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  • Users: 1birdlady
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  1. 1birdlady

    Weed: sweet annie, "Artemisia Annua"

    Does anyone know if this can be fed to chickens? It's growing all over the it can be a malaria cure...but not finding anything on feeding it to poultry. TIA! :)
  2. 1birdlady

    Small eggs after large ones

    Our 3 Barred Rocks are now 2 yrs old....they went rather dormant during winter here (Houston, TX), laying one or two and sometimes no eggs for days. Now they are laying again, one normal large/jumbo egg a day..sometimes none, but at least 4-5 times in the last month, we have found a tiny "quail"...
  3. 1birdlady

    broken eggs in nest box

    We have 3 of our original 4 hens, now almost 2 yrs old. Barred rocks. They have been laying sporadically during these coolish dark months, one, two or NO eggs a day. (We're in the Houston Texas area). These past two days we are finding one egg smashed in the nest box.....then today two...
  4. 1birdlady

    My sister Rita

    To all who posted on this topic last year, I want you all to know it was and IS so appreciated. Your thoughts and cards really brightened her day. It is with such sadness I'm posting that she did not win her last battle with cancer. The last few months were extremely difficult, as she was in...
  5. 1birdlady

    Wow: BIG egg

    Just had to share...this is the biggest to date from our 4 Barred Rock girls: The others in the picture are average daily eggs and one white store bought "Large" egg. WTG Ladies! (whoever made this one!)
  6. 1birdlady

    Freeloader no more :)

    Well, of our 4 Barred Rocks, we had one (Mimi), that was not laying and the lowest on the rung of hierarchy....always last to get to the treats and picked on if she tried to get in on "their" goodies before they were done. She is the sweetest one of the 4 too....(of course). After 8 months...
  7. 1birdlady

    My sister, Rita...GREAT NEWS!

    As many of you know, my sister under went surgery, chemo and radiation for lung cancer several months ago. She is recovering slowly but surely. She went for a pet scan last Monday, and called with the results yesterday...she is now CANCER FREE! (Thank you Lord!!!) Of course she will go for...
  8. 1birdlady

    4 pullets, one not maturing

    The problem we see, is we got these 4 chicks at 3 days old; almost identical little "penguins", (Barred Rocks) back around April (Easter). Their development has been quite different among them. 2 developed combs and wattles about 6 weeks ago, and began doing the "squat", (haha...funny...
  9. 1birdlady

    My sister has cancer

    September 28, 2009 To my BYC “Family”, As some of you know, my sister Rita has been under going treatment for lung cancer. She had 2/3rds of a lung removed, as well as some rib bones back in May this year. This is her last two weeks of “big guns” chemo and she is just miserable. She has...
  10. 1birdlady

    Odd, or precocious behavior

    We have 4 Barred Rocks pullets that were all 3 days old when we bought them. They are Maggie, Martha, Molly and Mimi. They are about 18 weeks old now. Maggie and Martha now have full red combs and wattles. Molly and Mimi have just barely combs coming in and no wattles at all yet. Mimi is on...
  11. 1birdlady

    Hi y'all..hurricane preps for chicks?

    We are in the Gulf Coast area, and expect hurricanes from June to November. How do y'all take care of your chicks /chickens IF a hurricane is imminent? We have only 4 BR's, and thought about putting them in a large dog kennel (or 2) and bringing them in the house, but they'd have to be...
  12. 1birdlady

    Our Babies are Growing up!

    Oh my, but our babies are they are about 8-9 weeks old! Wow, but they grow fast!
  13. 1birdlady


    The girls went to bed around 8pm this evening...they huddle in a corner of their house...I went to look around 9, just to make sure all was well, and this is what I found! DH re-located it to the pond about a mile down the road....ewww! (not sure it uploaded?) Dunno how to do this. It was a...
  14. 1birdlady

    Hi chicken "Mom"

    We are now the proud "parents" of 4 baby Barred Rocks, see picture attached... We picked them up last Friday, and they are under heat light and over heating pad in a very long box. They can move away if they feel like it. So far, so good. No pasty butts yet, and they seem perky and funny...
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