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  1. littlelemon

    Chicken Crafts! (Show Off Your Craftiness)

    ...I made some wool felt hen ornaments. I wanted to make an ornament for each breed of chicken I have kept, but I only got around to making three- Buff Orp, Speckeled Sussex and Buckeye. Maybe someday I will finish the rest! **I am having trouble posting the pics but I will try again in a...
  2. littlelemon

    Littlelemons Page

    I am Amy, homeschooling mom to 3. We love raising chickens! We started out with chickens as a way to teach our children about food production. It has been a very real, very educational, and sometimes heartwrenching journey for our family, and we enjoy it very much. We have had several...
  3. littlelemon

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    I have a Buckeye hen that I would like to sell. She is 2 years old, and while I like the breed I get quite annoyed at their broodiness. I have a pair of them left from the eggs I bought from Buckeye Dave ( and I am going to keep one and sell the other so I only have to deal...
  4. littlelemon

    Light Sussex chicks- 7 weeks old- pictures- help me sex them!

    I wanted to mention that some of the gray coloring you see on some of the chick's backs is from when I had to spray Blu-Kote on some of them when they were 2 weeks old. They were pecking bloody spots on one another and the Blu-Kote stopped it- however that stuff sure takes forever to wear off!
  5. littlelemon

    Light Sussex chicks- 7 weeks old- pictures- help me sex them!

    I have 5 Light Sussex chicks that I am trying to sex. Will you please help me? The pictures aren't great, it was a windy day today so the feathers ruffled in the wind, and I had to snap the pictures quickly before the chicks flew off the roof of the coop. One of them is obviously a cockerel...
  6. littlelemon

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Quote: Hi Chemguy! I am originally from Springfield, and my parents still live there- sounds like they are located close to you. I can't help you on where to get your supplies, but I am sure there are plenty of feed stores close to you. Have fun building your flock!
  7. littlelemon

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Quote: I have a light sussex roo that you can have for $5. He is 7 weeks old.
  8. littlelemon

    HUGE BYC Contest – Pics W/ Tudy- FB Tags - WINNER ANNOUNCED

    Thanks for the update Sean- Yay on that first egg!
  9. littlelemon

    Close ups!!! Post your best close up pics of your chicken

    I like this one of my Austrolorp. It looks like she is talking to me
  10. littlelemon

    HUGE BYC Contest – Pics W/ Tudy- FB Tags - WINNER ANNOUNCED

    S.L.Swope : Yeah My borther in-law won!!!! He's totally not into chickens but loves me and posted an entry and told me I could have what ever he won!! :celebrateYeah for me THANKS MARTY!!!! Sleepy Officer Swope!! Oh, I loved that pic of the sleeping guy- That one made my day when I saw it...
  11. littlelemon

    Chicken coop plans on the Lowe's Creative Ideas Website~

    This looks a bit complicated than it need be- but, what a cute little coop!
  12. littlelemon

    HUGE BYC Contest – Pics W/ Tudy- FB Tags - WINNER ANNOUNCED

    Congratulations Sean!!!! This was a fun contest. I am looking forward to more in the future!
  13. littlelemon

    Day 20 first pip!!! - Update - another one zipped and we have a chick!

    I just had my hatch, and the first chick to pip also did not make it. It struggled for 2 days to get out of the shell. He got the bottom half of the shell off and his little legs are out, but he could not get the top half off from around his head. I have learned from experience that it is...
  14. littlelemon

    Oh man, I had to open the incubator- please keep your fingers crossed!

    Well, it is Wednesday and I have 8 chicks in the bator. The first one that pipped got his legs out, but he is stuck in the top half of his shell and will not make it (opening the bator may have adversely affected him if he had already pipped through the shell membrane). Poor thing has been...
  15. littlelemon

    Oh man, I had to open the incubator- please keep your fingers crossed!

    My eggs are due to hatch on Wednesday. Today is Monday, and I opened the incubator to take out the egg turner. Lo and behold I heard cheeping, and when I took a closer look I noticed that 4 of the eggs had pips! I quickly moved the eggs, took out the turner, added water to the trough, and...
  16. littlelemon

    One of my hens poops on her egg EVERY SINGLE TIME!

    I feel kind of silly even posting this, but it is really getting on my nerves. I have had hens for 5 years now, and they are pretty clean in the nest box. I have had poop in the nest box before, but it is usually when I have a broody hen in there, or just a random poop once in awhile. I have...
  17. littlelemon

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Quote: I-O! Sounds like you're close to us, we're in Morrow Co. I-O! NW Delaware County here
  18. littlelemon

    NEW BYC Program & Partnership - Sell Your Extra Eggs! April Fools 2011

    Wow, this one is SO MUCH better than the ones you had the past 2 years! I didn't suspect AT ALL~
  19. littlelemon

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Quote: Meyer Hatchery in Polk, Ohio has Buff Orpington eggs. (Link goes to the ordering page for them.) I am in Columbus and I *really* want two Buff Orpington pullets to add to my flock--but I need them already started. Let me know if you'd like to work something out. Dawn I will do that...
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