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  • Users: Heat
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  1. Heat

    Feeding flock that is forced to be cooped up

    Hey all, I recently lost close to 20 of my poultry (hens, roos, and ducks) to the coyote family that has moved in below my property. I have a total of 5 hens with 14 chicks that have been forced to live in a 18 FT * 5 FT green house turned into a coop. This is not ideal, and I am not happy...
  2. Heat

    Late Fall chicks

    This morning I went to open up my chicken coop per usual, however before I reached the door knob I heard the sound of chirping coming from inside. Low and behold as soon as the door was opened I saw 7 little black fuzzballs hoping around the coop floor, mama nearby (I thought she was a goner as...
  3. Heat

    Black Japanese Bantam show quality?

    Good afternoon! I am looking to enter our Black Japanese Bantam Roo into the fair (just for the heck of it), and was wondering what to look for regarding show qualities. I have done a little research and (I never thought I would say this about Bonsai) I think his legs are too long. How short...
  4. Heat

    2 lethargic chicks

    Last Friday I had a hen come home with 8 chicks. This morning there were only 7, which I know happens. Especially when mama stays outside the coop at night and I have no idea where she is nesting. But there are 2 other chicks that weren't scratching or milling around with mama like the others...
  5. Heat

    What's up with Dotty's butt? **Graphic image**

    Hey there BYC peeps. I have a blue laced red wyandotte named Dotty. Last month Dotty was bleeding from her behind, and it almost looked like part of her innards were trying to come out . It cleared up after about a week and we found a bloody egg in the coop around the same time it cleared up...
  6. Heat

    What do you do with deceased chickens?

    Hey all, I have a flock of 36 chickens, and 7 of them are reaching their 7th and 8th years. I am expecting them to start dying off from old age. I have had many people tell me to just cull them because they aren't laying much anymore, but with them being my pets they are a part of the family...
  7. Heat

    She brought us 8 baby chicks....

    One of our hens went astray almost a month ago. We just assumed she was broody somewhere (since this isn't the first time one of our hens went astray to be broody). Well today our dogs were all excited and hoovering around a hen, who happened to be Apple (our stray chicken) with a bunch of...
  8. Heat

    How old is your oldest Hen or Roo?

    I just acquired my moms flock of chickens which include 8 Hens and a Roo. Stellar (the Roo) is 7 years old. All but 2 of the hens are also 7, the other two are 5 years old. How old do chickens tend to live before dying of natural causes (any breeds seem to live longer than others)? How old...
  9. Heat

    Banty chicks - 4 1/2 weeks

    Any guesses on what breed of Banty I may have? I am about 90% sure one is a roo....
  10. Heat

    Lump on throat/upper chest

    Any idea what might be going on? It's soft. My mom said it started up at the top of her neck and worked it's way down. It also used to be hard. I recently acquired her and 8 other chickens from my mom. She at one point was feeding them all straight scratch, which was shortly before the lump...
  11. Heat

    Hen is broody away from the yard...

    I thought I had lost a hen when she stopped coming into the coop at night and didn't see her the next morning. Well my hubby found her yesterday... hiding under a pile of brush he was moving to burn.... needless to say I had him put the brush back. So she has been broody approximately 17 days...
  12. Heat

    Rogue chicken

    2 weeks ago I thought we lost a hen as she didn't return to the coop with the rest of the flock. But the next morning I found her out in the run, completely soaked (I scoured the run, upper yard, lower yard, and woods with a flashlight the night before and didn't see her). Then the next night...
  13. Heat

    Duck or chicken eggs?

    How can you tell the difference? My ducks are in with my hens and I have a suspicion I have been getting duck eggs without knowing.. I've noticed them in the nest the hens regularly use. This morning they were laying in a corner and stayed there at least 30 minutes after I opened the coop...
  14. Heat

    My "security" for my flock

    After loosing one of my ladies to a hawk I decided to leave my Malamute/Heeler/Coyote mix outside with them... None of them seem to mind him hanging out with them and he doesn't chase/attack them... actually I have gotten really lucky and none of my dogs attack my flock (I have 5...
  15. Heat

    Mastiff puppies :-D

    Just wanted to share our two newest additions to the "zoo"... Meet Calypso and Artemis, they are sisters... 17 week old Mastiff pups. They are weighing in at around 45 pounds each :-) <---- Calypso... she has taken a fond liking to my green recliner... not sure what I am going to do when I...
  16. Heat

    2 Roos?

    I currently have a flock of 12 hens, a roo, a drake, and two ducks. Their coop is a large 6’ by 20’ fiberglass greenhouse and they have a fenced yard attached (say 20’ by 20’). Most of the hens leave the fenced yard and free range around our property. I have 8 chicks brooding in the house, in...
  17. Heat

    Help me identify my predator please? **slightly graphic description**

    The hubs and I just recently moved and brought our flock with us. They are now living in an old greenhouse with a dug down foundation and fenced in yard. I let them out once the sun is up and bring them back inside before it is dark. Last night the hubs came home before me and was tending to...
  18. Heat

    16% or 20% Layer Mash

    So I am getting ready to order 6 months worth of feed. This is the first time I have ordered it (normally mu mom does it and I just get bags from her). But I am not sure what the difference would be between getting the 16% and 20%. Which would be "better" for the laying hens? We have been...
  19. Heat

    9 brown eggs and 1 blue egg....

    I have a mixed flock of 10 pullets and 1 roo. The pullets include 2 Easter Eggers (that were labeled Amerucanas....). The other day I went to collect the eggs and I found 10 eggs (woo hoo! it was the most eggs I have found since they began laying). However 9 were brown and 1 was the Easter...
  20. Heat

    Vibram Five Fingers....

    I love my Five Fingers They give my Monkey Toes the freedom they crave I actually own 2 pairs now. The first pair I got were two tone green... I loved them and had to get these this year... will be getting a third pair soon as I wear them EVERYDAY! Rain or shine! Anyone else have a...
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