So my son's class hatched eggs and 1 was born with some intestines on the outside of it's body and another looks like it may have some kind of umbilical hernia (that is bleeding a bit), is there anything I can do or just wait for nature to take it's course?
I was wondering why chicks may not develop all the way? I gave chicken eggs to my son's class for hatching, some hatched 3 days early and today is the 21 day and no peeps on any of the others that are in a different incubator than the ones that have hatched. The teacher said it looked like...
I have had great luck w/ mm, healthy strong chicks, usually 1-2 days to arrive, no worries all will be fine, your post office should call soon as they arrive!
I have had good luck in the past with 1 roo and 20 hens, about 85% were fertilized, no way to tell who is giving what egg unless you watch them. You will get a nice mix of good egg layers, enjoy!
I have hatched ducks and chickens together and have had a good hatch but it really is better to separate the hatch, ducks require a higher humidity than chickens plus ducks take longer to incubate and you end up with baby chicks climbing all over your ducks then you need to clean the incubator...
My ducks and chickens live together and what I have found is more often than not they are outside but at night when it comes time to sleep they sleep under the nesting boxes which are about 1 foot off the coop floor and not under the roosts which are just in front of the boxes, I really don't...
I love my buff orps, they are very friendly and great moms, my turken while funny lookin is very sweet, my Rhode Island Reds are very curious and follow me around, if I had to choose for best brown egg layer and temperment I would pick the buff orp...
I just keep incubating till I can see better, sometimes the eggs are so dark it's hard to see. If your not sure what your looking for search the internet, it has lots of pics, that's how I taught myself....happy hatching
sounds like frostbite to me, our temps have been 0 and below and all 3 of my roos have black tips to their combs, it happened to me last year when it was this cold, they healed fine and nothing fell off.... good luck you can offer heat but it does not mean they will take it...
Last night I was out getting the girls fresh water and refilling the feed and just watching them when they all started to go crazy, the hens all came into the fenced area and the roos went out of the fence making lots of noise, I looked and saw a fox about 15 feet from my very angry roo's I...
I just use large plastic trash bins with lids that click into a locked position for food, water however I have spent money on, I live in NH and winter is hard here, I shelled out the money for plastic waterers with a heated base from mcmurray hatchery I found the steel with heated bases just do...