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  1. F

    Hen with injured wings and weak

    Made it through the night.
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    Hen with injured wings and weak

    Sick hen now has slowed breathing. Our cattle dog is laying next to it. It’s actually a bittersweet sight. We’re all sad.
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    Hen with injured wings and weak

    This hen and generally all of my hens are one year old. Nope They live in an open air concept coop and walk in run, nesting boxes for privacy. Kind of looks like the coops that they sell on roost and root. We live in SoCal. Update on the other flock: egg production down because the pipe to...
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    Hen with injured wings and weak

    Here is a link to Sick Hen Video
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    Hen with injured wings and weak

    Oh, also, neighbor helped... checked the vent, checked the crop, checked everything... We don't believe the hen in question is egg bound.
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    Hen with injured wings and weak

    OK, here's an update on the hen. I'll try to upload a vid to YouTube to post a link here. Hen is weak, cannot stand and slumps over as if it loses balance. Also, the hen still eats and drinks, but needs to be supported by hand. Generally sits with its eyes closed. Providing food (scrambled...
  7. F

    Hen with injured wings and weak

    I found one of my chickens rumpled and against the coop wall. One or both her wings are injured but no breaks. She just plod around splayed and moves with great effort but tips over. I wrapped her wings with coban to immobilize her and she is eating, drinking, and pooping but just looks so sad...
  8. F

    Need suggestions for Winter Egg Laying (Lighting)

    Well, you brought me back to reality. I totally forgot that I need sunlight to supplement with light... lol. What a conundrum. So this is going to be harder than I thought. I would need a lot of panels to collect any light, presuming that I don't have any overcast - that's a stretch even just...
  9. F

    Need suggestions for Winter Egg Laying (Lighting)

    I don't have power at the coop. Currently have solar powered flood lights for the night time (dusk to dawn). It works... but has anyone used solar powered lights strong enough to use as supplement lighting for sustained egg laying throughout the winter? Is there a simple product that I can...
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    Rancho Cucamonga, CA How to fight City Hall?

    So I decided to search Rancho today and found this. I suppose I’m a bit late to your post. I’m another fellow citizen of Rancho Cucamonga. I’d like to have a rooster to sustain my flock, but that’ll never legally happen. I would recommend one of two things: 1. Contact your city council rep...
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    Which brand do YOU swear by?

    Yea, we should definitely do another BBC survey.
  12. F

    Which brand do YOU swear by?

    Can we resurrect this poll to do a refresh?
  13. F

    Review by 'Farmin Armen' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    Great guide. Regarding meat spots... no way of mitigating them or reducing them?? Wish there was something about that.
  14. F

    Do you think they’ll survive the night?

    Thanks for the advice. Yea, we waiting almost impatiently for three weeks for them to hatch. However, they seem to be happy. I’ll keep an eye on them. I stay up late anyway and will coach broody, if that were possible.
  15. F

    Do you think they’ll survive the night?

    Ten chicks that are three weeks old (incubated and hatched), was in a brooder, took them out and tucked them under a broody orp. Think they’ll take to each other by morning?
  16. F

    Fun Summer Activity with a Side Hustle??

    Yea, I'll need to check. However, I know that people pay about $8 per fertilized egg to hatch. More for chicks (female). Personally, I would probably pay $2-$3 for Straight Run, no breed ID, but I could say that these chicks came from breeds that are rated "better" or "best" for laying.
  17. F

    Fun Summer Activity with a Side Hustle??

    Hey Everyone, to give my kiddos another reason why not to spend time in front of the TV this entire summer, I purchased an incubator. They’re looking forward to this fun summer activity of incubating / hatching our fertilized eggs and caring for the chicks. We’ll keep a few, but I’d imagine that...
  18. F

    Four week olds, 14 week olds and a new coop.

    #1 makes sense. #2 I was thinking safety in numbers as the four older ones would be outnumbered by the 16 smaller ones.
  19. F

    Best thing I ever did…

    That’s hilarious! What a deterrent!
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