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  • Users: neVar
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  1. neVar

    my silkies-

    so of course 4 chicks and it looks like i've got 3 (2 forsure) roo's but boy they sure are gorgeous. Neighbours may not agree so much when they crow :( We got them out free ranging for the first time this weekend and got some pics! the blue and splash are roos- the white im'...
  2. neVar

    Girls first 'free range'

    Lucinda is a dog-seriously- she follows you around comes when she's called and is totally tame-she's the favorite of the kids. and never ever ever pecks at ya Today i opened up the side doors to the coop- as i was stirring up their bedding. this is where i have been grabbing em to put them...
  3. neVar

    Girls first 'free range'

    We finally got the yard set up enough to let the girls out to wander. a fence to keep the dogs away- and grass enough down and construction stuff away that it's safe.Boy did they have fun- for 10 minutes then ran back to their coop LOL
  4. Nevar's Chicken Coop

    Nevar's Chicken Coop

    The Chicken Castle So after a winter of hmmmm'ing and hawwwwwi'ing reading and planning i finally settled on a coop idea. So It got made into a frame. Coop is going to be 4x6. Run is 4x6. The nesting box off the end is 2' long. Height is 6' plus the roof It's being insulated. we'll...
  5. neVar

    WINTER COOP Minnesota

    Saskatchewan here- we get up to -40C this is our first winter with this coop but we've done some -25C weather so far. I just updated my post of my coop. We're insulated- and have just a 40w bulb in for light (and a small amount of heat i guess). A heated dog bowl. So far no issues with...
  6. neVar

    Chicken Castle-rocking through our first winter

    So a winter update- my dad oh so worried about the chickens- is down in Texas for the winter called daily during our cold spell. We had a good 2 week stretch of -20C temps for daytime highs already. Before leaving for texas dad installed a power bar on the wall and a light socket that plugs in...
  7. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    OK so today got a letter from the town. "Council has been faced with a few complaints from neighboring property owners regarding the noise of the rooster and the appearance of vermin since the chickens have come into Town. We would like to thank you, first of all, for removing the rooster as...
  8. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    well i didn't go- for several reasons. Rooster has found a home (with in 24 hours of the complaint). So far we're a week past the meeting and no one has contacted me to say the bylaw has changed. I did send a letter including several bylaws from larger cities allowing chickens. Anyway the...
  9. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    Exactly. They are totally legal right now. I had a by law Enforcement officer friend check for me before we ever built our coop. It's just that Monday it might be made illegal. Oh even more fun this town has no rules on what is required to pass A by law from what me or my lawyer can find.
  10. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    My problem is with such short notice im' not sure if i can make it there. Im a single mom and my son has to be at his cubs meeting that night or he can't go to camp on the weekend. I am attempting to find him a way of getting to cubs (40 minute drive from where we live) so i can attend the...
  11. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    ...called to give me aheads up about this) in my letter i'm hoping to have them if they decide to change the bylaw to change it to something simliar to what big cities are doing (vancouver etc) *sigh* Rooster and the i think he's a rooster silkie went to their new home today. just the 4...
  12. neVar

    Are chickens domestic pets

    I think the big question is wether they are 'livestock' or household pets. I think most agree on the whole that they are domesticated
  13. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    not a zoning issue- the animal bylaws for the town are for the entire town (all zones) limit on number. states 3 of each species allowed. then bylaw states: OWNING AND HARBOURING EXOTIC AND WILD ANIMALS a) No person shall own or harbour any animal, or hybrid of any animal, of the kind...
  14. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    Well good news is i think i have a home for my ROO> I did have a home lined up (if he turned into aroo) but that friend has been gone all summer and lives 4 hours away so we just hadn't gotten him there yet. SO question is i guess- Does grandfathering automatically exist? IF they pass a...
  15. neVar

    poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

    Quote: Hey want to give me some more information on this? im in canada have chickens LEGALLY but because now someone complained (chick grew up into a roo and i hadn't found it a home yet) they are talking about changing the bylaw to completely outlaw chickens
  16. neVar

    town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!

    Are looking ag being changed . Ack I'm just sick to my stomach we just built our coop. Been trying to home the roo all summer
  17. neVar

    Egg set 8/28 GONE. Egg theif?

    WELL, WE're pretty sure we had an egg theif of the human kind. Padlock on the coop and voila we're now back to getting 2-3 eggs a day from our ummm zip. Even though i got 2 girls (my best layers) still acting all broody they are popping out em eggs. As to it being a snake or a rat- not...
  18. neVar

    Post pics of your Polish chickens

    im down to just one Polish but i love him. though he really needs a home. im not sure the neighbours will put up with his crowing much longer but it hink he's Gorgeous. this one is 2 months ago- i need new pics of him when he's done this molt his tail has come in GORGEOUS. He's 4 months...
  19. neVar

    Bob loves his baby Piper

    OK so piper's not his- but when we were down to just Bob (April hatch so full grown) and Piper (june hatch just a wee baby) and were introducing lucinda (april hatch houdan) i took a leap of faith and tossed Piper in with the big guys. he'd been in a kennel in the coop/run with Bob for over a...
  20. neVar

    Egg set 8/28 GONE. Egg theif?

    seriously she was on tomatos she had there and the egg was beside her *sigh* she's not being allowed to sit on eggs again. not only were they tomatos they were TINEY wittle like pea size tomatoes that had fallen off my grape tomato plant ugh- if they ate it i'm very disapointed. because...
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