Heat stroke again?


May 16, 2010
Washington State
I think one of my girls got heat exhaustion a few weeks ago. She was panting heavily, her comb was almost white, and her tail was droopy. She was lethargic and wouldn't even drink water. I put her in cool water in the bathtub for about 15 minutes and went out and sprayed every shaded area with water to cool it off. When she finally stopped panting I brought her back outside. She drank water off of the grass blades, and sat down in the shade. It took her about 4 hours to get back to being perky, but a few days at least before the normal color of her comb came back.

Today I wasn't able to get out to them to make sure they had shade and water, and she's exhibiting similar symptoms again. Mainly just the droopy tail and not quite as perky as the other girls. It's almost dusk and she just went into the coop, to lay an egg I assume, which is really odd for her. When I went back to check on her she had hopped up on her roost, but is panting despite the temperatures being much cooler. No egg laid.

I checked her abdomen to see if it was hard, but it doesn't feel like there's anything in there.

Has anybody had a similar experience? Does it sound like heat exhaustion? I'm concerned that this has happened more than once, but I have a feeling it's the heat. I just want to cover my bases.

Thanks for any help!

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