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  1. house.of.ducks

    Duck has infection on neck !!

    Hello everyone, my poor welsh harlequin has a nasty lump on her neck from over-mating and I was hoping for some assistance because I am beyond worried for her. As of right now I have WAY too many drakes, because I let my muscovy hatch some of everyone’s eggs last summer and have been unable to...
  2. house.of.ducks

    Drakes for rehoming in Connecticut !! Urgent !!

    I have 3 drakes in desperate need of rehoming (I am located in CT). It’s not that I don’t have the time or resources to care for them, I just have WAY too many drakes and they are tearing one of my females apart. I don’t know why they single out my welshy, but they do and she now has an...
  3. house.of.ducks

    ISO: 1-2 Goslings in CT !!

    Last summer I lost my two sweet chinese geese when a fox attacked my flock. It’s taken me awhile to feel ready to get more geese, but I finally am !! I live in Connecticut and I’d be happy with any breed. I’m only looking for up to 2 babies.
  4. house.of.ducks

    Advice on selling duck eggs ??

    Hey everyone !! It’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted here, it’s a long story but A LOT, both good and bad has happened with the flock since last spring, maybe I’ll get into that some other time. Anyway, money has been tight lately and I’ve been getting AT LEAST 5 eggs from the ducks every...
  5. house.of.ducks


    this really isn’t my or my flock’s year. the fox came back (he’s taken two ducks before) despite extra precautions and killed my two 1.5 month old chinese goslings. i hand raised them and spent hours outside in the lawn with them every day talking to them and watching them graze. and he bit my...
  6. house.of.ducks

    PLEASE HELP duck eye??

    I don’t have time for a long explanation because i’m on my way to TSC rn so i want to see if there’s anything i can purchase there by the time i get there but my cayuga’s eye looks like this. her inner eyelid the one that is like see through is fine and she seems to be acting normally. her...
  7. house.of.ducks

    Looking for duck in CT

    Hello! I currently have 7 ducks (2 of them drakes) and two geese. I am looking for another duck (preferably old enough to live outside and female). One of my two welshies who were very closely bonded recently passed and i was hoping to get another duck to help cheer her up as everyone else seems...
  8. house.of.ducks

    Fox keeps taking ducks!!

    So far i have had two ducks taken by a fox in my neighborhood. The first was one of my two young muscovies back in November or December, and just yesterday one of my welshies (one of the 2 first ducks i ever got) was taken and she would have been 2 years old on September 5th. I think of my ducks...
  9. house.of.ducks

    Please help!! I think my goslings have pasty butt or are sick??

    I have two 4 day old chinese goslings. They seem to be healthy and act normally (in my opinion) and to be happy. This is my first time with goslings and i’m terrified that something will happen to them. Earlier today i noticed some poop hanging out of one of them so i gave them both a bath and...
  10. house.of.ducks

    advice for first time gosling owner?

    I haven’t been on BYC for awhile now, but I figured that since I have two Chinese goslings arriving this week (hopefully anyways, my order has already been delayed twice due to problems at the hatchery, first low egg production and then some sort of quarantine. I ordered from Metzer Farms as...
  11. house.of.ducks

    Where to get call ducklings?

    So I’m planning on getting some call ducklings soon (around early September) but most places I’ve researched won’t have any babies around that time. I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere near me or that I can order from (with a low min. order I only want like 2 calls to start with). I live...
  12. house.of.ducks

    Experience with Al’s Quackery??

    Hi! So I’ve been considering ordering some call ducklings from als quackery in the near future and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience ordering for them and if it was good? I’ve ordered from Metzer several times and all my ducks from them arrived happy and healthy and still are to...
  13. house.of.ducks

    Just some pics of my lovely Cayuga lol

    nothing serious lol I just wanted to share these beautiful pictures of Sumatra my 2.5 month old Cayuga duckling. There’s many more on my instagram @ house.of.ducks lol.
  14. house.of.ducks

    Saw coyote or fox near duck pen

    I was at the lake with two of my ducks and I received a phone call from my brother, he had seen either a coyote or a fox (were thinking coyote but I can’t be sure since I didn’t see it) standing near the duck pen and staring at them. My brother says he immediately shouted at it and scared it off...
  15. house.of.ducks

    Raising a ducking alone??

    Ok so my little cousin desperately wants a duckling of his own so I’m probably getting him a buff duckling that I found on Craigslist. She’s two days old and still needs to be kept inside under a heat lamp and I’m planning on picking her up tomorrow morning (I may end up getting her if the woman...
  16. house.of.ducks

    EMERGENCY: sick or injured duck please help!!

    I came home today and my female welsh harlequin duck who’s a little under a year old was laying in the kiddie pool. I was wondering why she didn’t run away when my 3 year old cousin ran up to to her try and pet her. Turns out she can’t walk. All she will do is lay on the ground with her legs...
  17. house.of.ducks

    Duck diapers?

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any good sites I could purchase some reasonably priced duck diapers from. I’ve heard of sewsammi and I’m planning to get some harnesses from them, but their diapers are just a little out of my price range considering I have 6 ducks and would like to have one for...
  18. house.of.ducks

    Treats for ducks?

    I have 6 ducks. 2 female welshies, 1 male and 1 female khaki campbells, a female Cayuga duckling, and a female jumbo pekin duckling. So far their diets consist of whole corn, bok choy, kale, meal worms, occasionally bell peppers, oats (cooked for the babies), and I feed the girls that are laying...
  19. house.of.ducks

    Meet Me and My ducks :)

    (1) Are you new to ducks / when did you first get ducks? I’ve been raising ducks for almost a year now. I got my first ducklings from metzer farms in early September of last year, they’re both female welsh harlequins. (2) How many ducks do you have right now? I have 6 ducks at the time. (3) What...
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