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  1. Weetamoo93

    Scarred eggs

    ...(compost, etc), but their main diet is the same. I noticed in the article a similar egg where the chicken had an infection. None of my birds *appear* ill, but I know they're notorious for hiding illness until they are near death. I've since collected two more eggs. The consistency of the...
  2. Weetamoo93

    Chickens love muddy water

    That's like our dogs. All the various containers of water of varying freshness, and they drink from the saucers under the potted plants or inside old tires.
  3. Weetamoo93

    Scarred eggs

    I've collected about 5 of these "scarred" eggs over the past month or so. It looks like a crack that happened in formation and was healed during the remainder of the process. Most my hens are going on 3, so past their prime. I'm thinking it's from one hen considering the frequency? Not certain...
  4. Weetamoo93

    Sudden death in 2 year old cock

    I could not find any injuries upon further study of the carcass; no bites, bruises, or broken anything. When I picked him up to attempt my first necropsy, he did make a very wet garble post mortem. I've had birds "talk" during harvest, but not this wet burble. There was also a wet spot on the...
  5. Weetamoo93

    Sudden death in 2 year old cock

    I do have it. I'll do that. I'd like to know what happened if possible.
  6. Weetamoo93

    Sudden death in 2 year old cock

    I figure this might be the best place but move my thread where appropriate otherwise. I'm frustrated because I went to lock up my birds and my cock was dead. Just slumped in front of their feeder a good 10 feet from the coop. At first glance I thought that he was sleeping, but realized...
  7. Weetamoo93

    Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

    Does anyone know if the shells are safe to feed back to the hens? I've been burying them in my compost to keep the chickens from consuming them; they always have oyster shell free choice so it's not their only calcium source
  8. Weetamoo93

    Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

    Same here. Maybe 9 months. My sole goal was to keep them for the winter's break. I may hold over extra this year specifically for my dogs. Their food is too expensive not to supplement with eggs.
  9. Weetamoo93

    Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

    @TooCheep , do you reuse the water or start fresh each time? I did 1oz of lime by weight to 1 quart of water.
  10. Weetamoo93

    Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

    I kept mine the the back corner of my closet. Nothing fancy, just as out of the way as I could manage. I used gallon pickle jars and my house occasionally is very warm (80°-90°F) in the summer and so far all have been fine. I had a few that cracked, presumably during transport from one house...
  11. Weetamoo93

    Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

    They were good! Mine were from March or so this year. A lot of the yolks broke as soon as we cracked them and the whites were very runny, but they were fine flavorwise. We used them for baked goods, pancakes, and bread pudding without issue. I tried them for egg drop ramen soup today and they...
  12. Weetamoo93

    Water Glassing: Egg Preservation Experiment!

    I just finished up a jar of my lime water preserved eggs (calcium hydroxide). Can I reuse the solution, or do I need to start fresh?
  13. Weetamoo93

    Brinsea Mini Eco

    So apparently Stromberg didn't take it off the website even though it was out of stock. Bummer. So, now I happened across a deal on the eco maxi which has the 30 egg capacity. My question: is there a minimum? Can I run an incubator with a 30 egg max with only 10 eggs?
  14. Weetamoo93

    First Time Broody Stepped on Chicks?

    @Cinnamon Roll , I got mine from McMurray hatchery. I can't say if they're great representations of the breed, but they lay well and the two males I culled were pretty tasty. If you're anywhere near South Mississippi, I can sell you a couple. She's hatched at least two more. One is doing well...
  15. Weetamoo93

    First Time Broody Stepped on Chicks?

    @Cinnamon Roll , mine are partridge, too! I love the color! I'm keeping all my pullets in the hopes that being actually raised by a mother will help establish better mothering. I think having it as an established behavior will probably help. I checked in and could see another pipping so maybe...
  16. Weetamoo93

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Get Rid of Dirty Coop Bedding?

    I scatter it in the run for composting. The system is a work in progress, but I try to make my chickens do the composting work.
  17. Weetamoo93

    First Time Broody Stepped on Chicks?

    I need to find the source, but I think I read somewhere that Plymouth Rocks have a reputation for stepping on their hatching chicks? They're a bit clumsy at that stage? I'll rummage about and check on that. I realize what happened to these two may not be something I can fix, but I like...
  18. Weetamoo93

    First Time Broody Stepped on Chicks?

    @Cinnamon Roll , forgot to mention all my birds Plymouth Rocks. My climate is super humid, so I don't think it could be a shrink wrap issue. I try for very minimal intervention because I'm aiming for hardier birds. At least she didn't flip and murder two chicks like my last broody. I think the...
  19. Weetamoo93

    First Time Broody Stepped on Chicks?

    002 (my hens are numbered) is a first time broody of two years. She had seven eggs of the ten I placed under her make it to hatch day. First two started to hatch today, but when I checked they had died before finishing. I removed the deceased chicks and carefully pulled away the shell, checking...
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