Rock chick

Partridge Plymouth Rock hen

Partridge Plymouth Rock rooster
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Latest reviews

Pros: Beautiful, intelligent, thriving
Cons: None so far
I'm surprised so many people are saying the breed is unfriendly/skittish. Mine are bold and the some of the friendliest in my mixed flock!
Pros: Nothing
Cons: This breed is very loud and communicates with a cry that is like a cat's howl! I do not recommend him at all it can drive you nuts!
Pros: Good layers large light pinkish brown eggs
Cons: Broody/ can be aggressive
I love this breed! Although, one hen became so broody, she tried attacking me, but that I did not allow. I always grab my aggressors and pet them, hold them carry them around, grab her beak in nest if she tried to bite me. They really do quit being brats if you take action, it works for me. I ordered more for my new flock.
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That's strange - Mine is so sweet and loves to perch on my arm or shoulder. I wonder if holding her a lot when she was little helped.
Just got my first partridge rocks too.
Got a cockerel from unrelated stock to go with them so hopefully strong healthy chicks for next year.
We bought our chickens from tractor supply and thought we had all hens until low and behold one was a rooster. We got 4 white chickens and 2 brown. The brown ones we believe are Partridge birds and the rooster is one of the partridge. He is gorgeous and starting to get some green on his feathers! Good luck on getting one!
Thanks Cybercat! Lots of good info. I want to make sure I am understanding you - are you saying the PR tends to be broodier then other Plymouths or that your specific breeding line was chosen because it was broody?
Yes the PR's are more broody than most other colors of Plymouth Rocks. I suspect it is due to the birds they used to make up this color variation, which were not used in the other colors.
I have a PBR and you have described her to a T. She is 8 mos. but still has not layed anyway that I can tell. Don't think I will get any again.
I started out with 5 partridge plymouth rocks with only one pullet and one rooster left. Dog killed the other girl and gave the other two roosters to a guy down the road. Girl is VERY talkative, just cooing and mumbling, nothing loud. Rooster has tried to be a little dominant with me but I have run his behind all over two acres of land until he was exhausted!!! He pretty much leaves me alone now!!! LOL Takes good care of my 12 girls though. Still not a year old yet, lots to look forward to and enjoy.
I bought 15 from Murray McMurray in Feb of 2013. I sold half of them. None have started to lay. It has been almost a year and I'm not too happy about it.
I have bantam Partridge Plymouth Rocks, and I really like them. :)
They are very beautiful, relatively sweet, and lay nice eggs.
A very enjoyable breed to have. (Plus they are the cutest baby chicks ever! <3 )
It looks as though the feathers would make a great substitute for partridge feathers (yeah, I know why they are called that). If anyone wants trout fly for their hat made from their own chicken's feathers, let me know. I can also incorporate other pet's feathers, hair, fur, etc. into it.

I got 10 earlier this summer. I have 7 left. Coyote and house cat helped themselves.
My birds haven't finished growing yet, long ways to go.
Although their color has yet to "come in" I have seen pics of them on Google.
Yup, they sure are friendly birds but no picking up for them.
I can hardly wait till they start laying eggs and the males to get their colors and start crowing.
Also I am really excited about observing the "flock" dynamics when they mature a bit.
If I am ever able to take and send pics I will share.
I also have mixed Brahma, RIR, BuffOrp and Grazers.
These hens have been like clockwork laying. They literally started laying in 5 months. I couldn't believe it. Once they started they haven't stopped. I get an egg a day from each hen. They have not dropped in production despite the Texas heat. I have too many Roosters (2) with 4 hens. My hens are over sexed.
I have some PRs. They're great free rangers, but mine are so mean to each other. It's either that or they're bullied horribly.

Item information

Chicken Breeds
Added by
Bogtown Chick
Last update
3.61 star(s) 23 ratings

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