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  1. N

    Not an emergency.

    There was no blood coming from the vent, it looked more like an injury around the nails. Like a horrible scratching or clawing at something. No nails were wasn't a lot of blood so I'm quite sure it originated from her toes. I did palpitate her abdomen when I was doing a quick once...
  2. N

    Not an emergency.

    I went out to collect eggs this morning and found one of my chickens dead in my coop. She was fine yesterday (isn't that mostly the case) and her body seemed very freshly dead, like I had to check for a heart beat. She was a wellsummer and was maybe 4 years old, still laying. She was always a...
  3. N

    Eye problems(weird pupil).. egg problems.. etc etc etc

    So I've got 2 more roosters down today. One stumbling around and one who seemed fine yesterday was just in the middle of the yard all limp and getting trampled. That makes for like 5 or 6 roosters this year. It just seems like most of them waste away. I think I lost a few hens, but they were...
  4. N

    Eye problems(weird pupil).. egg problems.. etc etc etc

    This is Snowball a special breed of roo who had some problems as a chick. All seemed well until yesterday he was moving a little slow-today he was found laying in the run, alive, but very out of it. Obviously the other chickens beat him up a bit. He feels a little skinny. His large pupil does...
  5. N

    What would only eat the head off of a 2 year old tom?

    Oh that would make a lot of sense and to me the wound doesn't look super tear-ish, like teeth, it looks like little snips.. If it's still there later I'll inspect again with all my new knowledge. Do you think the owls would be big enough to do that to a turkey? I feel like they are moderately...
  6. N

    What would only eat the head off of a 2 year old tom?

    We do.. we have it all lol. Idk why I didn't think of eagle. We also have a resident gh owl, but he/ she has never bothered us before. I figured most of the predators were too small for this turkey. Especially just the head without a bloodbath.
  7. N

    What would only eat the head off of a 2 year old tom?

    This morning I found one of my turks outside my fence, headless. It didn't look like it had any other injuries to it. There was a small pile of feathers about 10 feet away. I found like 2 drops of blood on the grass right near the body. One of my other turkies was somewhere weird too, so I had...
  8. N

    Gosling with cough Other thread
  9. N

    Coughing gosling Other thread. How long to quarantine? How long do they take to get over this type of illness?
  10. N

    Gosling with cough bird flu. Does it need some medicine? This is a little different than I'm used to. I am only used to chicken issues thus far. We have far less waterfowl-let alone goslings. That were found outside.. How long to quarantine? How long do they take to get over this type of illness...
  11. N

    Coughing gosling

    ...bad it's alone (we sanitize after).. Any ideas anyone? I'm worried about like bird flu. Does it need some medicine? This is a little different than I'm used to. I am only used to chicken issues thus far. We have far less waterfowl-let alone goslings. That were found outside.. *Cross-posted*
  12. N

    Declining baby chick

    So I was slightly mistaken. I apparently didn't read the line above it.. It says the 8 week thing for mostly game birds, it says normal use for chickens and such. My apologies!
  13. N

    Declining baby chick

    I'm not certain, I bought 12 and half of them were the little chipmunk looking kind... my best guess was what they had labeled as an English Orpington (it didn't look like the English orpingtons I got last year though). It also could've been easter egger, ameraucana, etc. The guy at the feed...
  14. N

    Declining baby chick

    So I used to use flock raiser for everyone.. then I hatched a few chicks who all ended up with problems. I had 3 with vitamin b deficiencies and I believe 2 died and 3 more ended up mostly blind or partially blind.. so then as I was cleaning out my garage I found some old empty bags are realized...
  15. N

    Declining baby chick

    I have them on Purina non medicated starter grower. The normal stuff since they changed the starter grower recipie.
  16. N

    Declining baby chick

    The little chick passed shortly after my post. This is the worst luck I've had with chicks from the store. 3 died out of 18 all within 24/48 hours of brining them home. They were from 2 different stores too. I've never had something like this happen before. I mean I've been keeping chickens for...
  17. N

    Declining baby chick

    Everyone was fine yesterday, today I find one sleeping while everyone else is up and peeping. So I pick her up and she won't even hold her head up. Will peep and open her eyes a little when I upset her. Droopy wingswont stand. Will drink the water i put in her beak. I just got all of them from...
  18. N

    This chick is going to die. Abdomen turning black.

    Like the outter vent opening is there, but I went to inspect and tried to separate it a bit-theres like a dimple in the middle and it's just flat glossy skin. I'll grab a pic in a few minuets. So it is like impossible to capture on my phone. It's a little red because I did poke at it a little...
  19. N

    This chick is going to die. Abdomen turning black.

    Okay so unexpected development here- there is no vent. Like no opening in it.
  20. N

    This chick is going to die. Abdomen turning black.

    That's the umbilical area and then as you maybe can see the black extends all the way around his side and such. It all happened quite suddenly and no falls because I just took them out of the incubator and there were only 4 chicks in there.
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