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  • Users: KrisCVT
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  1. KrisCVT

    Chronic coughing hen/exhausted every treatment/heart disease?

    ...dose of fenbendazole. Vet is currently researching heart meds to try since a consult at a bigger hospital is 3-4 weeks out. My poor Brahma does this coughing all day and all night. Anyone have any ideas????? I’m willing to try meds because she is a pet. ** cannot figure out how to post a video**
  2. KrisCVT

    Mites in shavings???

    I didn’t even realize I had mites until I noticed some on eggs in the nesting boxes (just milk crates). My normal routine- Poop gets scooped daily, full change of bedding every 10-14 days. I sprinkle DE in the crevices. After finding mites- I checked a couple birds- no one is showing signs other...
  3. KrisCVT

    Anyone use Revolution (Selamectin) for roundworm?

    Found a roundworm in a poop- not sure of the culprit but I have 5 hens so I figure I will treat everyone. Just wondering about Revolution since it treats intestinal parasites in dogs/cats...and I have a bunch of extra doses that I can put to use. My other concern is the rumor of worming with...
  4. KrisCVT

    Angel wing or heavy feathers??

    Pekin, will be 5 weeks old on Monday. Gets Purina Flock Raiser. Outside free range supervised time 4-8 hours a day. Constantly adjusting this wing and at times it’s sticking out a little but not up. I already bought an 18% food, bought frozen peas, and will keep adding vitamins to water. They...
  5. KrisCVT

    Cull this duckling?? Advice pls

    No replies to my other posts so in a nutshell: pipped wrong end day 30. Have been slowly helping it hatch. Finally helped it all the way out today (day 32) because membrane was looking dry and duckling very vocal. However- this doesn’t look like this a hernia or prolapse? Any hope???
  6. KrisCVT

    Day 30 backwards duckling help please.

    2 eggs hatched with no issues on day 28. This egg was looking like it wanted to internally pip (lots of movement) that same day but after 36 hours, we did a safety hole. Yesterday afternoon it was peeping and knocking but still nothing. I started to chip away- looks like this duckling is...
  7. KrisCVT

    Is this day 26 duck egg dead?

    Was moving around fine when I candled on day 24. Took out turner and decreased temp today and it looked like this. (Pekin)
  8. KrisCVT

    Mold in Purina Flock Raiser- FYI

    I've had a total of 3 bags with chunks (golf ball size up to baseball size) of moldy feed in them. Once was a couple months ago- Seemed like a fluke. But the last 2 were from the same batch it seemed. The first bag I noticed right away because the chunks were at the top of the bag. The second...
  9. KrisCVT

    Frigid weather this weekend-leave light on?

    My birds are almost 3 years old- 2 buffs, 1 BR, and a wyandotte. The BR and wyandotte are mid-molt. We are in MA and in the midst of the "bomb cyclone", with the weather dropping this weekend to ACTUAL temperature of -11F, with winds of 20-30mph. The coldest (according to my coop thermometer)...
  10. KrisCVT

    9 months, no eggs, salpingitis, now fairy egg?

    I have a 2 1/2 year old barred rock hen...she's had multiple issues in the past so she lives in my house at night (long story). She used to lay an egg every day without fail, but suddenly stopped about 9 months ago. I took her to the vet after 4 months had passed when I realized it wasn't...
  11. KrisCVT

    Winter molt and frigid temperatures?

    I have a barred rock and a golden laced wyandotte going through a molt right now...and have me GLW is pretty raggedy looking...her entire head and neck is pretty much pin feathers. My concern is that we are expected to have VERY cold weather to come through Thursday into Friday (I...
  12. KrisCVT

    Disinfecting portable run?

    Someone gave me a portable run- one of those cheapish- precision pet product ones I think....wood frame with hardware cloth. I am going to use it to hopefully pen up my ducks at night. There have not been chickens in this run for a couple of months...should I disinfect it? Would spraying it with...
  13. KrisCVT

    Help! Really smart rats!

    Anyone have a recommendation on how to kill rats that will NOT go in any sort of trap? I haven't seen any, but all signs point to them: tunneling into run, tunneling under duck house, tunneling under water basin and base of ramp, half eaten tomatoes on ground in garden (abuts coop area). Digging...
  14. KrisCVT

    What made this burrow?

    Went behind my coop today- I thought I saw some of the stone disrupted right outside the run where the feeder is...and I looked a little further and saw this hole! It's about 3-4" across...I have always worried about this little gap where my run attaches to my coop- I don't have much of an...
  15. KrisCVT

     Anyone had a bag of Flock Raiser be entirely dust?

    I really like the food- it fits my flock well (5 hens, and 1 duck and 1 drake). I wanted a higher protein food in crumble form and this has been working well the last several months. I purchased my latest bag from was ALL ground up dust. Almost no crumbles. Had I noticed prior to...
  16. KrisCVT Thumbs up!

    I saw someone mention them as a place to get dried mealworms.....I wanted to add some protein to my flock so I placed an order. I was very impressed with them. I got the Insect Medley- which is loaded with all sizes of bugs that my birds LOVE, the dried mealworms, and the Cracked Worms....all...
  17. KrisCVT

    Protein for naughty ducks??

    I have 2 Pekins- 1 drake and 1 hen. They are 7 months old. They have lived with 5 chickens since they were babies- in one coop. Over the past 8-10 weeks- I discovered that my ducks are cornering my hens and pulling out and eating their feathers. I had one hen that is featherless on her back...
  18. KrisCVT

    Show me your "House Chicken" enclosures!

    My beat up hen is becoming a house chicken for the winter. My hubby wants to build her something more secure than the covered exercise pen she is in now. Show me what your house chickens stay in when they are not hanging out with you!
  19. KrisCVT

    Would you change feeds based on one chicken?

    I have one hen that I can't figure out if she is feather picking herself or if the ducks are doing it. Pretty much ruled out the other hens. I never find her feathers. Bare above the tail, under wings, shoulders. Currently wearing a hensaver. This started about 6 weeks ago. I think she is...
  20. KrisCVT


    I hate when my chickens hang out in the rain. Sure, I could have left them locked up this morning. But they were all throwing temper tantrums and I always worry about my neighbors getting annoyed (I forgot how LOUD female ducks are). I figured the ducks would stay out foraging and the chooks...
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