
Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock originated in New England in the 19th Century & were created by using breeds such as Dominique, Dorkings Cochins, etc.
I got two little chicks (hatched 4/26/11) from a local person and one more a week older from the same lady. So far, these three are my favorites! They're super friendly and have such fun personalities... not to mention they're ADORABLE! I've only had them a few days so I will have to wait until a bit more time passes before I can say anything more about them.
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well I just got my plymouth-rock like 9 or 10 weeks ago and she still young. But she so sweet.
I may be young and dont know alot about chickens for being 14 and haveing one of this. There pretty cute and cool animals and i so bad want more :3 i would like give this chickens a 10 or 10000000 XD but my chicken isnt leying eggs yet but i cant wait intell she does.

(sorry if it sucks am new hear and am still learning)
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Pros: Friendly, good egg layer
Cons: none for me
A neighbor gave me a Plymouth Rock hen. She was about 4 months old. She has been a wonderful addition to my flock. I have hatched a few of her eggs (breed with my Dominique) and the chicks appear to be very hardy.
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Pros: Steady egg layers, lay big eggs, extrememly friendly, come in many different colors, georgous, cold hardy
Cons: Combs and watttles may get frostbite in very cold climates
Plymouth Rocks (sometimes called Rocks) are beautiful and friendly birds! Rocks lay brown large eggs and lay almost every day. They each have different personalities and preferences. Most Plymouth Rocks enjoy snuggling – either by sitting on your lap, being held, or even perching on your shoulder! You may get one that can’t wait to sneak out of the coop and scratch in your yard or woods, while another one is content to stay inside. One may come over begging for a treat, while another one just wants its comb and wattles rubbed.

Another reason why Plymouth Rocks are so perfect to keep is because of their color varieties. They have all sorts of colors!
  • Barred
  • White
  • Buff
  • Partridge
  • Silver Penciled
  • Blue
  • Columbian
  • Black
What more could you want in a chicken that is gorgeous, friendly, and lays large brown eggs?
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Pros: Good all weather bird
Cons: Tips of their combs freeze sometimes in below 0 weather.
I have 2 barred rocks and they are a great bird for my flock of 10 birds. They get along with the others, Do well in cold weather, do well in confinement. They are also excellent free rangers and are very good about keeping watch and returning to the coop at night. They are easily handled and become quite trusting once you gain their trust, I can pick mine up easily and they dont kick or flap, they just settle and allow you to hold them. Great bird.
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Pros: Great egg layers
Cons: Very talkative
These hens are great egg layers and lay daily. The only draw back I have found from them is they seem to be my loudest hens.
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Pros: Cute, like flying onto shoulders,
Cons: Grow so fast!
My barred rocks are still little and 4 weeks, so I don't have much else to say- They are very curious chicks, and get along well with the ducks and bantams they were raised with. They can be rowdy sometimes, but that's just because they're still young. I got them because I was lured in my they're friendly nature, and I wanted standard sized chickens that lay fairly well.
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Pros: Good layers, friendly, not flighty, pretty to look at
When I got chickens, this breed was the first breed I got my experience on. My husband who feels that I have way more chickens than I need, always insists that if I buy more they need to be barred rocks. Mine are very reliable layers giving me 6 eggs per bird per week. They did not lay through the winter, but that was fine with me. Everybody needs a short break.
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We got three of them about a month ago for an early birthday present for me
and i love them they are gorgeous! I can still tell them apart! Peepers (the smallest of the three) is very bright in color would prefer to not be held! Oreo (the largest of the three and my favorite!) loves to be held and is very friendly! Stripes is in between! They all are good with being held and i haven't had any problems with them! We are going to put them in with our 5 Rhode Island reds and 2 white leghorns and our rooster he is a mix rooster this weekend!
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This is my first round at chickens and are only 4 weeks old. It's too soon to tell but she is one of the smallest and sweetest.
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Pros: good with kids
Cons: not very good layer
we have 2 BRs but only one lays good for us the other just eats and gives no eggs. both are good with our kids and other chickens though
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He is our only rooster and is an amazing fella!! He is not aggressive at all!
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Pros: hardy, sweet, quiet, great weed and grub eater
Cons: taking long time to get large
My chicken is beautiful and amazing. She isn't as big as her ameraucana and production red counterparts, so we are hoping she grows more!!! Cross your fingers for eggs!
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Pros: Sweet temperment, heat tolerant, cold hardy, consistent layers
Cons: Mean roos
My barred rocks have all been sweet girls who lay well. I had a problem with 2 of my 3 hatchery roos being mean buggers who loved to come at me, but the third has been a gentle giant who is endless fun to watch. I love these girls!
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Pros: sweet great layer
My barred plymouth rock is very dependable egg layer
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Pros: consistent layers, easy keepers, docile
our barred are really consistent layers, easy keepers, and docile around the kids
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Pros: Great personality, great egg layers, good beginner birds
Cons: can be pushy to others in the flock, especially smaller breeds
I loved my Barred Rock...it's name was Alice before it started crowing...now its Nicky....
Nicky is a beautiful rooster who is bursting with personality, but isn't a cuddle bunny. He likes to keep to himself for most of the time(except for his girlfriends company) and seems to always be on the run from the big roosters...he is quite the troublemaker, and usually is always getting into something.
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These are my Americauna the tri colored ones.Each has a different pattern in their feathers.Hope it stays that way.
and my Barred Rocks blackwith white on head...
The last yellow are Orps.

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Pros: Very docile, Very entertaining, And very lovable.
I recently bought 10 chickens that were 4 weeks old. 8 Australorps and 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks. I was originally just going to buy the Australorps because of their infamous egg laying capabilities. But I wanted ten chickens and the seller only had 8 Australorps. He had 5 other chickens, So I had to choose between the three rhode island reds he had and the 2 barred rocks. Well we started catching the australorps and lo and behold instead of running to the other side of the pen like the rest of the birdies. The rocks just kinda of stood around like hey whats going on, did you bring me something, who are you(disclaimer: the chicks had been raised by his 3 kids who really enjoyed messin with them so they were definitley peoplized) Those little boogers stole my heart right there. I named one mama barred and the other mama rocks. They love being petted they hop into my lap when I am having my morning coffee. And they have the most entertaining facial expressions I have encountered yet in chickens. The australorps while being tame dont mind being handled but the rocks love it. And that is why the rocks rock.
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Very protective and well behaved bird. Very handsome and sweet.
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