town looking to outlaw chickens on monday!


8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
Dundurn, Sask
Are looking ag being changed
. Ack I'm just sick to my stomach we just built our coop. Been trying to home the roo all summer
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Well good news is i think i have a home for my ROO> I did have a home lined up (if he turned into aroo) but that friend has been gone all summer and lives 4 hours away so we just hadn't gotten him there yet.

SO question is i guess-

Does grandfathering automatically exist? IF they pass a law on monday saying "no" to all chickens. Am i automatically grandfathered in? OR do they have to add a clause in stating grandfathering exists for it to ummm exist?
It depends on whether it is zoning code or an ordinance, and exactly how they phrase it. For example, if the rules of construction already say that if a use is not listed, it is not permitted, and there is nothing specifically addressing chickens, but some people have been keeping them, a new ordinance or code that specifically disallows them would probably not give any grandfathering protections as they were already disallowed, but not by specific prohibition. On the other hald, if zoning code previously allowed them, but now they are being limited or forbidden entirely, chances are that anyone who already has birds will be considered to have a legal non-conforming use. There may be provisions that will eventually remove that protection--say at change of title, if the use is considered abandoned (not used for a specific length of time) or simply that no new birds can be added, including replacing any that die. It can vary a great deal.
not a zoning issue- the animal bylaws for the town are for the entire town (all zones)

limit on number. states 3 of each species allowed.

then bylaw states:
a) No person shall own or harbour any animal, or hybrid of any animal, of the kind
listed in Schedule “D” for any purpose.
b) No person, partnership or corporation, whether operated separately or in
connection with another business enterprise, shall operate a pet store that buys,
sells, trades exhibits or harbours any animal or hybrid of any animal of the kind
listed in Schedule “D”,

Schedule D includes for birds:
- all Raptors, diural and nocturnal (such as eagles, hawks and owls)
- all Ratite Birds (such as ostriches, rheas, and cassowaries)

Oh btw right now the bylaws also specifically allow cattle, goats and sheep!
- all Artiodactylus Ungulates, except domestic goats, sheep and cattle​
If that's all the have against it, go to the hearing with your research facts; "Chickens keep eggs in the fridge, they provide fertilizer for my garden, I already have chickens, they are very common across the nation, chickens can also be great pets and help kids with disabilities come out of their shell, chickens are my life: take them away and I'll be upset. I'll get a petition if I need too."

Be reasonable and specific to address major points, tell the whole truth, noting but.
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that's my plan- i'm not sure if i can make it to the meeting (or if maybe that's even a good idea- this town likes to pick an enemy. I also know i'm going to get emotional (i love my chooks, they are our pets

SO i'm thinking about writing up a letter sending it to all the councillors tomorrow and having a copy to the office and make sure she prints out some and gets it to the councilors (considering she called to give me aheads up about this) in my letter i'm hoping to have them if they decide to change the bylaw to change it to something simliar to what big cities are doing (vancouver etc)


Rooster and the i think he's a rooster silkie went to their new home today. just the 4 girls now
I suggest that you both write the letter, AND attend the hearing. It is much harder for your local government officials to mess with their constituents when they are there to raise an objection. Can someone go with you? Someone who will help you keep your cool?
My problem is with such short notice im' not sure if i can make it there. Im a single mom and my son has to be at his cubs meeting that night or he can't go to camp on the weekend.

I am attempting to find him a way of getting to cubs (40 minute drive from where we live) so i can attend the meeting.
If you can't attend the meeting, most definitely write! Send it by fax, snail mail, and/or e-mail! Whatever you do? Make your voice heard and count. To do nothing will only guarantee your opinion will not be heard and remotely considered in the matter. Might be a good lesson for your little man - how to stand up for what you believe in? To learn how to fight for your rights? I've been a single mom (for 12yrs before I remarried), so I can relate to how difficult schedules can be... especially when something last minute - that's so near and dear to your heart - rears an ugly head like this.
Oh btw right now the bylaws also specifically allow cattle, goats and sheep!
- all Artiodactylus Ungulates, except domestic goats, sheep and cattle

Chickens are neither raptors nor ratites.

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