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  1. All Ball

    Review by 'All Ball' in article 'Straw Itch Mite.'

    Had not seen this linked article before - another helpful addition! FYI, the tall grass in my upper yard bears itch mites starting in late spring/early summer which remain after grass is removed until winter frost. It causes ME problems, but have not noticed it being an issue for the chickens. I...
  2. All Ball

    Pecky has mystery diarrhea & abdominal bulge?

    Hi New2theFlock - I was researching around and saw this thread, and that you didn't get a response to this last post. SO sorry you were not able to save Pecky. :hugsThe way I tend to view it is the flock views a sick chicken as a potential carrier of disease, and will move to take out a weak...
  3. All Ball


    With so few vets willing to do a fecal test without seeing the animal, it's great to learn about this service - thank you!
  4. All Ball

    2 chickens lost and looking for others insight with experience

    It sounded like you thought the heat might have been the issue - one thing I do is use a stand-up mister I got at the hardware store - even if the chickens don't like to get wet it cools the air nearby. The necropsy will help you a lot in figuring this out. Otherwise, I'd just make sure that...
  5. All Ball

    Chicken struggling to bok

    I had an EE who had this kind of wheezy thing once or twice and it eventually passed - she had something caught in her throat. You could try seeing if she would eat moist food, like feed mixed with yogurt, to help soften/clear the obstruction, if that is what it is. Or you could wrap her in a...
  6. All Ball

    Rooster suddenly coughing/choking/hurt

    Those seem like either sneezes or he has something kind of stuck in his craw. I've had a hen do something similar, or who was a bit wheezy, and it ended up she had something in her throat that she had to work out. I'd maybe try to encourage him to drink, or give him some wet food to see if that...
  7. All Ball

    Bird mites

    They could be a regular type of bug, rather than a parasite. Can you post a picture? Chicken mites are usually bright red/orange or more black, and would be in the coop visible at night, or deep on a chicken's skin, not around outside. Chickens will eat a lot of bugs, anyway - when mine were...
  8. All Ball

    Chicken humming/ screaming with mouth closed

    Or if it's a fairly high-pitched noise it could be an aerial predator warning - hawk, vulture, crow, airplane overhead. You can search for videos to see if they match your sound.
  9. All Ball

    Found a random rooster on the side of the road on my way to school with torn up feet and it was getting hot so I brought him home, what now?

    I am just seeing this thread and haven't read it all through - did someone mention using the potato method of removing spurs? You can search for it on this site - you basically microwave a potato and put it on the spur and there's a technique to use it to loosen/remove the spur - it would be...
  10. All Ball

    Chicken lame/not walking.

    If you look at the links I provided, there were some that did recover from some pretty severe things. On the other hand, a lot did not and he may not recover. We each have to make a decision on whether the animal seems to be suffering/quality of life vs. giving them the time for a possible...
  11. All Ball

    Splayed Leg? Chick won’t put weight on one leg

    There are ways to make a splint for this chick. Let me see if I can find the link from here - try this: I understand these kinds of situations can be...
  12. All Ball

    Egg bound chicken and it broke inside

    Can you do a search here for something like "eggbound broken shell"? I know there are threads here that talk about how to deal with that situation, and at least one where the hen gradually expelled the shell. I know that sometimes one has to break the egg to get it out of an eggbound hen in a...
  13. All Ball

    Emergency — chicken listless, green watery diarrhea, roosting early

    I've not had experience with worms - hope you get some help here. All I can suggest is making sure she is getting sufficient water and try to get her to eat something. Is it really hot? That can lead to diarrhea, breathing through an open beak and lower energy. Maybe you know something I don't...
  14. All Ball

    Need help dont no what to do

    Rather than sweet potato or apple, suggest you trying mashing chicken food with water or yoghurt - that way she can get moisture from the soft, wet food, and she will get the vitamins from the complete food. You can open up her beak, plop in a bit of food, and she will likely swallow it. If you...
  15. All Ball

    1st time broody at 7 years old??

    Thanks, folks - I should describe her behavior - the past week she has been clucking non-stop, walking turkey-like and puffing up her hackles. Yesterday and today I've found her sitting on eggs - yesterday she laid one, then sat on that, her sister's egg, and the golf ball. Today it was on her...
  16. All Ball

    Chicken lame/not walking.

    Wow, that's a lot of stuff Tyson is getting. I had this happen to a hen earlier this year - after a few months she passed and the necropsy didn't find anything (even though she'd hatched with what appeared to be neurological defects - they found no lesions). I think she'd got it from being...
  17. All Ball

    What is gapeworm and how do you prevent it?

    I've read that gapeworm is not very common - I've not worried about it. Oftentimes people think the issue is gapeworm and it is something else. At least that's what I've gathered from combo of my chicken books and here.
  18. All Ball

    1st time broody at 7 years old??

    All, I've searched and haven't found this addressed - one of my cream legbars has gone broody for the 1st time - she just turned 7 last month. Does that seem like a thing? I'm worried it could mean hormonal changes from some sort of reproductive disorder, rather than basic broodiness - she has...
  19. All Ball

    Dixie needs a new home ASAP (NoCal)

    Good luck. You could also try the FB California Poultry People North group.
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