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  1. newchickenista

    16 week old white leghorns eating oyster shell??

    Hi! I have eight 16 week old white leghorn pullets that, yesterday, I integrated into my flock of laying hens. Because the leghorns aren't laying yet, I switched the entire flock to an all flock feed and am free feeding oyster shell separately in the coop for the laying hens. Today, I went out...
  2. newchickenista

    Crossing Silver Laced Wyandotte's with other breeds...what do you get??

    Hello all! I added some chicks to my flock late this winter. Among other things, I ordered 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets. I ended up with 2 SLW roosters and 1 pullet, lol. I will keep one of these roos, and now I am planning which of my hens I will put in the new coop with him. I have hens...
  3. newchickenista

    13 week old SLW roo or hen?

    I have these two Silver Laced Wyandottes, both are 13 weeks old. I know the pictures are horrible, but as you can see, the SLW in the first pic has an obviously redder and larger comb and wattles than the SLW in the second pic. As you can see in the second pic, in the background, I have a third...
  4. newchickenista

    6 Week old Silver Laced Wyandotte, Boy or Girl??

    Hello all, and happy Easter weekend! What you are looking at here is my brooder, filled with 15 six week old chicks, all supposed to be pullets. (as you can see, my very curious full grown egg layers wanted to be in the pictures too!) 3 of these chicks are Silver Laced very...
  5. newchickenista

    3 rubber eggs in 1 night --should I be concerned?

    I have 17 hens that are 23 weeks old and are just starting to lay. So far about 4 of them have started laying, one of those her first egg was soft shelled and I found it under the roost. I check every morning and evening under the roost to make sure another one hasn't laid a rubber egg (the...
  6. newchickenista

    Adding 3 day old chicks to 10 day old chicks

    I have 15 chicks that are 1 week and 3 days old (10 days old) that I am brooding...Orscheln's has chicks that are 3 days old, that I would like to get 4-6 of them. Could I put the 3 day old chicks in with my 10 day old chicks?? Any advice??
  7. newchickenista

    Buff Orpington Rooster --Still won't Rooster!

    I have a 21 week old Buff Orpington Rooster that still hasn't crowed!! What's the deal?? He was at the bottom of the pecking order for a while, and frankly, terrified of the hens. But he's gotten over his fear, for the most part, but while all my other roosters (in different coops. He is the...
  8. newchickenista

    Chicks born in the fall. When should I expect my first egg?

    Hello All! My chicks that hatched on the 23rd of September 2015 are 21 weeks old this week, and still no eggs! I know this isn't ab normal and that generally I could still not expect an egg for another few weeks. I have never raised chicks from a fall hatch before this (only ever raised chicks...
  9. newchickenista

    Help! I accidentally Fed my Layers Medicated Chick Feed

    Help! Yesterday morning, in the middle of a very large brain-fart, I accidentally filled my layers feeder with 18% medicated chick feed. I immediately freaked out, climbed in the coop and removed the feed, but about a cup or so of feed had spilled on the ground and I couldn't get it out before...
  10. newchickenista

    What breeds are the earliest layers?

    I am about to add some new chicks to my flock. I am wanting to add, at least a few, that would be early layers. I was wondering what people considered the breeds that come in to laying the earliest?
  11. newchickenista

    Needing some advice on egg laying

    Hello all! I have 12 hens that are of laying age. 8 of them are about 2 years old (2 EE, 2 White Leghorn, 2 Buff Orpington, 1 Australorp, 1 Black Sex Link), and 4 of them are about 4 years old (3 Barred Rocks, 1 Production Red) (I have another 17 waiting in the wings that are 18 weeks old and...
  12. newchickenista

    Any differences between Barred Plymouth Rocks and White Plymouth Rocks?

    I know this is a silly, silly question, but, I'm going to ask it anyway. Should I expect a Barred Plymouth Rock and a White Plymouth Rock to be the same in everything except color? Should I expect a White Rock to lay just as good as a Barred Rock?? Like I said, I know that is probably a...
  13. newchickenista

    Introducing a young rooster to a flock

    I have a flock of 4 hens that are 4 years old. I have some roosters that I have raised in a separate coop that are 16 weeks old. I would like to introduce one of the roosters into my 4 year old hens. How should I go about this? Can I just put the rooster in the pen and be ready to grab him out...
  14. newchickenista

    How many roosters in one coop?

    I have a coop that has a 10' x 20' run and an 8' x 10' house with plenty of roost space. I will have 17 hens in this coop, will I be able to keep 2 roosters in this coop?
  15. newchickenista

    All flock??

    I am currently feeding 12 laying hens and 29 10 week old chicks. I am feeding the hens layer crumbles and I am feeding the 10 week Olds a medicated starter/grower crumble. I am interested in switching them all over to a "all flock" feed and providing oyster she'll for the adult birds. What is...
  16. newchickenista

    Wanting to hear people's experience with coop size

    I am planning a coop for around 15 chickens. I have a 10' x 20' run that I am going to attach some sort of hen house to. I know I have plenty of room in the run, but my question is in the hen house what is the base amount of space I can get by with? I know the general guideline people go by is...
  17. newchickenista

    7 week old chicks in the fall...

    ...11/14 64/ 48 Sun 11/15 58/49 Mon 11/16 68/61 Tue 11/17 65/41 Wed 11/18 61/41 **Chicks are 8 weeks old here** Thur 11/19 67/ 44 Fri 11/20 68 / 41 Sat 11/21 57/37 Sun 11/22 52/...
  18. newchickenista

    Best Chicken Magazines

    What magazines does everybody subscribe to or read regularly? I know there aren't alot of magazines that cover chickens, but of the ones there are, which ones do you consider to be the best?
  19. newchickenista

    What are favorite scraps? And what not to feed...

    I've never fed my girls much in the way of kitchen scraps, but now that I am looking at feeding 40 full grown hens come spring, I am thinking I'd like to integrate scraps into their daily meals. So comment below and let me know what are your girls favorite "treats", and what are the big time "no...
  20. newchickenista

    Books you recommend...

    I am interested in what books anyone qould recommend on keeping chickens? I know about Storey' guide, but what else? Are there any books dedicated completely to keeping chickens the "old fashioned way"? How about for free range chickens? Interested in any recommendations!
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