Angel wing or heavy feathers??


8 Years
Sep 6, 2015
Central Massachusetts
Pekin, will be 5 weeks old on Monday. Gets Purina Flock Raiser. Outside free range supervised time 4-8 hours a day. Constantly adjusting this wing and at times it’s sticking out a little but not up. I already bought an 18% food, bought frozen peas, and will keep adding vitamins to water. They eat grass and forage the entire time they are outside. Thoughts??
A lot of members feed an all flock which is 20% protein and it’s actually formulated for all poultry. Including ducks. There is 2 possible reason for angel wing one side says too much protein the other says it could be genetic. I used Purina Flock Raiser for years from hatch to old age an never had angel wing. So I don’t see a problem using 18 percent. Maybe @casportpony can add something.
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Angel wing is not well understood, and many things can contribute to it. Would it surprise you to know that some people feed a 16% low protein food and see angel wing in their flock, while others feed very high protein, 27%, and never see it?

I am one that feeds a 27% turkey feed, because other than the protein, turkeys and ducks have almost identical nutritional requirements.

I would keep feeding the flockraiser, though be sure to check the date on the bottom of the bag and do not buy it if it's more than six weeks old because the ingredients in old bags will degrade over time, so best to feed only the freshest.
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It’s definitely fresh- I nag my local TSC for when their shipments come in, so when I need feed, the date on the bag is only 2-3 weeks old. I fed Dumor with my past ducks (4 years ago) but everyone was switched to flockraiser since (mixed flock of hens, male duck and female duck at that time). It’s been a great feed so I am quite surprised and disappointed that my duckling has a possible issue.

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