Chicken Castle-rocking through our first winter

Hey, it's so adorable and cute! It really does look like Heather's coop, too! And you did it withOUT the plans she is selling! WOW! Good job! I think you have convinced me to put in doors under the coop so I can reach my chickens if I need to without having to go inside. You listed that as a complaint. Is that what you were thinking? Was putting a door to access under the coop? I had nixed the idea of putting doors under my coop thinking it would be overkill since I will have a people door into the run. But now I'm thinking otherwise again... ha! Anyway, gorgeous coop- and one I'm sure you'll be really proud to show off to everyone! I would be!!!
Oh- and BTW, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Polish!!!!!!
no i like having the doors there- i just don't like that it's 4' across and my arms are to short- so the chickens can hide on the far wall and i really gotta climb into the bottom section to reach them. Perfect world maybe the coop needed to be 3x7 instead of 4x6
So a winter update- my dad oh so worried about the chickens- is down in Texas for the winter called daily during our cold spell. We had a good 2 week stretch of -20C temps for daytime highs already. Before leaving for texas dad installed a power bar on the wall and a light socket that plugs in. We've put a 40w bulb in and run it for the day off at night.

The Plexi glass door came out and an insulated door went in. We put a sliding door over the ventilation hole so it can open up for nice weather and shut up more for when it gets really cold.

A heated dog water bowl finished off our winter preps.

So far it's working great- the girls are comfortable and now that the light is on 12 ish hours a day they are laying eggs just like in summertime. They seem to be plenty warm enough. SO far moisture hasn't been an issue either.

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