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  1. shaneensmith

    Dry Incubation High Resting Humidity Percentage

    2ND FINDING ** UPDATE - When incubator is completely dry it will read always at 48% because its not functioning properly. Once some moisture is added then it functions properly. Upon reading instructions again for the 100th time, it actually even mentions it in the instructions. Little Giant...
  2. shaneensmith

    Dry Incubation High Resting Humidity Percentage

    HOW TO: CALIBRATE A HYGROMETER (aka; Salt Test) CALIBRATING A HYGROMETER LINK Salt Calibration or / Salt Test Salt will maintain an exact humidity of 75% in a sealed environment! Because of the delicate design of hygrometers, it is easy for them to become inaccurate (e.g. with shipping or just...
  3. shaneensmith

    Dry Incubation High Resting Humidity Percentage

    I am in Quesnel, BC CANADA. It is so so strange because BOTH incubators are reading the exact same. LOL! they are side by side in the same room etc. and they are the exact same incubator as well. HA!
  4. shaneensmith

    Dry Incubation High Resting Humidity Percentage

    Salt test? Please clarify. Thank you so much! :)
  5. shaneensmith

    Dry Incubation High Resting Humidity Percentage

    oh dear. I do not have a room on it's own. The room I would have used is occupied by a guest. I really hope the incubator dry at 48% is ok. Thank you for your advice.
  6. shaneensmith

    Dry Incubation High Resting Humidity Percentage

    Hello everyone, I am wanting to do a Dry Incubation Method this time around. * Dry Incubation HIGH RESTING HUMIDITY Percentage * My incubators have been plugged in for 72 hours, dry, no water: > Temp holds steady at 99.1 to 99.5 on both incubators. > Humidity holds steady at 48% on both...
  7. shaneensmith

    Cream Legbar Roo OVER Leghorn Hen

    Thank you. So when I "cross them back" to a "blue egg layer (legbar)" should it be: A: Sapphire Rooster OVER Cream Legbar Hen? OR B: Cream Legbar Rooster OVER Sapphire Hen?
  8. shaneensmith

    Cream Legbar Roo OVER Leghorn Hen

    Hello everyone, I am looking to breed my Cream Legbar Rooster over my White Leghorn Hens. I would like to know what colored egg layer I might end up with? Would it be blue or light blue? IF it was light blue, and I wanted to make them more blue, then what would I breed those pullets back to? I...
  9. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility?

    RESULTS ARE IN! ** E-COLI INFECTION ** Point Of Entry Umbilicus - Early Mortality (Omphalitis) aka "Mushy Chick Disease, Navel infection, Yolk Sac Infection" (it goes by many names) My experience was as follows: Within 1 day of having day old poults - 2 died, then another, then 2 more, AND it...
  10. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility?

  11. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility?

    I was told literally by the hatchery to have it at 95, then lower to 90 and so on, go down 5 degrees as necessary. How odd.
  12. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility?

    Day olds when I got them. Had them 1.5 days > 2 died Next day > 1 more died (I wrote all this up top) See pics.
  13. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility?

    Hello R2Elk.I did have infectious cryoza, from birds I got from someone (never doing that again). However, these chicks were not near that coop - I have many, and I have not had chickens for quite some time, and everything I own feeders etc, is either new or disinfected.
  14. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility? similar to a turkey hen (as the hot spot) and being outside. So could I take them into my garage instead of my dining room? Thank you so much for your help. ** I have updated my original Post at the Top ** ** Tried to clean it up a bit ** ARTICLE I was referring too:
  15. shaneensmith

    Help with Poultry Lameness due to Bacterial - E. coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus or Enterococcus - Possibility?

    MY POULTS ARE GONIG LAME + SOME HAVE DIED (unsure if its connected) New poults. Day Old's. Coop Setup: 3 lamps in a neat row, disinfected coop, coop is ventilated, have not had birds for over 6 months (HAD a problem with infectious cryoza in laying hens - BUT haven't had birds for quite some...
  16. shaneensmith

    Swollen Ankle, Leg Hot, Foot Swollen Turkey Poult

    My daughter but she is incredibly gentle. You think of it. I had a metal chick feeder in there...and one got it's too stuck in it...however....the one that died...BOTH its legs turned purple well before it died. One foot was more swollen than the other.
  17. shaneensmith

    Swollen Ankle, Leg Hot, Foot Swollen Turkey Poult

    Thanks what I thought....but 2 in a row? And died from it? One is already dead. And one looks like it may be next. So odd.
  18. shaneensmith

    Swollen Ankle, Leg Hot, Foot Swollen Turkey Poult

    Hello! I did. See above now. I need to mention they are 5 days old. The leg is turning red purple, its toenails are BLACK! This is the oddest occurrence I have ever experienced.
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