Anyone expecting a shipment from McMurray's this week?

Well, i would bet they did not mail Sunday, but they probably ran the labels. Today is a no-mail day, so I bet you will see them Wednesday.
I ordered my chicks from MM. I called to ask when to expect them. I was told they will hatch Saturday Feb 14th. ship Sunday and expected to arrive, Ill. on Tuesday. The fact that I live in Illinois that made the difference on delivery day.

Good luck!!
I've learned to expect my chicks from McMurray to arrive on Sunday. I haven't ordered from them in four years so things might be different now. Oh, and it being President's Day is probably making a difference since there's no mail today
When I called the MM operator would only say the order shipped on Sunday. Since I live in Washington, chances are Wednesday for delivery, but I was hoping Tuesday so the little precious ones wouldn't have such a long time in route.

I'm trying to be patient... Really!
Well, i would bet they did not mail Sunday, but they probably ran the labels. Today is a no-mail day, so I bet you will see them Wednesday.

two operators at MM told me they would not ship Saturday, but Sunday because of the holiday. they DID ship Saturday and the PO called this morning. MM had put grow gel in with the chicks though.

i was totally caught off guard.
I have had great luck w/ mm, healthy strong chicks, usually 1-2 days to arrive, no worries all will be fine, your post office should call soon as they arrive!
Hmm... Guess I should expect today, tomorrow, or Wednesday then! Good grief! I'm going to set up the brooders right now, just in case. It'll give me something to stare at while I'm pacing.
I had chicks coming from MM two years ago. The Monday of the ship week was memorial day and we got a call from the post office hub 30 miles away the chicks were there and because of a heat wave they thought it best to call us. They shipped them the Saturday or Sunday before. We were very surprised, my husband wasn't to happy about the drive into the cities for me but with two smiling kids it was hard to be to grumpy.

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