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  • Users: liz_s
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  1. liz_s

    Weird Behavior

    Hi! Sorry for the time in between replies. The morning after I wrote this, BBG was very sick looking. We took her to the vet and the Dr. said she had what felt like an unshelled egg in the tubes, but most horrifying was that she was incredibly anemic because she had a huge load of lice! We have...
  2. liz_s

    Weird Behavior

    Thank you LofMc! You know, that makes sense. That's a super-intense show of dominance, though! To make yourself miserable just to keep the other one from getting on the roost. Sheesh! Yeah, Pidgey definitely isn't broody. I don't think she's even laid her first egg yet. She's very young. BBG...
  3. liz_s

    Weird Behavior

    Hi y'all! It's been a long time since I've posted! I apologize for the length, but I'm hoping that all the info will help with suggestions. Some background: we have 3 chickens. Myrtle is from our original flock of 3 (the other 2 passed away, we lost Toki a few months ago). BBG was adopted from...
  4. liz_s

    Lost a chicken, trying to identify the culprit

    Thanks Wrooster! Originally we assumed it was a cat because there's one in the neighborhood that eats a ton of the wild birds. He's in the yard frequently. We'll take care of it if he gets caught, but for now I'm following chickencoop789's advice and using marshmallows and peanut butter. I...
  5. liz_s

    Lost a chicken, trying to identify the culprit

    Thanks iwiw60! I think the coop is probably fine, though. The problem was that we left it open :(. Chickencoop789, I agree- we are very fortunate we only lost the one. I appreciate the tip about the bait- we'll give it a try! It's still hard without that sweet girl. It's messed with the dynamics...
  6. liz_s

    Lost a chicken, trying to identify the culprit

    Thank you for the condolences. The more I read about it, the more I agree with you two that it was a raccoon. We caught our main cat perp in the live cage last night, but I let him go. I was glad to. I guess the best news out of all of this is that I didn't lose all of the girls. It sounds like...
  7. liz_s

    Lost a chicken, trying to identify the culprit

    Hi, Well, the unthinkable happened and one of my girls was killed either Monday night or Tuesday morning. I thought my fiancé closed the coop, and he thought I had done it. In the morning I came out to feathers in clumps all over the yard and her body near the fence. It was all torn up and...
  8. liz_s

    Pale comb, lethargic, droopy tail: egg bound?

    Hello, So, one of my girls (my best layer) is having problems. It's been unseasonably warm here, and I've closed the window in the coop, so it's not getting much air. The reason I mention this is that the last time she had these symptoms I think it was related to overheating. Here's what I...
  9. liz_s

    Is she eggbound or just broody?

    That's exactly it!!! Amazing! Gotta love youTube- spot on! Thank you for sharing :D
  10. liz_s

    Is she eggbound or just broody?

    Thanks guys! It's just so bizarre that she'd get broody after so many years. Chickens are so weird. I'll check her tomorrow, and then see if I can break her habit!
  11. liz_s

    Is she eggbound or just broody?

    Hi! So, for the last two days, one of my girls has been hanging out in her nest box. I didn't really notice until today, because she comes out in the morning, and they're in their coop by the time I close it up. She's been laying for 3 years now, and none of the girls have ever been broody...
  12. liz_s

    Limping but otherwise healthy hen- any ideas?

    I thought I replied 7hens- apparently it didn't make it! Thanks for the advice of comparing feet- I didn't think of that! She has had what looks like junk on her feet, so I'll try to clean it off to make sure. Was your chicken free-ranging? I guess I need to do more research about how they can...
  13. liz_s

    Limping but otherwise healthy hen- any ideas?

    That is really helpful!! Thanks a ton :). I'll keep an eye on her to make sure she keeps roosting. You have put my mind at ease- I sincerely appreciate it!
  14. liz_s

    Limping but otherwise healthy hen- any ideas?

    Hi! So, my 3 and 1/2 year old chicken started limping yesterday. She favors her foot/leg, but will still put weight on it to walk around, and even runs in a sort of skipping way. She is acting like herself, and I inspected her foot/leg and there are no obvious injuries. No sores or cracks, the...
  15. liz_s

    Could use some suggestions for the classic stray cat problem please!

    This sounds good. I don't think the cat's owners really care too much about her, but it doesn't really feel right to trap her and just give her away. Plus, I think I said before, they'd likely just get another one. Maybe if I told them they'd do something about it. I don't know. Since I posted...
  16. liz_s

    Could use some suggestions for the classic stray cat problem please!

    Hmmm... checked around and it looks like there's a chance my chickens will eat the bbs. I may have to do some more research.
  17. liz_s

    Could use some suggestions for the classic stray cat problem please!

    Wow! A lot of you guys are pretty hardcore! Thanks for the great suggestions. I think I'm going to try the bb gun first, mostly because it would be really satisfying. But I think trapping the kitty may end up being the best solution. She's really pretty, and seems sweet although skittish, so...
  18. liz_s

    Could use some suggestions for the classic stray cat problem please!

    I guess the only problem with physically getting rid of the cat is that the owners would likely just get another one. This one is at least their 3rd, but the other two never bothered the chickens. I think I just need to either scare it bad enough or make my yard undesirable.
  19. liz_s

    Could use some suggestions for the classic stray cat problem please!

    ...will come into my yard. I let my girls free-range, but this one cat has made them so scared they won't even come out of their coop anymore. Now, *I* know that the cat wouldn't stand a chance against them, but the chickens don't. And honestly, I'm pretty sure the cat couldn't really care...
  20. liz_s

    Heat stroke again?

    I think one of my girls got heat exhaustion a few weeks ago. She was panting heavily, her comb was almost white, and her tail was droopy. She was lethargic and wouldn't even drink water. I put her in cool water in the bathtub for about 15 minutes and went out and sprayed every shaded area with...
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